Thursday, October 12, 2017

Kate Middleton: Baby Bump-Shamed By World"s Worst People

As you’ve likely heard, Kate Middleton is pregnant with her third child, and earlier this week, the world caught its first glimpse of her baby bump.

That is to day, this was our first glimpse of Kate’s latest bump, as we’ve seen the Duchess in this stage of pregnancy on two prior occasions.

But despite the fact that Kate looks just about the same as she did when she was carrying Prince George and Princess Charlotte, for some reson, the trolls came out in force to offer commentary no one wanted on her latest round of pics.

As we’ve said before (and will likely say many more times, as this seems to happen every time a celebrity gets knocked up), each pregnancy is different and comparing one to another is an exercise in futility.

That said, by any metric, there’s really nothing unusual about Kate’s appearance here.

But don’t tell that to the vile basement-dwelling haters who seized the opportunity to tear Kate down for having the gall to be pregnant in public.

Most of the comments on Kate’s photos were merely horrific in a passive-aggressive way (“I can’t believe she’s prego, she looks too thin”).

But some crossed the line into truly montorus territory, in the way that we’ve come to expect from the internet’s very worst people.

(The commenter who described Kate as “an emaciated, severely malnourished anorexic” should be eligible for some kind of prize for awfulness.)

Of course, the situation is made so much worse by the fact that Kate is recovering from severe morning sickness, and this is the first royal engagement of her pregnancy.

Nothing like stepping out in public for the first time in a long time, only to have a bunch of strangers malign your appearance.

Of course, there were some complimentary comments, as well, but even those serve as a reminder that people should probably just refrain from offering their two cents on the bodies of pregnant strangers.

“She is further along than me in pregnancy and she looks stunning and I’m over here looking like a cow,” wrote one commenter

“Doesn’t even look pregnant. Ugh why is she so perfect?” remarked another.

Why should Kate’s appearance make anyone feel worse about their own?

And why would being pregnant negate her perfection?

To their credit, these commenters meant well, but their remarks are still a little strange.

Maybe we should all just stop making observations about one another’s physiques and get back to shaming each other’s fashion choices.

That’s what the internet was meant for!
