Showing posts with label PettyAss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PettyAss. Show all posts

Monday, September 10, 2018

Meghan Markle & Kate Middleton: Pissing Off the Royals With Their Petty-Ass Feud [Report]

While fans of the British Royal Family believe that Meghan Markle is hiding a baby bump, rumor says that there’s something else in the family on the verge of spilling into the public sphere.

Meghan and her sister-in-law, Kate Middleton, are reportedly feuding again.

And it’s gotten so bad that their husbands are said to be planning an intervention. Yikes.

InTouch reports that Kate and Meghan are engaged in an envy-fueled feud.

And apparently this alleged feuding has grown so severe that Prince Harry and Prince William are plotting to do something about it before it escalates.

“The boys are discussing whether to stage an intervention,” their inside source claims.

That would be a drastic step, but the insider says that it may be necessary “in order to get Meghan and Kate to make up.”

If that’s what they do, we sure hope that it works.

It’s reported that things got so bad that the Queen herself wants the situation resolved.

“She said something had to be done,” the source says of Queen Elizabeth.

Apparently the Queen has had enough, and “she wants to resolve the issue once and for all.”

In part, it sounds like this may be about public relations as much as it is about family unity.

The insider shares that “the last thing the queen wants is a full-blown crisis at the palace.”

Supposedly, this imminent crisis is because of Kate’s position as the mother of three heirs to the throne.

“Meghan can’t help but be jealous,” the source claims.

The insider then goes above and beyond, saying that “she’s lying if she says she isn’t.”

Thta’s a very bold claim. Especially since, surely, Meghan knew all along that Kate’s marriage to William made her a bigger deal within the family.

“She knows that one day Kate will be reaping all the rewards of that title,” the source says.

There is more to this alleged feud than Meghan’s reported resentments, however. It sounds like Kate has some gripes as well.

“Meghan learned everything she knows from Kate,” the insider says.

“But since the wedding, Kate feels like Meghan has barely made any effort with her,” the source says.

“And,” the insider continues, Meghan “is more interested in impressing the queen.”

Well … wouldn’t most people put a little more effort into their new grandmother-in-law … especially when she’s the literal Queen?

The report goes on to say that Meghan isn’t deliberately snubbing Kate.

“To be fair,” the source says. “Meghan has been busy.”

She’s a newlywed, she’s adjusting to her new life. Also, her awful family seems to be determined to ruin her life.

“But Kate feels like she’s put a lot of effort into their friendship and hasn’t gotten much in return,” the insider explains.

That sounds like a somewhat fair complaint.

We have to say that we have our doubts about all of this. Meghan and Kate are grown women, not soap opera characters.

Hopefully, they are satisfied with their own lives and don’t feel the need to tear down others (or each other) in order to feel good about themselves.

Meghan’s half-siblings may be vicious, but there’s no reason to believe that Meghan herself is.

Maybe Meghan and Kate aren’t the best of friends, but they don’t need to be joined at the hip for them to not be at each other’s throats.

We hope, anyway.

Meghan has enough drama from her blood relatives.
