Showing posts with label TShirts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TShirts. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Nicki Minaj Sued for Stealing Booby T-Shirts

Nicki Minaj grabbed a pair of boobs and slapped ‘em on a t-shirt — but the problem is, that boob design belongs to someone else … according to a lawsuit. Nicki just got sued by Isiah Simon, an artist who says he’s the creator of the inverted…


Friday, July 7, 2017

Kylie & Kendall Jenner Sued by Famed Photographer for Tupac T-Shirts

Kylie and Kendall Jenner have been slapped with a lawsuit for straight-up jacking Tupac Shakur pics and trying to profit off the work … so claims the famed photographer in a new suit. Renowned photographer Michael Miller — whose…


Saturday, July 1, 2017

Kendall and Kylie Jenner: Donating Earnings from Offensive T-Shirts?

Earlier this week, Kendall and Kylie Jenner started up one of the dumbest scandals we’ve ever seen.

It was really and truly just ridiculous.

Somehow, someway, the littlest Jenners thought it was a good idea to make a line of t-shirts featuring photos of popular musicians — with their own faces laid over them.

The artists they chose included the likes of Tupac, Notorious B.I.G. The Doors, Pink Floyd, and more.

So just picture your favorite legendary music act on a shirt, then a semi-transparant photo of Kendall and/or Kylie on top of it.

It’s just … why?

On top of the offensive, possibly illegal use of those images, the Jenner girls also had the nerve to ask $ 125 for one of their silly shirts.

It’s no wonder they’ve been receiving a boatload of backlash.

First, the mother of the late Notorious B.I.G. commented on the shirts on her Instagram page, writing that she wasn’t sure who told Kylie and Kendall “that they had the right to do this.”

“The disrespect of these girls to not even reach out to me or anyone connected to the estate baffles me,” she continued.

“I have no idea why they feel they can exploit the deaths of 2pac and my Son Christopher to sell a t-shirt. This is disrespectful, disgusting and exploitation at its worst!”

Since another shirt featured Ozzy Osbourne, his family also felt the need to comment.

His wife, Sharon, tweeted “Girls, you haven’t earned the right to put your face with musical icons. Stick to what you know … lip gloss.”

Fun, right?

Kendall has issued an apology, stating that “These designs were no well thought out and we deeply apologize to anyone hat has been upset and/or offended, especially to the families of the artists.”

“We are huge fans of heir music and it was not our intention to disrespect these cultural icons in any way. The tee shits have been pulled from retail and all images have been removed.”

She added that “We will use this as an opportunity to learn from these mistakes, and again we are very sorry.”

It seems the apology, while nice, wasn’t exactly enough — Biggie Smalls’ estate made an additional statement about it.

“While we appreciate that the Jenners have made an apology and pulled the unlawful and unauthorized items, this matter has yet to be resolved,” the statement read.

Could there possibly be some legal action in the near future?

Just in case, it seems like Kendall and Kylie are eager to make things right as much as they can.

As a source explains to Hollywood Life, “They are definitely feeling bad over the fallout of their t-shirt line and are not happy that they are getting threatened with lawsuits and taking a lot of heat for it.”

Easy solution: don’t do dumb stuff, then you won’t get heat.

The source claims that “They are considering donating all the proceeds of the shirts that were sold to the charities of the families to make their apology actually mean something more.”

Really, that’s the least they should do.

Short of inventing a time machine, going back and making better choices, it’s pretty much their only option.


Friday, June 30, 2017

Kendall and Kylie Jenner"s Vintage T-Shirts Shut Down, The Doors Are Ready to Sue

Kendall and Kylie Jenner’s vintage t-shirt line pissed off rock legend band The Doors, and now the iconic group’s going to sue. Lawyers for the band fired off a cease and desist letter to the Jenner sisters over the gear … which features…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Kendall and Kylie Jenner Pull All "Vintage T-Shirts," Apologize for Jacking Music Icon Images

Kendall and Kylie Jenner learned a valuable lesson today — sometimes it’s NOT easier to ask for forgiveness than permission … because they just apologized for ripping off images of music icons to hawk t-shirts. Kendall and Kylie just…


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Donald Trump T-Shirts Leave America Stunned, Irate

At this point, it’s nearly impossible to be surprised by anything Donald Trump says or does.

He recently shot down claims that he watched two prostitutes urinate on each other because he’s a germophobe, for example.

But while many have come to expect the ridiculous, the false and the infuriating from Trump, they remain peeved and perplexed when faced with everything that surrounds Donald Trump.

Like how quiet Republican lawmakers were when Trump slammed Civil Rights icon John Lewis? Sure.

But let’s focus more for a moment on how Spencer’s Gifts has chosen to profit off the Trump Presidency.

A store known for selling novelty items, Spencer’s may finally have gone too far.

Because while a coffee mug that reads “Coffee Makes Me [Poop Emoji]” may be humorous, most sane-minded individuals out there find nothing funny about the following shirts currently on the market:

“In case anyone still needed a reason to never walk into a @Spencers again, this is proudly being displayed in the front of their PDX store,” wrote Twitter Mary Numair last week.

Yes, the store is actually selling a shirt based on Trump’s admission that he often just grabs women by the pussy, an admission he made on tape back in 2005 when speaking to Billy Bush.

Most folks interpreted this remark as an example of sexual assault.

But Spencer’s sees it as a marketing opportunity.

“He’s done it again,” the official description of this piece of attire reads online.

“The Donald grabbed America by the pu$ $ y this election, now you can too with this hilarious political tee! This laugh out loud Spencer’s exclusive shirt is perfect for reminding everyone that Trump’s in charge.”

The item is currently sold-out on the Spencer’s website.

Trump will take the oath of office on January 20 with the lowest approval rating of any incoming President in modern political history.

But the online reaction to these shirts may be even harsher than the reaction of those who don’t want him to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

spencers reaction

Focusing specifically on the “Grab America by the Pussy” top, one Twitter user summed up our feelings perfectly.

“This tee shouldn’t have made it past the pitch room, @Spencers,” he wrote. “Not a matter of being offended; it’s elevating sex assault as patriotism.”

“Sexual assault is not patriotism, @Spencers. It’s not a joke or a slogan. For too many, it’s a lived experience of violation & violence,” wrote another irate American.

Some are calling for a boycott of Spencer’s in light of these offensive shirts.

Do you think this is the right move?

Do you think people have a right to be angry over these items? Or is it all in good fun?

And where do these shirts rank in the history of crude articles of clothing?

It may surprise you (or it may not surprise you at all), but retailers have gotten in trouble numerous times over the years for similarly offensive piece of attire.

To wit:
