Showing posts with label Elicits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elicits. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Anne Frank Halloween Costume Elicits Internet Outrage

Anne Frank is probably the most famous Holocaust survivor of all-time.

The young girl gained notoriety after her diary was published in the wake of her death, as millions of people learned how she hid from the Nazis between 1942 and 1944 when Germany occupied the Netherlands as part of World War II.

She was eventually discovered and died in a concentration camp.

In other words: Anne Frank is a hero.

But one way NOT to honor her struggle would be to sell an ensemble on labeled as "World War II Evacuee Girl Costume."

In general, the Holocaust really isn"t something that ought to be reduced to such a cheap stunt.

Yet that"s exactly what this online retailer went ahead and did, much to the shock and anger of the Internet…

1. Here’s the Costume

Heres the costume

On, you can pretend as if YOU were killed in the mass murder of Jewish people simply by wearing a blue dress, green beret and a messenger bag for $ 24.99.

2. This is the Actual Product Description

This is the actual product description

“We can always learn from the struggles of history! Unfortunately, World War II shook the world in a way that no one could have foreseen. It showed us what true and mettle were. It also created some unexpected heroes, where even a young girl like Anne Frank with nothing but a diary and hope could become an inspiration to us all. We can learn from someone like that!”

3. Ready, Internet?

Ready internet


4. Super Uncool

Super uncool

That is a super understatement.

5. What. The. Actual. Eff.

What the actual eff

We really can’t say it much better ourselves.

6. This is from the Anti-Defamation League’s St. Louis Branch:

This is from the anti defamation leagues st louis branch


View Slideshow

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Little Girl Cries Over Pixar Movie, Elicits ALL the Feels


The following video may be the most precious and adorable thing you have ever seen in your entire life.

In a piece of footage that has gone viral across the Internet, a two-year old named Jentree is watching Pixar’s The Good Dinosaur alongside her grandmother.

"My mom sent me this video of my 2 year old niece jentree watching a movie and crying because the dinosaur fell and lost his mom…my heart," wrote the toddler"s aunt, Emily, as a caption upon sharing the video on social media.

At one point in the animated film, a dinosaur named Arlo gets separated from his parents and ends up in a river, far away from home.

"He fell off," says Jentree upon witnessing this same event, barely able to hold back her tears.

"He wants his mamma," she adds, telling little Arlo to call out for his loved one.

Clearly shaken, Jentree can"t take her eyes away from the screen as she blinks back more waterworks.

It"s a scene so very cute and innocent and sweet.

"Get up dinosaur!" she yells at the movie.

Assured by her relative on the sofa that the creature is okay and that there"s no reason to be upset, the two-year old calms down a bit.

"That made me sad," she admits, after the heartbreaking few moments come to an end.

The clip has been viewed over EIGHT MILLION times in Facebook, with every comment noting how sensitive and special this child is.

"This is the cutest, most purest & sweetest video I have ever seen. Her heart is so beautiful, oh my god," wrote one Twitter user, echoing our sentiments exactly.

Check out the footage now:

Little girl cries over disney movie elicits all the feels

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

John Stamos Mourns Dog, Elicits ALL the Tears

John Stamos may be living in a Full(er) House these days on television.

But the actor’s real life house just got a little more quiet and lonely.

Stamos took to Instagram this afternoon and shared the sad news that his dog just passed away.

Her name was Linka; Stamos had often filled his social media feed with her photos; and he added one more in honor of her death.

“She was always there, especially in the dark times,” wrote Stamos in the sweet tribute to his beloved pooch.

“Never judging. By my side. Only loyal.”

That’s the thing about dogs, isn’t it?

They really are always, always there for you. They want to cuddle or play fetch or give you a thousand licks the second you come home, no questions asked.

Stamos and Linka enjoyed soaking up some sun poolside together for many years. 

We’d normally comment on the amazing view in a photo such as the one below.

But we’re just focused now on these adorable doggy kisses!

Stamos has previously joked about the importance of maintaining Linka’s privacy, writing:

“I have a dog that I love a lot but I don’t talk about her publicly. She’s very sensitive when it comes to press.”

Stamos has adopted another dog, Freida. So at least he isn’t totally alone here.

But anyone who has lost a beloved pet knows what this feel like. It really is akin to losing a family member.

Our heart goes out to John Stamos at this time.

We’re not being facetious, either.

We’d keep writing more on the topic, but our eyes are welling with the tears at the thought of losing our dog.

So we’ll just send Stamos our very best wishes and say we’re sure Linka is now resting in peace.