Showing posts with label Anything. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anything. Show all posts

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Richie Incognito Funeral Home Arrest Video, "Don"t Do Anything Stupid"

TMZ Sports has obtained Richie Incognito’s arrest video — showing cops running up on the NFL lineman after he allegedly threatened to shoot staffers at an Arizona funeral home in the wake of his dad’s death.  It all went down on August 20 –…


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Cardi B"s Not Leaving Mommy Duty For Anything Less Than $300k Per Show

Cardi B’s not coming back to work unless someone’s ready to break the bank … it’s the only way she’ll entertain the idea of leaving her kid. Sources close to the rapper tell TMZ … Cardi wants $ 300k to get back onstage, and it’s gonna be on her…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Anthony Scaramucci Says Trump Can Say Anything, Omarosa Tapes Be Damned

Anthony Scaramucci says Omarosa trying to burn President Trump with his own words is likely to backfire … ‘cause we’ve already been there and done that, and nothing happened. We talked to the Mooch about Omarosa’s supposed 200 secret White House…


Anthony Scaramucci Says Trump Can Say Anything, Omarosa Tapes Be Damned

Anthony Scaramucci says Omarosa trying to burn President Trump with his own words is likely to backfire … ‘cause we’ve already been there and done that, and nothing happened. We talked to the Mooch about Omarosa’s supposed 200 secret White House…


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Meghan Markle: We"ll Do ANYTHING to Make My Dad Shut Up!

Even though Thomas Markle promises to stop talking already, it doesn’t look like Duchess Meghan’s family’s reign of terror is going to end any time soon.

Between her dad and two of her half-siblings, the Palace is at a loss for what to do. This isn’t the good ol’ days when they could just throw people in the dungeons, folks.

The Palace is having to rethink its long-standing policies to address Prince Harry’s new in-laws.

A source spoke with Entertainment Tonight about Meghan Markle’s family and how she and Kensington Palace intend to deal with this ongoing problem.

Speaking of Meghan and her father, an insider reveals: “She has gone through periods of difficulty with her father in the past.”

That’s pretty normal for most families.

“But,” the source makes sure to clarify. “She does love him.”

Of course, in this situation, loving the person who is constantly blabbing to any camera he sees just makes it more painful.

“That’s what’s been so difficult about this,” the insider explains.

“The Palace,” the source says. “Normally takes a firm policy of not commenting on personal matters.”

The royal family is always going to be the center of rumors and speculation and conspiracy theories.

The insider reveals that Kensington Palace “is now considering a more aggressive strategy to deal with the situation.”

Jokes about the Queen hiring assassins aside, this is a big deal.

The source explains that the Palace is considering how to deal “with both her father and her sister.”

“No one wants to see this continue,” the insider shares.

For anyone, having family members constantly embarrassing and badmouthing them on a global stage is an absolute horror.

However, the source does mention that the Palace is “less concerned” when it comes to Meghan’s half-sister, Samantha.

They’re less worried, the insider explains, “because she has never had a real relationship with Meghan.”

Meghan was close with her idiot dad. Samantha, it seems, is just delighting in being cruel on any show that will give her airtime.

Entertainment Tonight had previously heard about how strained things have become between Meghan and Daddy Dearest.

“She has not spoken to her father in more than 10 weeks since her wedding,” an insider revealed.

That is understandable. Especially since her father, by his own admission, hung up on Prince Harry a short time after his photo scandal came to light.

Meghan, the source shared, “is still hurt by her father, who has both staged the photos and continues to give paid interviews.”

He claims that the interview that he gave on Sunday will be his last. We’ll see.

“The Palace is at a loss of what to do and is re-evaluating options,” the insider stated.

The Palace is condiering a lot of things, the source said, “including a more aggressive strategy to stem the embarrassment caused by Meghan’s dad, half-sister, and half-brother.”

What we’re guessing is that the Palace will either give official statements to clear the air and discredit Meghan’s relatives and some of their nastier claims.

Or they may use their considerable resources to counter Harry’s in-laws in a less direct manner, perhaps with a media campaign of their own.

It’s even conceivable that they could effectively bribe Meghan’s family into silence, though that would set a very alarming precedent.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Lindsey Vonn on Ivanka Trump: If You Can"t Say Anything Nice ...

Lindsey Vonn ain’t a Donald Trump fan — she made it very clear before the Olympics — so how’d she feel about Ivanka making the trip to S. Korea for the games?? We asked her … and her reaction says a lot.  FYI — Vonn went after Trump…


Lindsey Vonn on Ivanka Trump: If You Can"t Say Anything Nice ...

Lindsey Vonn ain’t a Donald Trump fan — she made it very clear before the Olympics — so how’d she feel about Ivanka making the trip to S. Korea for the games?? We asked her … and her reaction says a lot.  FYI — Vonn went after Trump…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Jeremy Lane To Cops: "I Was More High Than Anything" During DUI Arrest

Seattle Seahawks star Jeremy Lane was being completely blunt during his DUI arrest over the weekend … straight-up admitting “I was more high than anything” while talking to cops. TMZ Sports has obtained the report … which reveals the CB was…


Jeremy Lane To Cops: "I Was More High Than Anything" During DUI Arrest

Seattle Seahawks star Jeremy Lane was being completely blunt during his DUI arrest over the weekend … straight-up admitting “I was more high than anything” while talking to cops. TMZ Sports has obtained the report … which reveals the CB was…


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Golden Globes Live TV Coverage, Anything Goes

The TV anchors and reporters covering Sunday’s Golden Globes are walking a tightrope … asking the wrong question or even an offhanded comment put them in a world of hurt.  Yet people involved in the coverage tell us, many networks aren’t…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Michelle Duggar Slammed By Fans: Does She Do ANYTHING Around the House?

Michelle Duggar is no stranger to parenting controversies.

In fact, it often seems that every decision made by the mother of 19 becomes a topic of intense scrutiny and heated debate amongst the the internet’s legion of obsessive Duggar fanatics.

This makes sense, of course, as were it not for questionable parenting, the world would have no idea who Michelle is.

Long before the Josh Duggar sex scandals made Michelle and husband Jim Bob the poster children for negligence, many questioned the wisdom of birthing enough children to form two competing baseball teams (with a spare to serve as umpire!).

No one is questioning Michelle and Jim Bob’s love for their children, but we think most parents would agree that it’s logistically impossible to properly care for 19 children.

That is, unless one has plenty of help.

Fortunately for Michelle, she has numerous assistants … and she hasn’t had to shell out a single dime for their services.

Michelle and Jim Bob say they rely on a “buddy system,” in which each of their children is assigned a younger sibling to help care for.

That’s problematic enough on its own, as the Duggar kids are often assigned complex child-rearing tasks at shockingly young ages.

But now, new evidence has suggested that Duggar children as young as 4 or 5 might be performing several hours of household chores each day (without even a small allowance as compensation).

On top of that, fans fear for the health and happiness of Jana Duggar, who has allegedly been discouraged from marrying and starting a family of her own so that she can assist her parents with raising their younger children.

At the center of this controversy, of course, is matriarch Michelle.

And questions about just how much work the 50-year-old does around the Duggar compound came to the forefront in the comments section of a recent Facebook photo:

“Making Chicken and Dumplings with Momma! Love time with my little girls!!” Michelle captioned the photo.

“Does [Michelle Duggar] ever really do anything? She’s always taking pictures and narrating but the kids are doing the work from a young age,” one fan commented on the photo.

“Have you not seen them sweeping and doing hard work at like 2 years old? Have you not seen the little 9-year-olds cooking dinner for 15+people?”

“The show has been on the air for how many seasons, and yet, not once has Michelle cooked a meal,” wrote another.

“It’s always the kids doing it while mom and dad sit around saying ‘I’m hungry where’s dinner’. It’s sad really. Chores are one thing but making a 1-year-old use a vacuum or mop that’s way bigger than them isn’t right.”

Michelle defended her hands-off approach to child-rearing in a recent interview with Parenting magazine.

“Everyone has jurisdictions, or chores, in our house,” Michelle said.

“We all have our areas where we are responsible … They all feel like they are a very important part of life, and that teaches responsibility.”

Fortunately for Michelle, it seems her “jurisdiction” consists primarily of documenting household activities on Facebook.

It’s a tough job, but … actually, no one has to do it,

Watch Counting On online for more on reality TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Caitlyn Jenner: The Kardashians Don"t Want Anything to Do With Me!

Not everything this year has gone as Caitlyn Jenner had hoped.

True, she might be dating a hot blonde 21-year-old, but Cait has been thoroughly disappointed by Trump. And she’s also become estranged from various Kardashians — from her family.

Caitlyn is publicly lamenting that the Kardashians want her out of their lives.

Caitlyn Jenner spoke about her memoir, The Secrets of My Life, and its detrimental effect on her relationship with the Kardashians at the Cambridge Union on Monday night.

And this sounds pretty rough.

“It’s been a little bit tough over the past couple of years on the Kardashian side.”

Yeah, we’d say so. Especially since April, when the memoir was published.

“To be honest, I don’t talk to them anymore. Kim I haven’t talked to in a year.”

That tracks, more or less. Back in September, we learned that Caitlyn and Kim hadn’t spoken in 9 months.

(11 months is “a year,” for most intents and purposes)

“They don’t want me in their lives, they bashed me pretty badly.”

We saw quite a lot of that, with Caitlyn getting called insane by her own family on Keeping Up With The Kardashians over some of the things that were written in her book.

“It’s devastating when your kids do that. It really hurt.”

Remember, folks — Caitlyn fathered Kendall and Kylie, but she’s been Kim and Kourtney and Khloe and Rob’s dad for decades, too.

Caitlyn doesn’t feel that their responses are justified.

“I tried to be honest in my book — very fair and very nice. Unfortunately, they didn’t take it that way.”

Honesty is not always the best policy — particularly when writing a memoir about your very famous, still-living family members.

But Caitlyn emphasizes that the Kardashians were not the focus.

“In the book I express some opinions and got shut down. It was not about the Kardashians.”

Sure, but obviously people are going to latch onto Kardashian news.

“They were only mentioned on 20 pages.”

Do you know how much any one of us could upset people in our lives by telling 100% truthful stories about them in just 20 pages?

You could lose every friend and family member that you have with too much honesty.

You gotta have a filter, folks. Yes, even when writing a memoir. You don’t need to lie; you just need to edit.

But Caitlyn thinks that the Kardashians doing what they do — turning every circumstance into entertainment for their own professional and financial benefit — is to blame for the perception that Caitlyn’s book was negative towards them.

“They made it more about them on television. The book was about my life. That caused a lot of the separation between us.”

Like we said, they sure did talk about it on their show.

But when you speak negatively of your celebrity family members outside of, like, a therapist’s office, don’t expect for them to be super chill about it.

Caitlyn seems to be regarding her book, because it is a memoir, as some sort of sacrosanct confessional whose contents should be untouchable.

But … it’s a book, and the Kardashians are (mostly) real people with (arguably) real feelings.

It’s important for us to note that Caitlyn still gets along with some members of what’s considered the Kardashian clan.

Caitlyn is still close with Kylie. Cait appeared on Life of Kylie. and the two regularly hang out on Father’s Day.

Also, Caitlyn took her gal pal Sophia Hutchins to Kendall Jenner’s 22nd birthday party.

That was potentially a little awkward, since Cait’s “friend” is still only 21 and therefore younger than Kendall, but it shows that Caitlyn and Kendall are still getting along.

Still, it’s sad to see a family torn apart. We wonder if they’ll mend fences or just resign themselves to this estrangement.


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Stephen Paddock"s Girlfriend, "I Never Saw Anything that Would be a Warning"

Stephen Paddock’s girlfriend just finished downloading the FBI on what she says she knew about the man who slaughtered scores of people in Vegas … and she’s pleading ignorance. Marilou Danley’s lawyer read a statement from her in which she said,…


Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Counting On Recap: Wedding Planning is Anything But Joy

With her big day fast approaching, Joy-Anna Duggar was in prime wedding planning mode last night on Counting On Season 5 Episode 2.

The teenage bride-to-be hit up string of stores with the aim of finding the perfect dress – and tasted wedding cakes for good measure.

If you watch Counting On online, you know that courtships, engagements, weddings, pregnancies and babies are a big part of the show.

Okay, they’re the entire show.

That being said, wedding planning is not all it’s cracked up to be, in Tontitown or anywhere, as Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth discovered.

Joy called the planning process “overrated” during her boring cake tasting, where Austin looked like he might slip into a coma.

“I don’t know, I don’t care!” Joy said at one point when Austin asked which she liked best. Closest they’ll ever come to a fight.

It’s a tough thing to go through, being pregnant before a shotgun wedding and all. (Kidding … but only mostly kidding, right?)

In all seriousness, worrying about bridesmaids’ dresses, cake testings, and wedding dress shopping can sure make one’s head spin.

Not to mention home renovations.

Austin said that if their house wasn’t finished – they were fixing it up at this time – before the wedding, he “didn’t know” what they’d do.

Seriously, where do you put the baby she’s already carrying but you’re not telling people about until the fast-tracked nuptials are over?

Kidding again. Mostly, again.

“As long as I get to marry him, I can live anywhere,” Joy said, downplaying concerns about the house and looking at what truly matters.

She is very sweet. Almost as sweet as that wedding cake probably tastes … not that she was particularly enthused about any of that.

“What do you want? It’s your cake,” Austin said to his indecisive future wife, who couldn’t make up her mind, but responded, “It’s OUR cake.”

That’s news to Mr. Forsyth.

Picking out bridesmaids dresses was not any easier, though Joy’s mother Michelle and some of her older sisters helped out on that.

Jessa Duggar could tell Joy was not enjoying the process, and decided to take on some of the responsibility so she wouldn’t be overwhelmed.

“I don’t even know how to do this stuff,” Joy said, getting emotional as she confided in her older sister. “That’s why I need your help.”

Fortunately, we know all is right with the world. Joy-Anna, Austin and their unborn baby (maybe) walked down the aisle May 26.



Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Luke Walton: Can Lonzo Be the Next Kobe? "Anything Is Possible"

Lakers head coach Luke Walton knows ya never put a ceiling on a player — including Lonzo Ball. So, when he was asked if Lonzo could be the next Kobe Bryant … he didn’t exactly rule it out. Walton’s clearly excited about his team — telling us…


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

George Clooney Looks Like Anything but a New Father of Twins

Fatherhood’s been kind to George Clooney so far … as in he doesn’t look stressed, sleep-deprived or like he’s put on a few extra new daddy lbs. George and Amal were out having dinner with friends Tuesday on Lake Como, Italy and they’re…


George Clooney Looks Like Anything but a New Father of Twins

Fatherhood’s been kind to George Clooney so far … as in he doesn’t look stressed, sleep-deprived or like he’s put on a few extra new daddy lbs. George and Amal were out having dinner with friends Tuesday on Lake Como, Italy and they’re…


Friday, April 14, 2017

Mama June: I HATE Sugar Bear More Than Anything!!!!!!!

So hey, don’t know if you heard about it, but Mama June has some pretty strong feelings about her ex, Sugar Bear.

Oh, heck, who are we kidding — of course you’ve heard about it.

No one can possibly look away from this shameful hillbilly trainwreck.

June’s been vocal for a while now about Sugar Bear’s wrongdoings, including all the times he cheated on her while they were together and his unwillingness to step up as a father.

But last week, she dropped the bombshell that he’d allegedly been abusive to June and her daughters.

And now she’s on the warpath.

In a new clip from tonight’s reunion special of Mama June: From Not to Hot, June has a little chat with Lynn Toler, the judge on Divorce Court.

Lynn has also done a lot of work with Marriage Boot Camp, so she’s been familiar with June and Sugar Bear for some time now.

She kicked things off by asking June if she had any feelings whatsoever left for Sugar Bear, of if she was at least upset that he got married so quickly after their split.

June, always one to jump to the point, answered with “No. I’ve never hated anybody as much as I hate him.”

“I would love to call him out on his bullsh-t,” she added. “How, like, reality hit. I knew what I needed to do.”

Well, it looks like she’s getting her wish now — we’d almost go as far as to say that we’ve never seen such an intense, successful calling out of bullsh-t, ever.

She’s been doing interview after interview, revealing her true experiences with Sugar Bear, and he’s making it easy to believe.

Just earlier today, we saw him go off on Pumpkin, June’s 17-year-old daughter. He called her names, ripped his shirt open, and tried to physically fight her.

If he’s willing to fight a 17-year-old girl he helped raise on national television, June’s claims aren’t all that far-fetched, right?

In this new clip, June acknowledged that she needed to move on from Sugar Bear, “not just for myself but for the kids because constantly he’s not going to change.”

Lynn came back to the point about how fast Sugar Bear moved on after breaking up with June — it was less than a year from the time they split to his proposal to Jennifer Lamb.

“I was a little shock, because it was so quick,” June admitted. “And I know Sugar Bear just can’t be alone.”

She also said that with his new marriage, she’s not so much worried about him as she is about Jennifer.

Lynn, ever the truth-seeker, brought up the reports that Sugar Bear had an affair with Jennifer while they were still together — something that he has denied.

When asked if she believes him about the affair, she answered with a simple but firm “Hell no!”

Look, June is certainly no prize herself, and she’d done her share of reprehensible things when it comes to her kids.

But if they feel safer with her than with Sugar Bear, and if he really is as abusive as she says, then good on her for taking them out of that situation.

As for Sugar Bear … come on, man. Get it together, at least a little bit.


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Greg Hardy"s Cocaine Arrest Video ... "He"s a Cowboys Player, Don"t Stir Anything Up" (VIDEO)

TMZ Sports has obtained the Greg Hardy cocaine arrest video which shows cops warning each other that he’s a big, strong, Dallas Cowboys player … so “we have to not stir anything up.” Hardy was arrested in Dallas back in September after officers…
