Friday, October 2, 2015

Jase and Missy Robertson: Anna Duggar Should LEAVE Josh Duggar!

As the other devoutly religious, politically conservative reality TV powerhouse, the Robertsons of Duck Dynasty are frequently asked to comment on the various Josh Duggar sex scandals

Back in August, Sadie Robertson defended the Duggars, but that was before Josh admitted to cheating on his wife and entered rehab to be treated for sex addiction.

Now, Sadie’s aunt and uncle – Jase and Missy Robertson – are speaking out about the Duggars’ troubles for the first time, and it seems they’re not quite as forgiving

Asked if she believes Anna Duggar should leave Josh, Missy responded:

“She certainly has that right, because he interrupted their marriage with those affairs, but forgiveness is not really a choice, you know, if you want forgiveness from God.

“She’s definitely a victim in this whole situation, and, yes, [Josh] made some wrong decisions. But that’s something that, at the end of the day, when the cameras go away, that’s their life.

“They’re going to have to deal with it themselves and get past it and try to savor some of the experiences they had and memories, and also make a new life for themselves — whether it’s together or apart.”

Jase echoed that sentiment, saying, “You can forgive somebody, but that doesn’t mean there’s not consequences for your actions.”

While they may not have explicitly stated that they think the long-suffering mother of four should cut and run, we think you can add Jase and Missy to the long list of people who think Anna Duggar should file for divorce ASAP.