Showing posts with label Portraits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portraits. Show all posts

Monday, May 21, 2018

Royal Wedding 2018: The Official Portraits are Here!

Meghan Markle didn’t merely marry Prince Harry this past Saturday.

She married into Prince Harry’s famous and very wealthy family.

And this development has now been driven home via the release of the official Royal Portraits from Kensington Palace.

Snapped in the Green Drawing Room at Windsor Castle after Meghan and Harry magical carriage procession through London, the picture were shot by fashion photographer, Alexi Lubomirski.

This is the same artist who took the couple’s memorable engagement photos at Frogmore House in Windsor late last year.

The first image (above) is a truly epic gathering of the entire royal family (minus four-week-old Prince Louis, who stayed home at the palace because… come on, he’s four weeks old).

Include in this snapshot is the little bridal party and Meghan’s proud mother, Doria Ragland.

(As you’ve likely read about by now, Meghan’s father, Thomas, suffered a heart attack last week and then underwent a heart procedure. He was unable to make the trip.)

“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have released three official photographs from their Wedding day,” opens the Kensington Palace Twitter caption alongside this photo, adding:

“These photographs were taken by photographer Alexi Lubomirski at Windsor Castle, following the carriage procession. #RoyalWedding.”

Also featured in the photo set is a picture of just Harry and Meghan with their adorable page boys and bridesmaids.

And it’s beyond precious…

Led by Prince George and Princess Charlotte, the eight other children include several of Harry and Meghan’s godchildren and children of their friends.

They are:

Florence van Cutsem, 3; Remi Litt, 6 and her sister Rylan, 7; Ivy Mulroney, 4; Zalie Warren, 2; Jasper Dyer, 6; and twins Brian and John Mulroney, 7.

“The duke and duchess would like to thank everyone who took part in the celebrations of their wedding,” a spokesperson for Kensington Palace said in a statement on Monday.

“They feel so lucky to have been able to share their day with all those gathered in Windsor and those who watched on television across the U.K., Commonwealth and around the world.”

Finally, this three-photo release concludes with a romantic snapshot of the brand new bride and groom, looking as happy as two people can be:

Meghan and Harry’s wedding came six months after the couple announced their engagement to the world.

It went off without a hitch, but with plenty of memorable moments.

Markle, for example, paid tribute to Princess Diana by wearing something blue.

She also stunned and inadvertedly seduced millions of people around the world by changing into a sleek white dress for her evening reception.

Just… wow, right?

There was also the kiss outside the chapel and the rendition of “Stand By Me” that was sung right before Meghan and Harry exchanged vows.

The vows did not include the word “obey,” which many have taken as a subtle pro-feminism stance by Markle’s part.

We approve.

Check out the exchange below:

“It has been an incredible honor and privilege to document The Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s inspiring journey of love, hope and family; from the engagement photos, all the way through to the official wedding and family portraits on Saturday,” Lubomirski said in a statement, concluding:

“This has been a beautiful chapter in my career and life, that I will happily never forget.”

The same goes for all who witnessed this blessed event.

Relive our favorite moments and fashion statements below:


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

John Legend Says Stop Hating on Barack and Michelle Obama Portraits

John Legend’s always a gentleman, so ya gotta read between the lines of what he’s saying to all the haters of Barack and Michelle Obama’s freshly unveiled portraits — essentially it’s, go kick rocks.  We got the singer at LAX Monday…


Monday, February 12, 2018

Barack & Michelle Obama Portraits Stir Sentiment, Controversy

Barack and Michelle Obama returned to the public eye on Monday, February 12.

Both the real-life versions of these stars and two pieces of artwork based on them, as the Smithsonian"s National Portrait Gallery unveiled its two latest additions to its presidential portraits collection.

The paintings of the 44th President of the United States and his First Lady were completed by world famous artists Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald, respectively, and each drew quite a reaction on social media.

Some users looked at these portraits and longed for the days when there was a sense of sanity and intelligence in the White House.

Others, meanwhile, looked at Michelle"s in particular and wondered: WTH is that?!?

Scroll down for a look at the paintings and for some of the most prominent reactions online to them…

1. Barack Obama

Barack obama portrait

Simple. Elegant. Beautiful. There weren’t many negative responses to this depiction of former President Obama.

2. Michelle Obama

Michelle obama portrait

A thing of beauty or a thing of controversy? The Internet is split on this official Michelle Obama portrait.

3. How Appropriate

How appropriate

Two African-American artists for the first African-American couple in the White House. Makes sense, right?

4. We Feel Ya, Little Girl

We feel ya little girl

These portraits are gorgeous, they just take us back and give us ALL the feels.

5. We’re Not Entirely Sure What This Means

Were not entirely sure what this means

But it still sounds about right to us.

6. The Future Seems Bright

The future seems bright

It only SEEMS that way upon portrait glance, that is. In reality, let’s remember who is President.

View Slideshow

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Donald & Melania Trump Portraits on the Way to White House

Donald and Melania Trump’s portraits are already making their way to the White House, courtesy of Congressman Mike Kelly, but not the official ones. The portraits are a surprise gift from one of Kelly’s constituents. They were painted by artist…
