Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Teen Mom 2 Recap: Not to Stir the Pot, But ...

On the season premiere of Teen Mom 2, we saw a ton of oft-discussed storylines come to fruition on camera for the first time.

When Teen Mom 2 Season 9 Episode 19 got underway, fans finally got to experience some of the biggest drama in franchise history.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you know about Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin’s history … and how Briana DeJesus fits in.

Well, what we didn’t see, even after watching this play out online for months at a time, was how the fit finally hit the shan.

So to speak.

When the episode began, Briana met co-star Leah Messer for the first time when going to the MTV VMAs together last fall.

Bri gushed about Javi, Kailyn’s ex, claiming that the two were just friends but acting as if they were much more than that.

The real eyebrow-raiser came when Briana told Leah that he was bringing his son to visit her in Florida – and stay at the same hotel.

“I don’t think she’ll be happy,” Leah told Briana about Kailyn’s obvious reaction to this. “She’s probably going to be mad at you.”

Feeling awkward about having this information dropped on her, Messer went and told Lowry, who took it about how you’d think.

“It seemed like they were trying to cover it up with something else,” Leah said, and Kailyn indeed felt blindsided by the news.

Javi downplayed it when asked about it, but was annoyed – as was Briana – upon learning that Messer ratted him out to Kail.

Javi, Briana and Kailyn Split Pic

Meanwhile, Jenelle Evans found herself wrapped up in a custody battle against the mother of her second baby daddy, Nathan Griffith.

Nathan’s mom filed for motion for emergency custody of their son Kaiser, fearful of the possibly abusive conditions in Jenelle’s home.

“I’m sick of us trying to have our happy ending and everyone’s trying to f–k it up,” Jenelle, who is now married to Dave Eason, said.

Both Nathan and Jenelle’s mom, Barbara Evans, agreed that Kaiser may be mistreated there and that David is responsible, however.

“He has tendencies to be a violent person,” Nathan said of David, who reportedly doesn’t like Kaiser because he looks like Nate (really).

Nathan Griffith, David Eason Split

“He doesn’t touch the kids like that,” Jenelle said in his defense. “Everything’s completely fine here and everyone thinks it’s not.”

Meanwhile, back in Javi’s world, he said he and Briana text every day and have “really good chemistry,” so who knows what’ll happen!

Kailyn said she’s watched Briana’s behavior on the show and that she seems “messy” and that “Javi likes to s–t where he eats.”

Whatever that means.

In South Dakota, Chelsea Houska changed Aubree’s name to DeBoer, because that’s what Aubree wanted, to be named for Cole.

Cole, of course, is Aubree’s stepfather, not her biological dad. That would be Adam Lind, who said he would agree with this arrangement.

Only if he got child support reduced or eliminated completely, that is. Leave it to this guy to try to use this name change as an excuse.

Lind, of course, was later arrested for domestic assault and his ex-fiancee filed for a restraining order, accusing him of more abuse.

“His drug use is just out of control,” Chelsea said.

“He’s, like, getting worse.”

That’s truly amazing.
