Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Big Brother Spoilers: Who Is Being Voted Out?

With Cody’s decision to hide things from members of his alliance, it’s becoming ever more apparent that his allies are ready to make a move against him. 

If you keep up with our Big Brother Spoilers, you will already know that Alex won the Power of Veto, securing her safety from eviction this week. 

There have been many rumblings that Cody threw the competition to her because, well, he wants the world to think he respects her gameplay. 

If anything, she’s proven that her word counts for a lot in the game. Before putting her on the block, Cody offered her a deal, but she still said she would be targeting his alliance if she got power. 

With the news that Christmas damaged her foot, the other houseguests have questioned whether she is the big threat they have pegged her as. 

As we approach the eviction vote on Thursday, Paul and Elena have been leading the charge to try and garner some votes to keep Christmas in the game. 

Jessica has been gunning for Christmas for some time, so there is absolutely no way she will vote to keep her in the game. Instead, she will send her out of the game. 

Despite her best efforts to turn Paul against Christmas, her mission has been a resounding failure. Cody was going to put Jason up instead of Christmas and send him out of the game. 

However, Cody opened up to him, and they made a short-term alliance. Jason has been open with Paul about voting to evict Christmas because he feels like he needs to return the favor to Cody. 

It does show loyalty, and Alex is in the same boat. Feeling like Cody threw her a bone with the veto win, she and Ramses are voting to evict Christmas. 

Have a look below at how the votes are currently stacking up, but remember things change in the house on an hourly basis. 

VTE Christmas: Jessica, Alex, Jason, & Ramses

VTE Jillian: Dominique, Elena, Mark, Matthew, Paul, & Raven

Josh previously said he would keep Christmas, but he keeps changing his mind. Kevin is also on the fence, but he will likely vote with Paul. 

What do you think of the latest spoilers?

Sound off below!
