Showing posts with label Arguing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arguing. Show all posts

Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 16 Recap: Guess Who"s Arguing at Dinner?

It sure looks like there’s no hope for Bethenny Frankel and Carole Radziwill. 

Their feud continued on The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 6, and while it made for good TV, you could tell both women were done with each other. 

When the episode got underway, Bethenny was wailing about how busy she was and that she had very little support. 

“I’m cracking,” she said to Dorinda Medley. 

But things never got any better, and Bethenny called her boyfriend, Dennis for some guidance. 

“I’m crying nonstop like a crazy person. I have no relationship with Carole. I don’t know. I’m not welcome here,” she continued. 

Tensions continued to mount during a group dinner in which the two women tried to figure out what really caused their friendship to go down. 

“I’m just sad, and I’m hurt,” Bethenny said to Carole, but the former journalist genuinely seemed concerned about her frenemy. 

“This has been the worst vacation of my entire life,” said Bethenny after Carole gave her a kiss on the head. 

While that may have seemed the extending of the olive branch, Carole later said in a confessional that her relationship with Bethenny was like an abusive relationship. 


As if things were not bad enough, Luann de Lesseps and Dorinda got into it at the same dinner table, and it all started because of the alcohol. 

“How are the margaritas?” Luann asked.

“What?,” Dorinda replied as though someone had just stolen her margarita. 

“She’s turning,” said Luann of Dorinda. If you watch The Real Housewives online, you know that Dorinda has had some big bust-ups fueled by alcohol. 

“Darling, what’s that mean, darling?,” Dorinda fired back, clearly irate by the way she had just been spoken to. 

Things took a wild turn when Luann refused to apologize.

“Drink some more and get arrested. Felony,"” Dorinda barked at her friend. 

That’s a low blow when you consider the fact that Luann’s arrest and battle with alcohol recently played out on the show. 

Luann managed to keep her cool but told Dorinda to cut the crap, but Dorinda persisted, even going as low as bringing up the mugshot from Luann’s arrest. 

We think it’s fair to say that mugshots are rarely flattering, so we don’t get where Dorinda was going with this. 

Carole decided to immerse herself int that argument, saying Luann has been sober for “two minutes” so should not be passing judgment on others. 

After the ladies talked smack about each other, Bethenny and Luann met up to chat about Dorinda. 

Bethenny brought up the drinking at the aide mission in Puerto Rico. 

“She has a drinking problem,” Bethenny said.

Bethenny then tried to talk to Dorinda about what happened between her and Luann, and Dorinda said the following:

“Yeah, I f***ed my relationship with Luann. It doesn’t matter,” she said.

While Dorinda was ready to forget all about it, Bethenny was adamant that Luann still liked her and they could make things right. 

God, these women really know how to bring the drama. 

What are your thoughts on all the drama?

Hit the comments below. 

The Real Housewives of New York continues Wednesday on Bravo. 


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Love & Hip Hop Season 7 Episode 12 Recap: Arguing In Mexico

Yandy Smith sent her feud with Kimbella Vanderhee into overdrive during a tense trip to Mexico for the cast members of VH1’s hit reality series. 

When Love & Hip Hop Season 7 Episode 12 got underway, Papoose was telling us just how upset he had been since Remy Ma wound up in hospital. 

His mother and daughter appeared to check in on him, but it became clear that he was facing an uphill battle to get back to the way he was. 

In Mexico, Kimbella felt the need to start an argument with Yandy about how Juelz felt about her. Basically, Kimbella said that Yandy’s management sucked. 

Yandy was quick to point out that the business was between her and Julez, without any involvement from Kimbella. You could tell Kimbella was not pleased in the slightest, but what did she really expect to happen?

Later, Bianca, Cardi B and Hennessy hung out, but Bianca was annoyed when she realized that Cardi B brought Mariahlynn along for the fun and felt betrayed. 

“I’m sorry I let myself be used by someone who was trying to get back at her boyfriend,” Mariahlynn barked. 

The pair then made it clear that their feud was over by hugging it out. It was about time. 

Back in New York, Papoose returned from the studio to find Remy sitting on the couch. He sat next to her and got talking. 

“I never want you to think this is your fault. I love you no matter what and we are going to get through this together.”

Remy burst into floods of tears at his statement and had one of her own to return. 

“I can’t help thinking that if only I had done it when you wanted me to then this wouldn’t have happened.”

However, Papoose wanted her to know that he will love her no matter what. 

“Even if we never have a child together I love you always.”

How sweet is that?

Back in Mexico, Kimbella was still fuming that Yandy brought Bianca along to Mexico. This paved the way for both ladies to go to different clubs. 

However, Yandy was annoyed when she found out that Bianca was out partying the night away with the likes of Mariahlynn and Cardi B. 

She tells Bianca “I brought you here to work and not to turn up.”

Bianca tells Yandy “I respect you, but I know that you have a lot going on with Mendecees being locked away but I need to have a little fun too.”

The next day, Juju had organized a lunch for Yandy and Kimbella to try mend fences. 

“I had to walk out because you weren’t hearing me,” Yandy revealed. 

Kim tells her “I’m happy that you are managing my man, but I need you to listen to me and really hear me.”

This did not sit well with Yandy, but Mariahlynn showed up and called Yandy out for going off on Bianca for having a night off. 

The ladies then decided to just put the past behind them and have a fun day. 

Later, Yandy decided to dig Juju about her book, which resulted in the feud restarting. 

Back in New York, Self spray painted Cisco’s car to make it property of Gwinnin. 

“When you take from Gwinnin Gwinnin takes back,” revealed Self. 

Just when Cisco got ready to go crazy, the guys revealed that it was a practical joke and the paint would wipe off. They men mended fences. 


Friday, October 2, 2015

Johnny Depp & Amber Heard: Arguing Constantly, Headed For Divorce, Source Claims

It’s only been eight months since Johnny Depp and Amber Heard got married, but rumors that the May-December couple are having trouble have been circulating almost from the start.

Sources have claimed that Depp’s drinking is driving Heard away, and they’ve reportedly clashed over everything from her wild spending habits to a yacht named after Johnny’s ex.

The couple was all smiles on the red carpet at the Toronto International Film Festival last month, but insiders say behind the scenes they were at each other’s throats  – which is sadly not uncommon.

It seems the cause of one big fight was Johnny’s flirtatious demeanor when speaking with other women.

Apparently it’s something he and Amber have fought about in the past, and she was unable to control her temper at a screening for Johnny’s new movie Black Mass.

Insiders tell Star magazine that the 52-year-old star was able to usher his 29-year-old bride away from the throng of reporters before she made a scene, but there were still several witnesses to a very ugly fight.

“She talked to him like a child,” one onlooker tells the tabloid. “Johnny smiled awkwardly and seemed to calm her down, because the next minute they were holding hands again and she was all smiles.”

One source claims that the couple bickers constantly over “everything from Johnny’s female fans to his constant weight gain.”

“Amber is very loving toward Johnny — but if things aren’t the way she wants, all hell breaks loose,” says the insider. “He’s blinded by love. He’ll do anything she wants — and she knows it.”

At first, we were quick to dismiss the rumors of Johnny and Amber getting divorced, but if she’s as controlling as many sources are claiming, we can’t imagine that rebellious Johnny will put up with it for very long.