Friday, October 2, 2015

Johnny Depp & Amber Heard: Arguing Constantly, Headed For Divorce, Source Claims

It’s only been eight months since Johnny Depp and Amber Heard got married, but rumors that the May-December couple are having trouble have been circulating almost from the start.

Sources have claimed that Depp’s drinking is driving Heard away, and they’ve reportedly clashed over everything from her wild spending habits to a yacht named after Johnny’s ex.

The couple was all smiles on the red carpet at the Toronto International Film Festival last month, but insiders say behind the scenes they were at each other’s throats  – which is sadly not uncommon.

It seems the cause of one big fight was Johnny’s flirtatious demeanor when speaking with other women.

Apparently it’s something he and Amber have fought about in the past, and she was unable to control her temper at a screening for Johnny’s new movie Black Mass.

Insiders tell Star magazine that the 52-year-old star was able to usher his 29-year-old bride away from the throng of reporters before she made a scene, but there were still several witnesses to a very ugly fight.

“She talked to him like a child,” one onlooker tells the tabloid. “Johnny smiled awkwardly and seemed to calm her down, because the next minute they were holding hands again and she was all smiles.”

One source claims that the couple bickers constantly over “everything from Johnny’s female fans to his constant weight gain.”

“Amber is very loving toward Johnny — but if things aren’t the way she wants, all hell breaks loose,” says the insider. “He’s blinded by love. He’ll do anything she wants — and she knows it.”

At first, we were quick to dismiss the rumors of Johnny and Amber getting divorced, but if she’s as controlling as many sources are claiming, we can’t imagine that rebellious Johnny will put up with it for very long.