Thursday, December 8, 2016

Sofia Vergara is Being Sued by Her Own Embryos (Yes, Really)

Sofia Vergara really dodged a bullet when she broke up with Nick Loeb, right?

Partly because she ended up married to Joe Manganiello, but mostly because Nick has proven himself, time and time again, to be just way too weird.

See, Sofia and Nick dated for a while, and they were even engaged, but they broke up in 2014.

While they were together, they used science to cook up a few embryos, then froze them in case they ran out of time to make a baby the old-fashioned way.

After the breakup, Sofia wanted the embryos to be destroyed, but in 2015, Nick sued Sofia for the right to implant the embryos in a surrogate so that he could be a father.

In a statement at the time, Nick said “I have always strongly believed that life begins at conception and that every embryo is life on the journey towards birth.”

He said that he “created these two female embryos with the purpose of taking them to term and not destruction, because I have always dreamed of being a father.”

Nick added that he’d offered to let Sofia have as much or as little contact with the children as she wished, and that he’d even “waive any parental or financial responsibilities.”

Sofia said that the lawsuit was ridiculous, since Nick had signed a contract stating that they both have to agree on any decisions made about the embryos.

It all sounds so insane, right? If Nick wants to be a father so badly, why does he have to involve Sofia?

He’s just wasting time — a year and a half, at this point — with this battle over the embryos. Instead of getting involved in all these court battles he can’t possibly win, he could be working on adopting a kid, or meeting a new lady love to bear his children.

Anything else, really, would be a better use of his time.

But Nick, of course, disagrees — because he’s gone and filed a brand new lawsuit against Sofia.

He dropped the original suit, which was filed in California, because Sofia and her lawyers wanted to question two of his exes who had gotten abortions. He refused to bring them into the case, so he dropped the whole thing …

… And filed a brand new lawsuit in Louisiana, a much more pro-life state, and a state that actually has laws protecting frozen embryos.

Or, to be more accurate, the two female embryos Nick and Sofia had frozen, Emma and Isabella, filed a lawsuit.

You can’t make this stuff up.

According to sources who spoke with Page Six, “The lawsuit contends that Emma and Isabella, by not being born, have been deprived of an inheritance from a trust that has been created for them in Louisiana.”

The lawsuit also Sofia of “refusing to allow her daughters Emma and Isabella to continue their development, so they remain frozen in a tank.”

Nick also wants the contract that he and Sofia signed to be thrown out, since it apparently violates Louisiana law and California code in that it doesn’t state what would happen to the embryos if they broke up.

If Nick somehow wins the lawsuit, he’d have full custody of the kids after they were born, and Sofia would be forced to pay for the cost of keeping the embryos frozen all this time.

What a sad, sad situation … and one that doesn’t look like it will be over anytime soon.
