Showing posts with label Vergara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vergara. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Teresa Giudice: Sofia Vergara Should Be Nicer Since She"s an Immigrant!

Earlier this month, NeNe Leakes went up on stage and told a heckler that she hoped that she gets raped. It was neither a good thing to say nor a good career move.

Well, there must be something awful in the air that"s making Real Housewives go up on stage and stay stupid, offensive things. This time, the perpetrator is Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice.

Teresa Giudice … being unkind? Difficult to imagine, we know. As you"ll see in the video below, the subject of her ire is none other than actress Sofia Vergara.

Teresa giudice instagram pose

Teresa Giudice is getting blasted right now for some inflammatory, offensive comments that she made on stage for a panel discussion titled: "Gettin" Real With The Housewives."

Teresa, perhaps best known for flipping tables and for serving time in prison, was asked about her celebrity encounters.

The best … and the worst.

Teresa was quick to point the finger at Modern Family actress Sofia Vergara.

She describes Sofia as a "b–ch," saying that she stepped in front of her and captured the spotlight.

Oh, and Teresa also commented that Sofia should be nicer, because she"s an immigrant.

Sofia vergara at the globes

Obviously, this is offensive, potentially on multiple levels.

Let"s start with how it"s potentially unfair — Teresa seems to be describing Sofia"s entire personality based upon a single encounter in which the two women were photographed together.

But … what"s really grabbing people"s attention is the outright xenophobia and potential racism.

The suggestions that immigrants in particular should be nice or good-natured is appalling.

Sure, everyone should be nice. 

Suggesting that a particular class of people are obligated to be nice … has all sorts of nasty implications and really shows that you don"t consider them to be equals.

While the folks over at TMZ who first shared this video were quick to point out the xenophobia, we think that Teresa is specifically motivated by racism.

Teresa giudice on season 8

Do you know why we think that this is racism and not more garden variety xenophobia?

Because Teresa Giudice"s husband, Joe Giudice, is an immigrant.


The dude"s in prison now, and it"s even possible that Joe Giudice will be deported after he finishes serving his sentence.

Joe was born in Italy, which makes him an immigrant.

What"s more is that Joe Giudice never obtained US citizenship.

So we more than suspect that Teresa doesn"t have a problem with just any old immigrant.

What"s different about Sofia? Well, she"s not a European immigrant — she"s Columbian.

Sofia also became a US citizen — even getting a perfect score on her citizenship test. Which should be easy for US citizens who were born here but requires a lot of learning for a newcomer.

(Seriously, you can take it for fun online and it"s not hard, but a disturbingly large number of native citizens would be unable to pass it)

Sofia vergara

Sofia Vergara is a celebrated, award-winning actress and the highest paid woman on television. She also ranks reasonably high up there among the most powerful women in the world, in some listings.

We guess that, to Teresa Giudice, she was born in Columbia and that makes her somehow … lesser. That"s sad.

You know what else jumps out at us about this?

Teresa Giudice believing that immigrants should be nice implies that she doesn"t believe that native citizens have to be friendly.

And that explains a lot about Teresa Giudice.

Teresa giudice sofia vergara should be nicer since shes an immig

Teresa Giudice Calls Sofia Vergara a Bitch and a Not-So-Nice Immigrant

Teresa Giudice thinks Sofia Vergara acted like a “bitch” during a photo-op, which is totally out of line because — according to Teresa — Sofia’s an immigrant and oughta act nice.  The ‘RHONJ’ star spilled the beans last week during a…


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Sofia Vergara Gets Nick Loeb"s Embryo Lawsuit Dismissed in Louisiana

Sofia Vergara just got a huge W in her frozen embryo battle with her ex — a judge dismissed the case, saying Nick Loeb had no business suing her in Louisiana … TMZ has learned. According to docs, the judge said the court had no jurisdiction…


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sofia Vergara Poses TOTALLY Nude at 45 Years Old!!!

In this world, there are a few things we know beyond the shadow of a doubt.

The earth is round. Donald Trump will most likely kill us all. Sofia Vergara is one of the most attractive people in the history of people.

And while certain celebrities may dispute the first thing, and while that second thing is pretty pressing, let’s just focus on Sofia for right now, OK?

Sofia and her overwhelming, undeniable, all-encompassing hotness.

“But why are we talking about how beautiful Sofia Vergara is?” you may be wondering. “Everybody already knows all about it.”

And if you are wondering that, you have a good point.

But the reason we are taking the time to sing this woman’s praises today is because — brace yourself — she just posed nude.

Really, she did that:

This is the cover of Women’s Health first ever Naked Issue, and it’s … well, it sure is something.

And naturally, so was the interview that accompanied the cover.

Sofia, who, let’s be real, is always fun in interviews, says that she’s told her rep, “I’m going to be 45 years old! Stop putting me in naked things! Let me age with dignity!”

“People say, ‘Oh, you look like you’re in your twenties,"” she continues. “Well, it’s not true.”

She says that her skin is different now than it was when she was younger — “I had never thought of the word ‘pore,’ then I’m like, ‘Sh-t! What do I do with these?"”

But although she’s older than she once was, and although she has recently become acquainted with the concept of pores, she still wanted to do this nude cover.

“Here’s a woman, 45, being able to show her body,” she explains. “It’s not like before, when it was just young girls.”

At another point in the interview — actually at several points — she brings up her husband, Joe Manganiello.

“One of the first things Joe told me when we started dating was, ‘I like how you’re always very well put together,"” she remembers.

“He said, ‘I’ve had girlfriends that are all day long prancing around the house in sweats, no makeup.’ I’m not saying that’s bad; it’s great.”

But she says that “For good or for worse, it’s the way I grew up: accept yourself but also be better than yourself.”

Joe seems to be especially into physical fitness — she also says that he built a gym in their home, and she works out three or four times a week.

“It’s like torture for me,” she confesses. “I’m in a bad mood two hours before, I’m in a bad mood while I’m doing it, I’m in a bad mood at the end because I have to schedule the next class.”

Oh, Sofia, you’ve never been more relatable.

And, just for fun, a story about boobs:

Sofia says that before the photo shoot for the cover, she was sent some photos of potential poses — as she describes it, “They’re all of tall models holding their boobs with one arm.”

“But I can barely cover my boobs with two arms — I’m a 32-triple-D!”

Then, right in the middle of the restaurant where the interview took place, she grabs a hold of her chest and says “My boobs are real, and I had a baby.”

“If I grab them, I can’t even cover the nipple!”

Never change, Sofia.


Friday, May 5, 2017

Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello Defend Marriage, SLAM Haters on Instagram

Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello would like to make something very clear:

Not only do they comprise a great looking couple, but they are doing just great as a couple as well.

Thanks for not even bothering to ask!

The latest issue of Star Magazine alleges that the Modern Family star was “caught cheating in Rome” and has been spotted on numerous occasions without her wedding ring on.

The cover also screams, in all capital letters, that the marriage between Vergera and Manganiello is “OVER!”

Is it really, though?

In an angry Instagram post, Vergara blasted these infidelity claims, stating that the tabloid Photoshopped the image in which it detailed how her finger was lacking a ring.

“The editor of this magazine is an idiot,” the actress wrote simply, going on and on as follows:

“If he is going to have my ring removed to create fake ‘news,’ he should have made sure that he removed from social media all the other pictures of that award night in Rome where I’m wearing it.

“By the way, that’s my friend, the producer of the movie Bent, that I was shooting in Rome and who came to spend Easter at my home the week later.

“#Starmagazinebullies #goinventsh*itaboutyourmother.”

Wait… a supermarket tabloid twisted a harmless photograph to make it appear scandalous?

It used Photoshop? It flat-out lied? 

Wow. Tell us more.

And that’s exactly what Manganiello himself has done.

The former True Blood star has issued his own spirited post on Instagram, slamming this same cover story and expressing love for his wife.

“Big surprise everyone but Star created a fake story and then photo shopped my wife’s engagement ring off of her finger in order to sell magazines,” he wrote.

“They are run by malicious trash. Do the world a favor and don’t buy their garbage.”

angry joe post

We agree!

Just visit The Hollywood Gossip instead!

We do not charge a thing to read our celebrity news stories and we (mostly) guarantee that they are never fake.

The 40-year-old actor was mostly known for his amazing body and handsome face prior to falling for Vergara.

He opened up in the April issue of Ocean Drive magazine about being a part of a famous twosome these days.

“I was never part of a celebrity couple before this, because I never wanted to go through the difficulty that can bring in terms of paparazzi and attention,” he said at the time.

“The two of us knew that once it became public that we were together — and we had conversations about how that would change a lot of thing.

“[Vergara] is the only woman on the planet that I was willing to go through all of that for, because she’s the greatest.”

Everyone together now: AWWWWWW!

Manganiello added that the attention hasn’t harmed their relationship at all.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

“All that pressure has just brought us closer together,” he says.

“It’s not something that we welcome into our lives. We try to stay private.

“At the end of the day, it’s really nobody else’s business but ours. It’s just that I love her and she loves me and here we are. And there is a price for that when living in the public eye.”


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Sofia Vergara Seeks to Block Nick Loeb from Embryos, End Legal Battle

Sofia Vergara’s firing back at her ex, Nick Loeb, for putting her through the legal ringer for more than 2 years over their embryos … hoping to put an end to the ordeal once and for all. Sofia’s asking the court to officially block Nick from…


Monday, January 9, 2017

Sofia Vergara Jokes About "Anal" Tradition of the Golden Globes

Sofia Vergara has very big boobs and talks in an accent.

No, really! It"s true!

The actress has put both of these assets to impressive use of the past several years, rising all the way to the top of the television world on Modern Family.

But it may be time for Vergara to find a new act.

Because she stooped to a rather pathetic low at the 2017 Golden Globe Awards.

On stage to introduce Sylvester Stallone’s three daughters as this year’s Miss Golden Globes, Vergara opened her remarks as follows:

“Good evening. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association has an anal tradition…"

Get it?!? Because annual sounds a lot like anal.

And because anal is a type of naughty sex some people enjoy and because Vergara is considered a major sex symbol.

“I didn’t mean anal," she then said, by way of correction. "I meant they have an anus tradition."

Get it?!? Because anus is another word for buttocks and it kind of, sort of also sounds like annual.

Hilarious, right?

How did Vergara manage to finish her introduction duties without stepping into any more verbal land mines?

(And the heck is Miss Golden Globe still a thing in 2017?!?)

Find out the answer to one of these two questions now:

Sofia vergara jokes about anal tradition of the golden globes

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Sofia Vergara is Being Sued by Her Own Embryos (Yes, Really)

Sofia Vergara really dodged a bullet when she broke up with Nick Loeb, right?

Partly because she ended up married to Joe Manganiello, but mostly because Nick has proven himself, time and time again, to be just way too weird.

See, Sofia and Nick dated for a while, and they were even engaged, but they broke up in 2014.

While they were together, they used science to cook up a few embryos, then froze them in case they ran out of time to make a baby the old-fashioned way.

After the breakup, Sofia wanted the embryos to be destroyed, but in 2015, Nick sued Sofia for the right to implant the embryos in a surrogate so that he could be a father.

In a statement at the time, Nick said “I have always strongly believed that life begins at conception and that every embryo is life on the journey towards birth.”

He said that he “created these two female embryos with the purpose of taking them to term and not destruction, because I have always dreamed of being a father.”

Nick added that he’d offered to let Sofia have as much or as little contact with the children as she wished, and that he’d even “waive any parental or financial responsibilities.”

Sofia said that the lawsuit was ridiculous, since Nick had signed a contract stating that they both have to agree on any decisions made about the embryos.

It all sounds so insane, right? If Nick wants to be a father so badly, why does he have to involve Sofia?

He’s just wasting time — a year and a half, at this point — with this battle over the embryos. Instead of getting involved in all these court battles he can’t possibly win, he could be working on adopting a kid, or meeting a new lady love to bear his children.

Anything else, really, would be a better use of his time.

But Nick, of course, disagrees — because he’s gone and filed a brand new lawsuit against Sofia.

He dropped the original suit, which was filed in California, because Sofia and her lawyers wanted to question two of his exes who had gotten abortions. He refused to bring them into the case, so he dropped the whole thing …

… And filed a brand new lawsuit in Louisiana, a much more pro-life state, and a state that actually has laws protecting frozen embryos.

Or, to be more accurate, the two female embryos Nick and Sofia had frozen, Emma and Isabella, filed a lawsuit.

You can’t make this stuff up.

According to sources who spoke with Page Six, “The lawsuit contends that Emma and Isabella, by not being born, have been deprived of an inheritance from a trust that has been created for them in Louisiana.”

The lawsuit also Sofia of “refusing to allow her daughters Emma and Isabella to continue their development, so they remain frozen in a tank.”

Nick also wants the contract that he and Sofia signed to be thrown out, since it apparently violates Louisiana law and California code in that it doesn’t state what would happen to the embryos if they broke up.

If Nick somehow wins the lawsuit, he’d have full custody of the kids after they were born, and Sofia would be forced to pay for the cost of keeping the embryos frozen all this time.

What a sad, sad situation … and one that doesn’t look like it will be over anytime soon.


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Sofia Vergara: My Boobs Are Everywhere! I Don"t Want to Look Like an Old Stripper!

Sofia Vergara is one funny, talented lady. Her wit and talent have earned her a multiple Emmy and Golden Globe nominations and she is a significant part of what has made Modern Family such a tremendous success.

And she’s got a great rack, too.

A sizeable one, at least. They’re kind of hard to ignore, and apparently they aren’t easy to live with, either.

“I’ve got the boobs of a stripper,” Vergara said in an interview with The Edit. “They’re a 32DDD and because they’re real, they’re everywhere, so I need my dresses to have structure — and under armor. There is so much going on under my dresses that I bleed at the end of award ceremonies.”

Hot damn! She bleeds? And I complain when the underwire of my six-year-old bra breaks through and pokes me in the ribs.

(Honestly, beauty can be a real pain in the arse.)

“In 10 years I think it would be good to have a reduction,” she added. “I don’t think it’s even going to be an option not to [have surgery], because I’m going to start having back pains.” 

“I wouldn’t make them too small — just enough that I don’t end up looking like an old stripper.”

What an amazing ad campaign for breast reduction surgery: “Don’t look like an old stripper! Downsize with Dr. Encino!”

Sofia could get some advice from her young co-star Ariel Winter, who just underwent breast reduction surgery last year. She said her oversized chest caused back pain and made her feel unhappy and self-conscious.

Sounds like our Columbian comedic actress isn’t quite there yet, so for now we hope she has plenty of Band-Aids on hand.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Sofia Vergara, Joe Manganiello & More: Star Sightings 12.15.2015

Everyone and their mother RSVP"d yes to last night"s premiere Of Walt Disney Pictures And Lucasfilm"s Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Meanwhile Anna Faris made her way through LAX, and Mariah Carey gave us a smile as she headed into the Beacon Theater in New York.


1. Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello: ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Premiere

Sofia vergara and joe manganiello star wars the force awakens pr

Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello at the Premiere Of Walt Disney Pictures And Lucasfilm’s ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ held on December 14, 2015 in Hollywood, California.

2. Zendaya: ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’

Zendaya star wars the force awakens

Zendaya (in Michael Kors) at the premiere Of Walt Disney Pictures And Lucasfilm’s ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ held on December 14, 2015 in Hollywood, California.

3. Anna Faris Arrives at LAX

Anna faris arrives at lax

Anna Faris arrives at LAX in Los Angeles on December 14th, 2014.

4. Elizabeth Banks: ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Premiere

Elizabeth banks star wars the force awakens premiere

Elizabeth Banks attends the Premiere of Walt Disney Pictures and Lucasfilm’s ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ on December 14, 2015 in Hollywood, California.

5. Kate Middleton: Anna Freud Centre Family School Christmas Party

Kate middleton anna freud centre family school christmas party

The Duchess of Cambridge, wearing a red Alexander McQueen dress, attends the Anna Freud Centre Family School Christmas Party at the Anna Freud Centre on December 15, 2015 in London, England.

6. Dominic Sherwood and Sarah Hyland: ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Premiere

Dominic sherwood and sarah hyland star wars the force awakens pr

Dominic Sherwood and Sarah Hyland arrive at the Premiere Of Walt Disney Pictures And Lucasfilm’s ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ on December 14, 2015 in Hollywood, California.

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Monday, November 23, 2015

All About Joe Manganiello"s Sexy Wedding Dance For Sofia Vergara

By now, you’ve seen Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello‘s wedding album.

The three-day event, put together by celebrity planner Mindy Weiss, took place at The Breakers hotel in Palm Beach, Florida.

The couple, who met in July 2014, were married under a ceiling of flowers on Sunday evening in front of 400 guests, who later dined on dined on caviar, crab and lamb in a ballroom of equal splendor.

“There [were] lots of very sweet moments,” a source told People of the reception.  “Joe made a touching speech about his love for his wife and how he fell in love with her so entirely and was so bowled over by her the first time he met her!” 

Earlier in the evening, a Zuhair Murad-clad Vergara was walked down the aisle by her 23-year-old son, Manolo.  At the altar, she and Manganiello exchanged vows.

“Joe made a beautiful speech pledging his eternal love and adoration in both English and Spanish,” the source recounted.  “Followed by Sofia’s which she preambled by the statement, ‘Oh, mine is not so good!"” 

After their first dance to “The Way You Look Tonight,” Manganiello and Vergara partied with pals to a live band, a performance by Pitbull…and then another from Manganiello himself.

According to People,when Backstreet Boys’ “I Want It That Way” played, Manganiello recreated his convenience store scene from Magic Mike XXL.

Oh, and during Saturday night’s rehearsal dinner, Manganiello hammed it up serenaded Vergara to “Sweet Child O Mine.”

Such fun.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sofia Vergara & Joe Manganiello Get Married: See the Pics!

Move over, Brangelina. You may no longer be the best looking married couple in Hollywood.

Not after Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello exchanged vows at The Breakers Resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

The ceremony capped a weekend of partying for the Modern Family actress and her former True Blood star of a husband.

Other major names in attendance included Reese Witherspoon and Channing Tatum, while Vergara donned a custom Zuhair Murad Couture dress for the occasion.

According to various reports, members of the wedding party read passages from the Bible in both Spanish and English; and Vergara and Manganiello recited their own vows.

Click around below for a look at beautiful photos from the wedding:

1. Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello Wedding Photo

Sofia vergara and joe manganiello photo

Congratulations, Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello! This gorgeous couple got married in late 2015. So beautiful!

2. Sofia Vergara Wedding Dress

Sofia vergara wedding dress

Simply stunning! Sofia Vergara shows off her wedding dress in this gorgeous Instagram photo.

3. Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello Wedding Pic

Sofia vergara and joe manganiello wedding pic

They sure do! As of this beautiful ceremony, Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello are wife and husband.

4. Sofia Vergara as a Bride

Sofia vergara as a bride

Let’s do this, shall we? Sofia Vergara is ready to get married to Joe Manganiello. (Who wouldn’t be, right?)

5. Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello Slow Dance

Sofia vergara and joe manganiello slow dance

This is as romantic as it gets. Sofia Vergara and Joe Manganiello share a slow dance on the night of their wedding.

6. A Happy Bride

A happy bride

Sofia Vergara has a reason to be happy and to be singing in this picture. She just got married!

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