Thursday, October 12, 2017

Adam Lind: Not Paying Child Support, Buying Meth Instead?!

Adam Lind … every time we hear about this jackass, he just sounds worse and worse.

Which is surprising, considering that we already know he’s a deadbeat dad with a penchant for meth and murdering puppies.

“How could he possibly get worse than that?” you may find yourself wondering.

And to that, we say this:

Adam Lind always finds a way.

For his latest act of awfulness, Adam has — surprise, surprise — fallen behind yet again on his child support payments.

This time, to the tune of over $ 9,000.

In court documents obtained by Radar Online, Taylor Halbur headed to court back in August to let the powers that be know that Adam was slacking again when it came to making payments for their daughter, Paislee.

To make up the missed payments, he was ordered to cough up $ 9,062.68, which of course he didn’t do.

And you probably won’t be surprised to learn that he still hasn’t paid.

Because hey, why provide child support for a child you never really see when you could buy meth and steroids instead?!

Yep, this new information fits along nicely with a report we heard about Adam earlier this month — one that claimed he was still on drugs.

Things have gotten so bad for him that his longtime girlfriend, Stasia Huber, has moved out of their home because of lies he told her about his drug use.

An insider said that he “doesn’t set up time” to visit with Paislee, and that he “hardly” ever visits Aubree, his daughter with Chelsea Houska, either.

“He has the potential to be a good dad when there aren’t obstacles in his way,” the insider explained.

“At the end of the day all that matters though is his actions and his effort and it’s just not there. He only works on his cars and sleeps a lot.”

And spends his money on anything put supporting his children, apparently.

If he owes over $ 9,000 for Paislee, then it’s pretty safe to assume he’s fallen behind on payments for Aubree, too.

The difference is that Paislee’s mother isn’t a successful reality star with a salary to match — Chelsea has said that Adam’s child support payments goes straight to a separate bank account that she rarely looks at, so she may have not noticed a lapse in payments yet.

It’s also worth noting that this isn’t the first time Adam has fallen behind on his child support payments — not by a long shot.

About this time last year, two warrants were issued for his arrest: one for falling $ 3,805 behind in payments for Aubree, and one for falling $ 5,489 behind in payments for Paislee.

That time, he managed to pay the money he owed, but this time, things aren’t looking so good.

He finally kept his promise in quitting Teen Mom 2 this season, and if he really does have that bad meth habit he’s rumored to have, he probably doesn’t have any money squirreled away from his time on the show.

So maybe a couple more arrest warrants will be issued — and maybe he’ll actually see some consequences for his actions this time.

We can only hope.
