Showing posts with label Dumbass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dumbass. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

NFL"s Derwin James ID"s Robbery Suspect After Dumbass Pawn Shop Move

L.A. Chargers 1st round draft pick Derwin James says the men who robbed him at gunpoint back in June have been arrested after they tried (and failed) to pawn his expensive jewelry. TMZ Sports broke the story … the former Florida State safety and…


Monday, August 6, 2018

Matt Barnes Rips Trump Over LeBron James Comments, "Dumbass President"

Matt Barnes says “dumbass” Donald Trump is crazy for going after LeBron James on Twitter — telling TMZ Sports he’s convinced POTUS is a racist.  Barnes played against James for years in the NBA and was VERY offended when Trump attacked the…


Thursday, February 22, 2018

Farrah Abraham: David Eason Is a Homophobic Dumbass!

If you’re a Teen Mom 2 fan, then by now, you’ve likely heard the news that David Eason has been fired by MTV in connection with a series of homophobic remarks he made on social media.

The news that Jenelle Evans’ husband is a hateful jackass isn’t terribly surprisising, but it’s been nice to see the entire TM organization, including Jenelle’s co-stars, take action to ensure that David’s bigotry isn’t permitted on their show.

Even the Teen Moms from the OG series have gone public with their disgust for Eason, including one cast member who’s engaged in some pretty revolting behavior herself over the years.

In a recent interview with Radar Online, Farrah Abraham revealed that she fully supports MTV’s decision to kick David to the curb.

“This is a great learning opportunity for Jenelle and her children,” Farrah told Radar.

“I hope David equally understands that this world needs to be aware of certain vocabulary that is off limits.”

Okay, so like everything that comes out of Farrah’s mouth, you really have to wade through a lot of word salad in order to find the true meaning, but we think she’s saying that David deserved to get kicked to the curb.

Farrah was recently fired from the network herself, and she cracked what we think was a joke about the similar situations.

“I’m happy MTV had one responsible firing,” she told Radar.

David’s firing marks what many fans are hoping is the beginning of the end for Jenelle.

News that he won’t be returning to the show comes on the heels of multiple scandals, several of them involving Evans and Eason’s insensitivy toward large segments of the population.

Last week, Jenelle posed with a gun and posted the photo to Instagram just hours after the nation learned of the tragic school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Just days later, Eason proved that that was no fluke – he and Jenelle really are filled with bitter hatred for their fellow human.

In response to a suggestion that Eason teach his kids to be sensitive to the plights of others in the wake of tragedies, Eason went on a bizarre social media tirade.

“Lmao why don’t you go tell the homo and transgender parents to start teaching their kids better morals?” he wrote at one point.

“Oh I forgot that’s supposed to be normal,” he added.

Yeah, for once we’re fully in agreement with Farrah on something – this bigot needed to go,

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how badly David sucks.


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Alberto Del Rio Doubles Down on Trump ... He"s a "Dumbass" (VIDEO)

Ex-wrestling superstar Alberto Del Rio says he’s willing to risk deportation to voice his opinion about President-elect Donald Trump … calling the guy a total “dumbass.”


Friday, November 18, 2016

Paris Hilton: I Voted For Trump For a Dumbass Reason!

Paris Hilton is rich, white, and probably thinks the Paris Agreement refers to her and Rick Salomon’s decision to pretend her sex tape was leaked accidentally.

So it’s no big surprise that she voted for Donald Trump.

Also not surprising? She did so for a dumb reason.

Hilton spent the past year refusing to comment on the election or reveal who she planned to vote for, but like many other celebs, she leapt at the opportunity to prove she was on the “winning” side of history shortly after Trump was elected.

During an interview for an Australian morning show (Paris has to get her publicity where she can these days.) the socialite-turned-nobody revealed that she cast her ballot for her fellow hotel namesake:

“I’ve known him since I was a little girl, so, yes,” she said, when asked if she had voted for Trump.

Okay, regardless of your political leanings, or your feelings on Trump or Paris (Someone out there must be staunchly pro-Paris Hilton, right?), can we all agree that voting for someone because you’ve known them for a long time is a dumb reason.

It’s not like Paris offered any further explanation along the lines of:

“I’ve know him since I was a little girl, and I know he’s a man of integrity.”

Or even:

“I’ve known him since I was a little girl, and he never grabbed my p-ssy!” 

Just a flat out, “Yeah, I voted for the guy I’ve met before. What is this policy you speak of?”

Of course, Paris is a known racist, so she might be one of those Trump supporters who doesn’t want to own the real reason she voted for him.

We’re certainly not claiming that all Donald Trump supporters are rich, white or racist, but when a rich, white racist reveals that they voted for Donald Trump, you’re not exactly blown away.

By contrast, when we found out that Kanye West voted for Trump, it came as somewhat of a surprise, as while Trump and Kanye will one day merge into a giant ego monster named Trumpye, West is also associated with several groups (people of color, Kardashians) who aren’t exactly huge on the Donald.

The important thing is that two rich dumbasses were able to set aside their differing views on Kim Kardashian and come together in support of Donald Trump, and isn’t that what America is all about?

Sadly, yes. It kind of is.
