Showing posts with label Voted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Voted. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Hollywood Stars Voted Early Ahead of Tuesday"s Midterm Elections

Tons of people are heading to the polls Tuesday to vote in the midterm elections, but much of Hollywood — the whole nation, really — has already weighed in, and they’ve got the stickers to prove it. A bunch of A-listers rocked the vote before…


Monday, April 23, 2018

Shania Twain: I Would Have Voted For Donald Trump ... Sorry!

Shania Twain has done worse than her Dancing With The Stars appearance. In a new interview, she stated that if she’d been able to vote in 2016, she would have voted for Trump.

Fans — in many cases, now ex-fans — were quick to take to Twitter to share that Shania’s words didn’t impress them much.

Shania, it seems, has no intention of becoming the next Roseanne Barr, and has issued an apology.

Speaking to The Guardian, Shania Twain said that Trump would have gotten her vote in 2016.

“I would have voted for him because, even though he was offensive, he seemed honest.”

She (thankfully) could not vote in the US election, because she is Canadian.

“Do you want straight or polite?”

Some would ask why anyone would ever want someone to be impolite, ever.

“Not that you shouldn’t be able to have both.”

If someone is being very direct and honest without being polite, then that person is just impolite by nature.

“If I were voting, I just don’t want bulls–t. I would have voted for a feeling that it was transparent.”

One wonders if she would want, say, a surgeon to come across as being as unpolished as she apparently likes politicians.

“And politics has a reputation of not being that, right?”

A person’s first thought might be: “Gee, but the Country Music crowd is totally onboard the Trump Train” or whatever. But that’s not entirely true.

Not everyone in rural areas or even every conservative is a Trump fan. Also, when it comes to singers like Shania Twain and Carrie Underwood, a lot of Country music fans are gay men.

Though, from the tweets that followed the article, Shania has lost a number of fans.

“Bye Shania.”

Short and to the point.

“More like Shania Twain’t.”

Very groanworthy.

“The same impeccable judge of character that she used to pick her best friend and her husband.”

Famously, Shania Twain was heartbroken when her husband left her for her best friend. She is not over it. That’s very understandable.

Another followed up a screencap of the article title with an image of Shania saying: “That don’t impress me much.”

Shania Twain response tweet gif

Then there’s this, marking the exodus of many of her former fans who will just never look at her the same way again.

The person in that video is saying “bye, b–ch.”

Some of Shania’s fans expressed bewilderment or even outrage at the idea that people would stop liking her because of her “opinion.”

When someone’s opinion identifies them with the viewpoints of someone who has done everything in his power to oppose human rights, at home and abroad, that “opinion” becomes dangerous.

It’s not like picking a favorite color. The color yellow may be ugly, but it never tried to ban Muslim refugees.

That is why Shania’s comments felt like such a betrayal to so many fans.

Shania noticed, of course, and issued an apology and clarification on Instagram.

“I would like to apologize to anybody I have offended in a recent interview with the Guardian relating to the American President.”

She says that her answer came from a lack of preparation.

“The question caught me off guard. As a Canadian, I regret answering this unexpected question without giving my response more context.”

Okay, we’re admittedly curious about what the context may have been.

“I am passionately against discrimination of any kind.”

That’s good … though also odd to hear from someone who would have voted for the man whose administration is rolling back historic LGBT+ protections.

“And hope it’s clear from the choices I have made, and the people I stand with, that I do not hold any common moral beliefs with the current President.”

Shania Twain Apology

So why, exactly, did she decide tos ay that she would have voted for Trump?

“I was trying to explain, in response to a question about the election, that my limited understanding was that the President talked to a portion of America like an accessible person they could relate to, as he was NOT a politician.”

Again, we’d ask if she’d want a surgeon who is super prepared to perform surgery, or a surgeon who is casual and every bit as incoherent as someone’s racist uncle.

“My answer was awkward, but certainly should not be taken as representative of my values nor does it mean I endorse him.”

So she’s not for Trump, but we suppose that she’s saying that his apparent authenticity would have tricked her into voting for him? Weird. And worrisome.

“I make music to bring people together. My path will always be one of inclusivity, as my history shows.”

At least she apologized.


Friday, January 12, 2018

The Four Recap: Who Was Voted Out?!

The Four is proving to be a fine blend of American Idol, The Voice, and The Hunger Games. 

Just when you breathe a sigh of relief that the person you’re rooting for does not get chosen to battle, someone else appears and attempts to take their place. 

In essence, it creates a whole lot of tension, but it’s difficult to really care about much of the competitors because we don’t know much about them. 

That’s one of the more significant flaws with this format, and it will likely prove difficult to keep the ratings steady. It’s one of those shows you don’t need to tune into every week because there’s a good chance The Four will be changing on an episodic basis. 

Week two found Ash Minor, Alexis “Lex Lu” Boyd, Zhavia and Saeed Renaud continuing to defend their seats as new competitors emerged from the shadows intent on making their mark. 

The first competitor was a woman named Candice Boyd. She had an impressive resumé that included working with the likes of Nicki Minaj and French Montana. 

But could she actually sing? This is a singing competition after all. She belted out “I’m Going Down” by Mary J. Blige, and it was a real masterpiece. 

“You did your thing with that rendition of that song,” Sean “Diddy” Combs said. “And I would love to see you go toe-to-toe with one of the four.”

The panel gave her the go-ahead to battle one of the Four, and she went with Minor. Minor went with “Adorn” by Miguel, and it was a solid performance, but there was something off-key. 

Candice went with “Dangerous Woman” by Ariana Grande, and it was yet another showcase of her voice. Candice won the vote with 55% percent, meaning Minor was sent home. 

Stevie Brock appeared on the scene and went with “Sugar” by Maroon 5. It was an okay performance, but it was not up there as one of the best. 

The judges seemed to agree, and he did not get the privilege of challenging any of the others. 

Cheyenne Elliott was up next, and she went with “Wings” by Little Mix. It was much better than Stevie’s performance, but not really worthy of challenging the others. 

The panel, however, thought otherwise and she got to take on Lex Lu. Lu went with “Bad and Boujee,” and it was a real delight. She knew what was expected of her and despite some hiccups, she pulled it back. 

Elliot sang her heart out to “Too Good at Goodbyes” by Sam Smith. It was much better than her rendition of “Wings,” and the viewers seemed to think so, too. She replaced Lexy Lu. 

Kayla Ember went with “Bad At Love” by Halsey, and it was not all that. Thankfully, she was let go early. 

The final challenger of the night was Jason Warrior, and he went with “Love Me Now” by John Legend. 

He was the surprise hit of the night and got to challenge Renaud. 

Renaud went with “Superstition” by Stevie Wonder. It was great and proved he deserved to keep his place, but then Warrior belted out “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons. 

The fans voted Warrior to take Renaud out of the game. 

Yes, all four originals are now gone, and we did not know much about them. This show is like a procedural version of singing competitions. 

What do you think?

The Four continues Thursdays on Fox. 


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Is Being Voted Out?

With Cody’s decision to hide things from members of his alliance, it’s becoming ever more apparent that his allies are ready to make a move against him. 

If you keep up with our Big Brother Spoilers, you will already know that Alex won the Power of Veto, securing her safety from eviction this week. 

There have been many rumblings that Cody threw the competition to her because, well, he wants the world to think he respects her gameplay. 

If anything, she’s proven that her word counts for a lot in the game. Before putting her on the block, Cody offered her a deal, but she still said she would be targeting his alliance if she got power. 

With the news that Christmas damaged her foot, the other houseguests have questioned whether she is the big threat they have pegged her as. 

As we approach the eviction vote on Thursday, Paul and Elena have been leading the charge to try and garner some votes to keep Christmas in the game. 

Jessica has been gunning for Christmas for some time, so there is absolutely no way she will vote to keep her in the game. Instead, she will send her out of the game. 

Despite her best efforts to turn Paul against Christmas, her mission has been a resounding failure. Cody was going to put Jason up instead of Christmas and send him out of the game. 

However, Cody opened up to him, and they made a short-term alliance. Jason has been open with Paul about voting to evict Christmas because he feels like he needs to return the favor to Cody. 

It does show loyalty, and Alex is in the same boat. Feeling like Cody threw her a bone with the veto win, she and Ramses are voting to evict Christmas. 

Have a look below at how the votes are currently stacking up, but remember things change in the house on an hourly basis. 

VTE Christmas: Jessica, Alex, Jason, & Ramses

VTE Jillian: Dominique, Elena, Mark, Matthew, Paul, & Raven

Josh previously said he would keep Christmas, but he keeps changing his mind. Kevin is also on the fence, but he will likely vote with Paul. 

What do you think of the latest spoilers?

Sound off below!


Monday, November 28, 2016

Donald Trump: I Only Lost Popular Vote Because MILLIONS Illegally Voted for Clinton!

President-elect Donald Trump claims he only lost the popular vote to rival Hillary Clinton because of “millions of people who voted illegally.”

There is no evidence to support this absurd claim.

Trump’s bizarre outburst, even by his standards, comes after the Clinton campaign announced that it will participate in an election recount.

The Green Party, led by candidate Jill Stein, filed for a recount in Wisconsin, and has also called for recounts in Pennsylvania and Michigan.

Trump won the Electoral College and the presidency November 8 in a stunning but clear upset of the former U.S. Secretary of State.

However, if his razor thin margins in Wisconsin and Michigan, and close win in Pennsylvania, were flipped, Clinton would win the election.

Claiming that there my be evidence of tampering or error in the results of those three states, Stein has raised millions calling for a recount.

Election Results Map

Clinton did not initiate this; Stein is leading the effort, and Clinton saying she will participate means little other than monitoring the situation.

There is also little to no chance of irregularities in the voting results changing the outcome of any of the three states, let alone all of them.

Still, our thin-skinned, bird-brained Turkey of the Year went OFF.

“Hillary Clinton conceded the election when she called me just prior to the victory speech and after the results were in,” Trump tweeted Sunday.

He then slammed Clinton for slamming him, during one of their presidential debates, for hedging on whether he’d accept the results.

“Nothing will change Hillary’s debate answer on delay: ‘That is horrifying. That is not the way our democracy works. Been around for 240 years."” 

“‘We’ve had free and fair elections."”

“We’ve accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them, and that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a [debate stage] during a general election."”

“‘I, for one, am appalled that somebody that is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position."”

“‘Then, separately she stated, ‘He said something truly horrifying … he refused to say that he would respect the results of this election."”

“‘That is a direct threat to our democracy."”

“She then said, ‘We have to accept the results and look to the future, Donald Trump is going to be our President."”

“‘We owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.’ So much time and money will be spent – same result! Sad."”

Ridiculous to be tweeting about this? Absolutely, but nothing too over the top … yet. The reality TV star continued later in the day, though:

“In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”

“It would have been much easier for me to win the so-called popular vote than the Electoral College in that I would only campaign in 3 or 4 states.”

“Instead of the 15 states that I visited. I would have won even more easily and convincingly (but smaller states are forgotten)!” 

As is the case with many (most?) things Trump says, his allegation is bogus with absolutely no documented proof whatsoever.

Think about this for a moment:

Trump is denouncing a privately funded recount to ensure there was no fraud or error in three states he won by slim margins … 

… yet alleges matter-of-factly that millions of ballots cast for Clinton, presumably in states where she prevailed, are invalid?

How could one be a concern and not the other? Why add a total lie to an unnecessary, but not entirely misguided, criticism of the recount effort?

Trump is right about one thing: Asking who won the popular vote (Clinton did) is irrelevant, because of the way the system is set up.

Four of the states with the biggest populations and the most Electoral Votes (California, Texas, New York and Illinois) were not contested.

If they had been, who knows how things would’ve turned out. Clinton and Trump both played by the same rules November 8, however.

Clinton vs. Don

Trump won, and barring an unprecedented Electoral College revolt, he will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States in January.

Nothing about Stein’s recount will change this … unless there was in fact major fraud or error, in which case, the situation is even worse.

Trump and his supporters will absolutely lose their minds, and the results of every other state will then be called into question as well.

Consider this: Trump won Michigan by around 12,000 votes, Wisconsin by around 22,000, and Pennsylvania by approximately 70,000.

Clinton won Minnesota and Nevada by fewer votes than Trump won Pennsylvania by … and she won New Hampshire by fewer than 3,000!

What’s stopping Trump legal challenges in those states, as well as an audit of California and its massive Clinton popular vote landslide?

Nothing. It would be anarchy, plunging an already polarized, bitterly divided nation into mass hysteria from which it might never recover.

Trump v clinton

Is anyone, Clinton included, rooting for that to happen? No. And it won’t, of course … so why can’t Trump stay above the fray for five minutes?



Friday, November 18, 2016

TMZ Live: Kanye West: I Would"ve Voted for Trump!

ON TODAY’S SHOW JLo & Marc Anthony Lock Lips Again Bella Hadid’s Nike Deal Trashed By an Olympic Legend Chelsea Handler Bashes Angelina Jolie Nick Cannon: Baby On Board! SKYPE US TMZTVSHOW TWEET US Tweet to @TMZLIVE


Paris Hilton: I Voted For Trump For a Dumbass Reason!

Paris Hilton is rich, white, and probably thinks the Paris Agreement refers to her and Rick Salomon’s decision to pretend her sex tape was leaked accidentally.

So it’s no big surprise that she voted for Donald Trump.

Also not surprising? She did so for a dumb reason.

Hilton spent the past year refusing to comment on the election or reveal who she planned to vote for, but like many other celebs, she leapt at the opportunity to prove she was on the “winning” side of history shortly after Trump was elected.

During an interview for an Australian morning show (Paris has to get her publicity where she can these days.) the socialite-turned-nobody revealed that she cast her ballot for her fellow hotel namesake:

“I’ve known him since I was a little girl, so, yes,” she said, when asked if she had voted for Trump.

Okay, regardless of your political leanings, or your feelings on Trump or Paris (Someone out there must be staunchly pro-Paris Hilton, right?), can we all agree that voting for someone because you’ve known them for a long time is a dumb reason.

It’s not like Paris offered any further explanation along the lines of:

“I’ve know him since I was a little girl, and I know he’s a man of integrity.”

Or even:

“I’ve known him since I was a little girl, and he never grabbed my p-ssy!” 

Just a flat out, “Yeah, I voted for the guy I’ve met before. What is this policy you speak of?”

Of course, Paris is a known racist, so she might be one of those Trump supporters who doesn’t want to own the real reason she voted for him.

We’re certainly not claiming that all Donald Trump supporters are rich, white or racist, but when a rich, white racist reveals that they voted for Donald Trump, you’re not exactly blown away.

By contrast, when we found out that Kanye West voted for Trump, it came as somewhat of a surprise, as while Trump and Kanye will one day merge into a giant ego monster named Trumpye, West is also associated with several groups (people of color, Kardashians) who aren’t exactly huge on the Donald.

The important thing is that two rich dumbasses were able to set aside their differing views on Kim Kardashian and come together in support of Donald Trump, and isn’t that what America is all about?

Sadly, yes. It kind of is.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Tony Gonzalez -- Kaepernick Should"ve Voted ... He Killed His Message (VIDEO)

Tony Gonzalez says Colin Kaepernick completely undermined his national anthem protest by NOT voting in the elections last week … telling TMZ Sports Kaep should’ve done more. Kaepernick has admitted he skipped the polls last week … saying both…
