Thursday, April 13, 2017

8-Year Old Boy Drives (Yes, Drives!) Little Sister to McDonald"s

Kids these days, huh?

They throw tantrums in front of The Queen… they steal The Pope’s hat… and they don’t believe the number four exists.

Oh, and they also steal their parents’ car and drive their little sister to McDonald’s because they crave some fast food.

At eight years old.

According to the Ohio Police Department, a young boy grabbed the keys to his family’s car after both his parents fell asleep this week.

He also grabbed his four-year old sister, who was totally down with eating some cheeseburgers, and used the lessons he had learned on YouTube to successfully drive all the way to his local McDonald’s.

Really, that may be the most amazing part of this hilarious story;

The child maintained the speed limit and executed a perfect left turn into the drive-thru lane, where he came to a stop at the window and actually placed his order.

“It was remarkable,” East Palestine Police Officer Jacob Koehler told Inside Edition on Wednesday.

“He got him and his sister to McDonald’s without hitting anything or running any red lights.”

The unnamed eight-year old apparently took money from his piggy bank to finance the fast-food adventure.

According to The Morning Journal, employees at the restaurant thought they were victims of a prank when they saw the boy behind the wheel and then listened as he calmly asked for his food.

Police officers say they receiver two calls from pedestrians about a little boy driving a big van, Koehler explained.

The cops arrived at the McDonald’s around 8 p.m. Sunday, just as the boy was pulling up to the drive-thru window.

“He said he and his sister looked up how to drive on YouTube,” Koehler said. “They waited until mom fell asleep and grabbed her keys.”

Not wanting to actually place children of this age inside a cruiser, the police allowed the boy and his sister to wait inside the restaurant for their grandparents to pick them up and take them to the police station.

They gobbled down on a cheeseburger, chicken nuggets and fries during this time.

The parents then retrieved their kids from the station and no charges were filed in the incident.

Still, Koehler remained most stunned that such a little boy was able to handle such a large vehicle.

“This was a one-ton work van,” the officer said. “This thing was huge.”

He added:

“I was expecting to get call after call about mailboxes being knocked over, stupid stuff like that. But he didn’t hit a single thing.”

We bet those burgers sure hit the spot, though!


As you can see immediately above, this is somehow only the second weirdest story about a trip to McDonald’s we’ve written about on the site.
