Showing posts with label Fumes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fumes. Show all posts

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Luann de Lesseps FUMES at Ramona Singer: You Betrayed Me, She-Devil!!

Bethenny Frankel and Carole Radziwill aren’t the only The Real Housewives of New York City stars to have a frittered friendship.

Luann de Lesseps and Ramona Singer weren’t exactly joined at the hip before, but now Luann is taking her to task.

Why? Because Ramona betrayed her trust when she was at her most vulnerable — right after she got out of rehab.

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you already know what went down on the episode titled: “Arrest and Relaxation.

But one explosive conflict from the episode really merits a closer look.

On Wednesday night’s episode of RHONY, Luann did not mince words when she referred to a group photo that Ramona shared with the world.

“The she-devil strikes again,” Luann announced.

She-devil can either be very confrontational (because yikes!) or very complimentary (it’s what Red Sonja is called, after all), but Luann meant it in the worst sense.

Luann explains: “I really feel like Ramona invaded my privacy by putting a picture out of me when nobody knew where I was.”

The Countess was in a very vulnerable place in her life and did not feel encouraged by the entire world knowing what she was up to just yet.

“And now,” Luann says. “The whole world knows I’m out of rehab.”

She wanted to let the world know on her terms, when the time was right. She feels that Ramona robbed her of that opportunity.

What’s more is that Luann fears that Ramona’s thoughtless photo — which, in fairness, Ramona did later delete — could impact her appearance in court.

“I have a court case coming up,” Luann laments.”I don’t need more press!”

Being a reality star has its pitfalls.

Luann explains why publicity is a problem, saying: “I don’t need pictures of me and the press making guesses at what I’m up to.”

The rest of us might look at a headline that says Luann de Lesseps: Out of Rehab and Drinking Already? and question its veracity. But if a judge sees that kind of speculation, it might change Luann’s life forever.

Since the news was out in the open anyway, Luann did make it official with a post of her own.

“It’s good to be home,” Luann wrote to her fans and followers. “I’m doing great. Spending time with friends and family. Thanking everyone for your continued good wishes and support.”

“My return to New York is supposed to be on my terms,” Luann tells the camera.. “I just feel like I got the rug pulled out of me.”

She felt shocked that others knew before she was ready to tell the world.

On RHONY, she’s seen giving Ramona a piece of her mind.

“You put a picture up and now Luann is the talk of the town again,” Luann laments.

She does acknowledge that she knew that it would happen sooner or later — but that she feels betrayed that it was by Ramona’s hand.

“It’s inevitable that I will be in the press again, I just don’t want my friends to drive it,” Luann says. “You opened up a can of worms for me.”

“These are hurtful things. You’re hurting me,” Luann explained. “You have to be more respectful and thoughtful about your friends.”

Ramona was shocked, having not realized that she was doing anything wrong.

“We also post group shots! It’s a beautiful picture,” Ramona said, at first being defensive.

Ramona did realize that she was in the wrong and apologized, saying: “You didn’t tell me not to post. … I’m sorry.”

Ramona, to her credit, became very apologetic and worked to make things right.

“I’m disappointed in myself,” Ramona admitted. “I wasn’t thinking. Now I understand. … I made a huge mistake. This was bad. What I did was bad.”

Luann also had another bone to pick with Ramona.

See, Ramona had been hanging out with Luann’s recent ex, Tom D’Agustino.

“There are so many guys on the Upper East Side. Really?” Luann tells the camera.

She continues to complain to the camera about Ramona, saying: “You have to go and have drinks with Tom? I knew Ramona wasn’t the brightest tool in the shed, but what an idiot.”

To be honest, that seems a little harsh. 

“It’s not cool,” Luann said, yelling at Ramona. “If you’re my friend, it’s not cool. What you did, most people would never talk to you again.”

Whoa, there. She spoke with him socially. She didn’t bang him.

“That is the lowest of the low,” Luann insists, feeling betrayed. “Do you realize that? What you did is the lowest of the low.”

Ramona explained that she hadn’t been there to meet with Tom, that they had just happened into each other.

“Just because Luann divorced Tom doesn’t mean he’s going to disappear,” Ramona says.

“He travels with the same circle as I do,” Ramona continues. “He has the same friends as I do.”

That’s one of the big pitfalls of a breakup — everybody knows each other.

Ramona then throws some shade, saying: “Listen, if I couldn’t talk with every man Luann ended up being with, I wouldn’t be talking to any men in New York City!”

Luann is not amused, however.

“You make it worse,” Luann accuses. “You don’t have my best interest at heart and I can’t be around that.”



Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Kevin Hart is a Cheater and Liar, Ex-Wife Fumes

Kevin Hart makes a living as a comedian.

But there’s nothing funny about the situation in which the movie star now finds himself.

The actor recorded an apologetic video late last week in which he appeared to acknowledge that he really did cheat on his wife, Eniko.

Hart never referred to the exact actions for which he was sorry, but he addressed his wife and his kids in the video and said the following:

“I made a bad error in judgment and I put myself in a bad environment where only bad things can happen and they did.”

The A-Lister made this statement in light of a woman threatening to release sexually explicit footage of herself and Hart … unless the actor paid her a large amount of money.

Hart has refused to do so, choosing instead to admit to his affair and hope his wife and family forgives him.

“It’s a sh-tty moment. It’s a sh-tty moment when you know you’re wrong and there’s no excuses for your wrong behavior,” Hart added, emphasizing that he isn’t “perfect” and concluding:

‘At the end of the day, man, I just simply gotta do better.”

Along these lines, Hart has reportedly sworn off strip clubs.

Talk about a major step!

The comedian’s ex-wife, however, says the father of her two kids actually hasn’t taken any significant steps at all.

He’s always been a cheater!

“When I met him, he was selling sneakers,” Torrei Hart tells Inside Edition. “He starts to get fame and I’m feeling, okay, well, a little left behind. We grew apart.”

Torrei and Kevin divorced in 2011 and he went on to marry his second wife, Eniko Parrish, in 2016.

But did he get involved with the latter while he was still involved with the former?

Hart’s ex-wife accuses him in this interview of “lies and infidelity,” charges that Hart himself admitted to during a candid/cruel 2013 stand-up routine.

“Yes, people, I cheated. Am I ashamed of it? No, no I’m not,” Hart said during Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain, adding:

“Do I wish I could take it back? No, no I don’t.”

OUCH, right?

Torrei said it was difficult to “ensure” this public admission from her ex.

But things got worse after Eniko Hart shared a photo from her wedding on Instagram, writing that she and Hart had marked eight years together and one year married.

The thing is, Torrei and Kevin got divorced six years ago.

Do the math and that means Kevin and Eniko were sleeping together when the star was married to Torrei.

However, Eniko claims that the couple was separated and living in separate homes when she began dating Hart and that she was “never a secret.”

What does Torrei say to this assertion?

“That’s a lie. We were very much not separated.”

Eniko is seven months pregnant and allegedly has no plans to leave her husband.

The LAPD and FBI are investigating the extortion plot against Hart, trying to gather enough information to see if they should charge his supposed mistress with a crime.

Until then, Torrei suggests that Eniko stop living in denial when it comes to her man and Hart’s curious penis.

“All I can say is if it happened to me, it could happen to anyone.”


Monday, August 21, 2017

Joss Whedon is a LIAR and a CHEAT, Ex-Wife Fumes

Joss Whedon is likely as respected a writer as there is in Hollywood.

But there’s one woman who does not think highly of the producer and director; one woman who thinks his entire reputation is built on lies and deception:

His ex-wife.

Kai Cole, an architect and producer, has written a very personal and pointed essay for The Wrap, one in which she accuses Whedon of engaging in a multitude of affairs over the course of their 16-year marriage.

Moreover, she says the Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator tried to use his feminist credentials as a way to shield himself from criticism.

After explaining how the pair met in 1991 and how she encouraged him to make the TV show that made him famous, Cole wrote:

“There were times in our relationship that I was uncomfortable with the attention Joss paid other women. He always had a lot of female friends, but he told me it was because his mother raised him as a feminist, so he just liked women better.

“He said he admired and respected females, he didn’t lust after them. I believed him and trusted him.

“On the set of Buffy, Joss decided to have his first secret affair.”

It wasn’t until the couple’s marriage was over that Cole says Whedon came clean, confessing having lied “two lives.”

She writes:

“Joss admitted that for the next decade and a half, he hid multiple affairs and a number of inappropriate emotional ones that he had with his actresses, co-workers, fans and friends, while he stayed married to me.”

It wasn’t just the act of her husband allegedly sleeping with other women that grates at Cole, however.

It’s that Whedon is considered one of the most progressive and feminist figures in entertainment.

“He never conceded the hypocrisy of being out in the world preaching feminist ideals, while at the same time, taking away my right to make choices for my life and my body based on the truth,” she says, adding in detail:

He deceived me for 15 years, so he could have everything he wanted. I believed, everyone believed, that he was one of the good guys, committed to fighting for women’s rights, committed to our marriage, and to the women he worked with.

But I now see how he used his relationship with me as a shield, both during and after our marriage, so no one would question his relationships with other women or scrutinize his writing as anything other than feminist.

In a scathing conclusion, Cole says of Whedon:

“I want to let women know that he is not who he pretends to be. I want the people who worship him to know he is human, and the organizations giving him awards for his feminist work, to think twice in the future about honoring a man who does not practice what he preaches.

“But no matter what happens, or how people interpret this statement, I no longer have to carry the burden of Joss’ long-term deceit and confessions.

“I am free.”

In a statement to The Wrap, a spokesperson for Whedon replies as follows:

“While this account includes inaccuracies and misrepresentations which can be harmful to their family, Joss is not commenting, out of concern for his children and out of respect for his ex-wife.”
