Monday, September 10, 2018

Luann de Lesseps Slams Dorinda Medley"s Claim About Rehab Stay!

At the reunion special for The Real Housewives of New York City, a number of the stars aired what they claimed was the "truth" about the countess — Luann de Lesseps.

Now, Luann is getting the chance to respond to those accusations and to set the record straight.

As you"ll see in this video, she"s starting with Dorinda, who claimed that Luann entered rehab just to stay out of jail.

Dorinda medley at the rhony reunion 2018

At the reunion special, Luann was absent — and therefore, she was not there to defend herself.

Dorinda Medley jumped at the chance to gossip behind Luann"s back.

"Luann didn"t go to rehab because she had some huge revelation," Dorinda claimed to Andy and the entire audience.

She went to rehab because she needed to stay out of jail," Dorinda accused.

"And," Dorinda threw in. "it was practically court-ordered."

Luann de lesseps a selfie

On Watch What Happens Live, Andy Cohen asked Luann how she would like to respond.

"I was not court-ordered to go to rehab," Luann begins.

She has a lot more ignorance to clear up.

"I went on my own recognizance, first of all," Luann says.

"So," Luann summarizes. "Dorinda doesn"t know anything about me."

That much is very obvious.

Luann de lesseps in cowboy hat

Luann makes it clear why she chose to enter rehab.

"I went because I felt that I needed to go and take care of myself," Luann explains.

"And," she continues. "I take it very seriously."

That has been very clear, for months.

"It"s 51 days today, by the way," Luann tells the audience. The audience applauds.

Good for Luann! Sobriety can be difficult, even for celebrities. This is especially true for stars who use alcohol as a coping mechanism for stress.

Ramona singer on e

Luann then responds to a claim that Ramona Singer made at the reunion, that she had been "out of it" at the Beacon following rehab.

"Ramona, look at me, with those eyes," Luann says. "I was never at the Beacon this summer so that is a total lie."

"And at Chris Birch"s party," Luann continues. "I was not kicked out, Ramona."

Luann adds: "So you"ve got to stop making stuff up to make yourself look better, Ramona."

As a final jab, Luann tells Ramona: "It"s not going to happen."

Luann de lesseps on watch what happens

The video closes on Jerry O"Connell doing his best impression of Ramona Singer.

But the real takeaway is that Dorinda made a real butt of herself in front of fans with claims that she absolutely cannot substantiate.

If Luann did enter rehab with the intention of avoiding prison time, it was a two birds, one stone scenario — because she"s clearly serious about her sobriety.

In the mean time, Dorinda is just leveling accusations based upon what might as well be spectral evidence. The fans know that, and they"re not loving it.

Some even commented that Dorinda seemed fun when she first joined the series, but now she appears to be toxic.

We get it — they"re Real Housewives. Feuding, gossiping, and assuming the worst go with the territory. But attacking someone"s sobriety seems like a low blow.

Luann de lesseps slams dorinda medleys claim about rehab stay