Showing posts with label Tradition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tradition. Show all posts

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Paul Pierce Says Sports Teams Visiting White House Is Stupid Tradition

Paul Pierce is glad Villanova is refusing to visit Trump’s White House to celebrate their NCAA basketball title … saying the tradition is dumb and overrated.  Nova’s coach Jay Wright, announced Thursday the team would not visit 1600…


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Meghan Markle Dares to Violate Royal Tradition... AGAIN

Meghan Markle once starred on the USA Network legal drama Suits.

Which now seems more apt than ever…

… because the beautiful Duchess of Sussex has made it clear of late that she’ll act in whatever way best suits her and she doesn’t really care what her famous family members think about it!

As previously reported, Markle has publicly scoffed at a multitude of Royal traditions ever since marrying Prince Harry in May.

In July, for example, she dared to show off her bare shoulders while at an official event, while also holding her husband’s hand.

Long-time observers and fans of the Royal Family really need to get a new hobby and some kind of life were aghast at this breach of protocol.

Moreover, many Royals themselves have allegedly been pissed at Markle. They’re constantly worried that she will embarrass Her Majesty and/or others close to The Crown via her disrespectful actions.

And that’s exactly what some think she has now done!

On Wednesday, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex spent some time in Sussex itself, visiting with kids from the Westbourne House School and lookng as happy and as in love as ever.

But that was part of the problem, according to some.

Royal Couples are not really supposed to show a great deal of affection in public.

Just think: When was the last time Prince William really laid one on Kate Middleton in front of strangers.

The other controversy brewing as a result of this trip to Sussex centers on Meghan’s attire.

As you can see in the lovely images above, Markle donned a leather skirt for the occasion.

Yes, it went down to her knees, but it still radiated seduction and sex appeal, which is a major no-no within the confines of the Palace and the rules set up generations ago by some old King and Queen.

Then there’s the issue of Markle’s hair.

In this case, folks aren’t looking at it and assuming Markle is pregnant as a result.

They are looking at it and shaking their irritated heads over how the bun is all messed up.

“They are not afraid to hold hands. They don’t mind showing their emotions,” veteran royal photographer, Mark Stewart, previously told People Magazine, while former palace spokesman, Dickie Arbiter, says none of this ought to be a big deal.

“Meghan and Prince Harry holding hands at a royal engagement is a refreshingly modern approach to their new role both as a couple and as representatives of the royal family,” he says.

That makes sense to us.

Or as much sense as anything can make within this really weird, antiquated and wealthy world.


Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Carrie Fisher"s Family Came Together for Christmas for Debbie Reynolds" Tradition

Carrie Fisher’s family was under one roof this Christmas …  a year after the deaths of Carrie and her mother, Debbie Reynolds – and they did it out of tradition. Todd Fisher — Carrie’s brother — tells us the entire family was together…


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar Wedding Secrets Revealed: What Tradition Did She Skip?

If you watched last night’s episode of Counting On, you bore witness to yet another Duggar wedding.

And a Duggar engagement.

Really, the only thing the episode needed in order to be Duggar-iest 60 minutes in television history was a birth and maybe a second coming.

Most of the season premiere focused on Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth getting married at one of those messive Southern churches with a Wal-Mart inside.

(Note to people currently scrolling down to the comments to tell us there’s not a Wal-Mart in the Duggars’ church: It’s a joke, bruh.)

There was a brief, tangential subplot in which Joseph Duggar proposed to Kendra Caldwell, but for the most part, this was Joy-Anna’s time to shine.

In fact, with its steadily declining ratings, the Duggar gals and their frequent weddings are pretty much the only things keeping Counting On afloat.

We won’t bother to point out the irony in a show about a deeply patriarchal family being rescued by a generation of women … or will we?

Anyway, throughout their relationship, Joy-Anna and Austin have bucked tradition, and they kept the very mild rebellion going on their wedding day.

Unlike those rumors about Joy-Anna and Austin breaking courtship rules, the latest rule violation wasn’t one that the Duggars were eager to sweep under the rug.

The couple proudly informed viewers that they threw supersition to the wind and laid eyes on one another before it was time to exchange vows:

“I guess there’s a tradition of not seeing the bride on the wedding day until it’s time to see her in her dress,” Austin told the camera.

“But Joy and I just do things different, and we needed to talk about some things and pray about some things, so we threw tradition out the window.”

Yeah, not too scandalous, but then, the Duggars are probably pretty tired of scandals these days. 

A nice act of incredibly innocuous insurrection probably gets a thumbs up from ol’ Jim Bob.

Heck, he might even split a non-alcoholic beer with the boy one of these days.

Watch Counting On online to relive Joy-Anna and Austin’s road to the altar.


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Duggar Women Reveal Unique Wedding Dress Tradition: WATCH!

Back in November, Jinger Duggar got married to Jeremy Vuolo in the sort of massively-attended ceremony that"s become a Duggar calling card.

(Sources say nearly 1,000 guests watched the couple exchange vows.)

But while the wedding was certainly lavish, it was also rooted in generations of tradition, as the Duggars  are reminding us in a newly-released clip from the upcoming season of Counting On.

Yes, to the chagrin of some fans the Duggars are getting still more mileage out of Jinger"s wedding.

(We figured that well had pretty much run dry after devoting most of last season to the nuptials.)

But at least this time they"re letting us in on a family custom that had  been heretofore undiscussed:

"There’s been a family tradition that whenever one of the girls gets married, they can take a piece of my mom and Grandma Duggar’s dress — they wore the same dress for their weddings,” Jinger tells the camera.

“And so, we take a piece of that dress and incorporate it into our dress.”

So they chop up Grandma Duggar"s wedding dress?

At the rate the Duggars get married and breed that thing is gonna be the size of a dish rag by 2025.

But hey, at least it"s original, and a refreshing change of pace from a family that usually seems allergic to originality.

Yesterday, the Duggars offered dating advice to young women, and their tips were predictably old-fashioned and puritanical.

By comparison this wedding dress thing is like a teen texting about premarital sex while pulling off a skateboard trick.

Duggar women reveal unique wedding dress tradition watch

Monday, January 9, 2017

Sofia Vergara Jokes About "Anal" Tradition of the Golden Globes

Sofia Vergara has very big boobs and talks in an accent.

No, really! It"s true!

The actress has put both of these assets to impressive use of the past several years, rising all the way to the top of the television world on Modern Family.

But it may be time for Vergara to find a new act.

Because she stooped to a rather pathetic low at the 2017 Golden Globe Awards.

On stage to introduce Sylvester Stallone’s three daughters as this year’s Miss Golden Globes, Vergara opened her remarks as follows:

“Good evening. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association has an anal tradition…"

Get it?!? Because annual sounds a lot like anal.

And because anal is a type of naughty sex some people enjoy and because Vergara is considered a major sex symbol.

“I didn’t mean anal," she then said, by way of correction. "I meant they have an anus tradition."

Get it?!? Because anus is another word for buttocks and it kind of, sort of also sounds like annual.

Hilarious, right?

How did Vergara manage to finish her introduction duties without stepping into any more verbal land mines?

(And the heck is Miss Golden Globe still a thing in 2017?!?)

Find out the answer to one of these two questions now:

Sofia vergara jokes about anal tradition of the golden globes

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Kardashians Betrayed and Pregnant: A Tabloid Tradition!

Those poor Kardashians and Jenners.

According to the following tabloid stories, they been pregnant AND betrayed on so many occasions that we almost feel badly for them.

If these stories were actually true, that is…

1. Kylie Jenner: Pregnant! Dumped by Tyga!

Kylie jenner pregnant dumped by tyga

Kylie Jenner is pregnant! And has been dumped! According to this hilarious tabloid cover, that is.

2. Kim Kardashian Dumped?!?

Kim kardashian dumped

In Touch really has to lay off Kim Kardashian. Of course she has gained weight. She’s pregnant!

3. Kourtney Kardashian: Pregnant Again?

Kourtney kardashian pregnant again

Is Kourtney Kardashian pregnant again?!? Yes, according to this tabloid at least.

4. Kim Kardashian Pregnant Story

Kim kardashian pregnant story

No way Kim Kardashian is pregnant again…. right?!? Try telling that to this tabloid cover story!

5. Khloe Kardashian Pregnancy Claim

Khloe kardashian pregnancy claim

Khloe Kardashian is not pregnant. Shockingly, Star Magazine for this one wrong.

6. Pregnant Kardashians!!!

Pregnant kardashians

All three Kardashian sister are engaged, according to this cover. Except that, you know, they are not all pregnant.

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