Showing posts with label Stir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stir. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Teen Mom 2 Recap: Not to Stir the Pot, But ...

On the season premiere of Teen Mom 2, we saw a ton of oft-discussed storylines come to fruition on camera for the first time.

When Teen Mom 2 Season 9 Episode 19 got underway, fans finally got to experience some of the biggest drama in franchise history.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know about Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin’s history … and how Briana DeJesus fits in.

Well, what we didn’t see, even after watching this play out online for months at a time, was how the fit finally hit the shan.

So to speak.

When the episode began, Briana met co-star Leah Messer for the first time when going to the MTV VMAs together last fall.

Bri gushed about Javi, Kailyn’s ex, claiming that the two were just friends but acting as if they were much more than that.

The real eyebrow-raiser came when Briana told Leah that he was bringing his son to visit her in Florida – and stay at the same hotel.

“I don’t think she’ll be happy,” Leah told Briana about Kailyn’s obvious reaction to this. “She’s probably going to be mad at you.”

Feeling awkward about having this information dropped on her, Messer went and told Lowry, who took it about how you’d think.

“It seemed like they were trying to cover it up with something else,” Leah said, and Kailyn indeed felt blindsided by the news.

Javi downplayed it when asked about it, but was annoyed – as was Briana – upon learning that Messer ratted him out to Kail.

Javi, Briana and Kailyn Split Pic

Meanwhile, Jenelle Evans found herself wrapped up in a custody battle against the mother of her second baby daddy, Nathan Griffith.

Nathan’s mom filed for motion for emergency custody of their son Kaiser, fearful of the possibly abusive conditions in Jenelle’s home.

“I’m sick of us trying to have our happy ending and everyone’s trying to f–k it up,” Jenelle, who is now married to Dave Eason, said.

Both Nathan and Jenelle’s mom, Barbara Evans, agreed that Kaiser may be mistreated there and that David is responsible, however.

“He has tendencies to be a violent person,” Nathan said of David, who reportedly doesn’t like Kaiser because he looks like Nate (really).

Nathan Griffith, David Eason Split

“He doesn’t touch the kids like that,” Jenelle said in his defense. “Everything’s completely fine here and everyone thinks it’s not.”

Meanwhile, back in Javi’s world, he said he and Briana text every day and have “really good chemistry,” so who knows what’ll happen!

Kailyn said she’s watched Briana’s behavior on the show and that she seems “messy” and that “Javi likes to s–t where he eats.”

Whatever that means.

In South Dakota, Chelsea Houska changed Aubree’s name to DeBoer, because that’s what Aubree wanted, to be named for Cole.

Cole, of course, is Aubree’s stepfather, not her biological dad. That would be Adam Lind, who said he would agree with this arrangement.

Only if he got child support reduced or eliminated completely, that is. Leave it to this guy to try to use this name change as an excuse.

Lind, of course, was later arrested for domestic assault and his ex-fiancee filed for a restraining order, accusing him of more abuse.

“His drug use is just out of control,” Chelsea said.

“He’s, like, getting worse.”

That’s truly amazing.


Monday, February 12, 2018

Barack & Michelle Obama Portraits Stir Sentiment, Controversy

Barack and Michelle Obama returned to the public eye on Monday, February 12.

Both the real-life versions of these stars and two pieces of artwork based on them, as the Smithsonian"s National Portrait Gallery unveiled its two latest additions to its presidential portraits collection.

The paintings of the 44th President of the United States and his First Lady were completed by world famous artists Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald, respectively, and each drew quite a reaction on social media.

Some users looked at these portraits and longed for the days when there was a sense of sanity and intelligence in the White House.

Others, meanwhile, looked at Michelle"s in particular and wondered: WTH is that?!?

Scroll down for a look at the paintings and for some of the most prominent reactions online to them…

1. Barack Obama

Barack obama portrait

Simple. Elegant. Beautiful. There weren’t many negative responses to this depiction of former President Obama.

2. Michelle Obama

Michelle obama portrait

A thing of beauty or a thing of controversy? The Internet is split on this official Michelle Obama portrait.

3. How Appropriate

How appropriate

Two African-American artists for the first African-American couple in the White House. Makes sense, right?

4. We Feel Ya, Little Girl

We feel ya little girl

These portraits are gorgeous, they just take us back and give us ALL the feels.

5. We’re Not Entirely Sure What This Means

Were not entirely sure what this means

But it still sounds about right to us.

6. The Future Seems Bright

The future seems bright

It only SEEMS that way upon portrait glance, that is. In reality, let’s remember who is President.

View Slideshow

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Greg Hardy"s Cocaine Arrest Video ... "He"s a Cowboys Player, Don"t Stir Anything Up" (VIDEO)

TMZ Sports has obtained the Greg Hardy cocaine arrest video which shows cops warning each other that he’s a big, strong, Dallas Cowboys player … so “we have to not stir anything up.” Hardy was arrested in Dallas back in September after officers…


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

El Chapo Says He"s Going Stir Crazy in Solitary

El Chapo’s lawyers claim their client is being treated inhumanely by essentially locking him up in solitary confinement and throwing away the key … and they want him moved to the prison’s general population. Chapo’s lawyers say the conditions are…


Friday, December 18, 2015

Florida Man and His "Ho"s" Stir Up Christmas Card Controversy

Move over, Florida Man. Take a seat, Florida Woman.

It’s time to make room for… Florida Family!!!

In this case, they are named the Yoshidas and they are comprised of a mother, a father and daughters Rachel and Natalie.

The family is in the news because the daughters posted photos on Imgur and Reddit of their 2015 Christmas Card, which may actually get more press this year than the Kardashian Christmas card.

That’s because it features the patriarch standing proudly over his kneeling wife and children while donning a shirt that reads “Chillin’ With My Ho’s.”

Each of the women are then wearing a shirt that simply reads “HO.”

Wrote Rachel as a caption to the above photo:

“My family’s xmas photo dis year. Disclaimer: this was my idea I want the credit bc it’s damn good.”

Not everyone out there agrees with this assessment, however.

As you might expect, various critics have taken to social media to bury the family, with one commenter posting:

“Well…his daughters are super hot but this is kind of creepy.”

What does Natalie have to say in defense of the card?

“All of our immediate friends understand our humor so they think it’s hilarious,” she tells BuzzFeed News. “Not one person who knows us in real life has ‘hated.’ Everyone who is ‘hating’ is seeking offense in an obvious joke.”

The family is also known for posing in unusual ways that are unrelated to Christmas, as evidenced by the following picture:

“We all have a great, albeit sometimes inappropriate, sense of humor,” Natalie adds to Us Weekly.

“We’re really close. Obviously, my dad wasn’t calling us hoes. Actually, my dad didn’t even know what was on the shirts. He just put the shirt on and sat in front of the camera because we said so!”

Seriously, Florida Man has acted FAR more inappropriately than this in the past…

Monday, September 14, 2015

Military Moms Breastfeed Online, Stir Controversy

Alyssa Milano is not the only person out there who makes no apologies for breastfeeding.

A picture of 10 military moms, as former Air Force service member Tara Ruby snapped the image in response to learning about a new nursing room at Fort Bliss Army Base in El Paso, Texas.

“Today I believe we made history,” Ruby wrote on Facebook.

“To my knowledge, a group photo to show support of active duty military mommies nursing their little’s has never been done. It is so nice to see support for this here at Fort Bliss.”

The photo has stirred up some controversy, however.

When it first went up on Ruby’s Facebook page Thursday, it suddenly “disappeared” for unknown reasons, she wrote.

But Ruby then shared it again, along with the following message:

“I was active duty a long time ago when support for breastfeeding moms wasn’t even an option or a consideration. We have come so far. Breastfeeding their babies doesn’t make them less of a soldier, I believe it makes them a better one.

“Juggling the tasks and expectations of a soldier, plus providing for their own in the best way they possibly can, makes these ladies even stronger for it.

“I want to say Thank You to everyone that saw my vision, and helped us in succeeding in making it come true. I am 100% for #normalizebreastfeeding. How about you?”

Well… how about you?!? We know where the following celebrities stand: