Showing posts with label PrankGoneWrong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PrankGoneWrong. Show all posts

Monday, June 4, 2018

Demi Lovato: Fans Accuse Her of Sexual Harassment After Prank-Gone-Wrong

Demi Lovato decided to hold a Q&A session with fans on Twitter.

It didn"t go so well after Demi answered an innocuous question with a story that shocked and horrified a sizable chunk of her fans.

Demi tells fans that she once pulled a prank on her bodyguard by hiring a sex worker to surprise him.

She says that the sex worker groped his genitals during the process.

Demi shares this in a single tweet — and we do have to remember that sometimes people leave out important details while condensing a story.

But, to many, it sounds like she solicited someone to sexually harass one of her employees, and ultimately shares the blame for him being groped.

Though the bodyguard himself defended Demi, fans point out that an employee defending his boss isn"t exactly surprising.

The discourse among fans is actually really interesting, and both sides make really good points. Take a look.

1. This is how it starts

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We’re not sure why Demi decided to be this honest in answering the fan Q&A. She could have said something less controversial. She has since deleted this tweet.

2. Demi did not like the responses

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Fans, as you can imagine, did not like Demi comparing a story about sexual harassment to, uh, jellybeans. So … technically, she was right — people were pretty pissed about her jellybeant weet.

3. Demi tried to defend herself

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Wiord to the wise: “I was abused” is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. Unfortunately, some people who survive abuse can be very problematic as adults.

4. Demi then "apologizes"

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This, folks, is not an apology. She’s sort of saying that she regrets that other people reacted negatively to her statement. We’ve all “apologized” like this and we know that it’s what you say when you think that what you did was right.

5. The bodyguard spoke up

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Before he saw the discourse, Max just replied with a see-no-evil monkey emoji. Given the context, it sounds like he was not especially bothered by the prank.

6. Max then defends Demi

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When someone sexually harasses another person, is it sexual harassment if they say that it’s okay? Is that still the case if the person is an employee? The world is complicated.

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