Showing posts with label Dozens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dozens. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Kanye West Hands Out Dozens of Yeezys in Uganda, Kim Gushes Over Africa

Kanye West’s season of giving continued in Uganda … with tons of kids getting Yeezys!!  Ye and Kim Kardashian West surprised a bunch of kids as their tour of the east African country continues. But first, they had to get there…


Friday, August 17, 2018

Kris Jenner Tries to Feed Khloe Dozens of Donuts

In a scene that will air this Sunday on Keeping Up with the Kardashians – one that was totally not scripted and definitely not sponsored by Krispy Kreme – Kris Jenner shows up at her daughter"s house with eight dozen donuts.

For what reason?

Why is this "psychopath" up to?

Khloe, who is pretty far along in her pregnancy in the sneak peek, isn"t so sure herself.

“Are you … okay?” she asks her very excited mother.

Jenner explains that she was inspired to stop by because it was in the script and the aforementioned famous donut chain paid her family money for her to do so she thought back to her cravings back when she was pregnant.

“I remember back when my mom was pregnant, she and Bruce almost got a divorce because Bruce would not pull over to get her two dozen doughnuts,” says Kardashian, adding in the video featured here:

“He was like, ‘You don’t need them Kris.’ And they were screaming at each other.

"He finally got her these stupid doughnuts and when I tell you she ate ever f-ckin doughnut, she ate ever f-ckin doughnut.”

But Khloe?

That"s not who she is, the star explains. She actually finds this sort of binge eating, even when expecting, to be "disgusting."

So she passes on the pastries, even as Kris tries to basically shove them down her throat.

“I just want you to feel good about yourself and be able to let your hair down a little bit and say, ‘I’m gonna have a bowl of pasta or I’m gonna eat lasagna tonight,"” says Jenner.

“I’m not doing anything that’s unhealthy,” Kardashian replies.

No, except for pretend to feud with one"s own loved ones for the sake of ratings, that is.

Will Khloe and Kim gang up on Kourtney again this Sunday night, as they"ve been doing for the past two weeks?

Tune in to find out and then go watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online if you need to catch up on all this pretend drama.

Kris jenner tries to feed khloe kardashian dozens of donuts

Friday, January 26, 2018

Steve Wynn: Dozens Accuse Las Vegas Mogul of Sexual Misconduct

Of the various famous men accused of being sex monsters in recent months, many have been more famous but arguably none have been as influential as Steve Wynn.

He’s a billionaire. He’s an outspoken conservative and the finance chair for the Republican National Committee. He’s a Las Vegas casino mogul. 

And, according to dozens of accusers, his pattern of alleged sexual misconduct goes back for decades.

The Wall Street Journal reports that billionaire Steve Wynn has engaged in behaviors for years and years that create a working culture of sexual harassment.

According to dozens of current and former employees of Wynn Resorts, Steve Wynn’s demands for sex from female employees came under the guise of manicures, makeup applications, and massages that were performed privately in his offices.

It is there that these numerous sources say that Steve Wynn would exert pressure upon these women to engage in sex acts at his behest.

The Wall Street Journal describes employees conspiring to invent fake appointments that various female coworkers might have so that they could avoid spending time alone in their CEO’s office.

One woman recounted her story in which she alleges that Wynn forced her to have sex.

While working as a manicurist at Wynn’s flagship casino in 2005, she says that Wynn pressured her to remove her clothing.

She says that he then relentlessly pressured her to lie naked on the massage table in his office.

The Wall Street Journal spoke to coworkers of hers who remember her returning to where they were, looking visibly shaken and upset, immediately after the alleged incident.

That sounds like a horrifying abuse of power.

The Wall Street Journal says that they were the ones who reached out to employees, not the other way around.

They spoke to over 150 current and former employees in order to hear personal accounts and seek confirmation from others. We can only guess which stories they may have heard but were unable to confirm.

Citing Steve Wynn’s powerful influence throughout the Las Vegas strip, most of the employees who spoke were hesitant to speak on the record, worrying that it could hurt their careers.

At least one previous alleged incident with a manicurist led to a lawsuit and payout of $ 7.5 million.

All in all, the culture described by the report is one in which some female employees would hide in the bathroom if they knew that Steve Wynn was in the building.

In response to these allegations, Wynn’s company issued a lengthy statement.

Interestingly, both he and his company seem to believe that this report is part of a conspiracy by his two-time ex-wife, Elain Wynn (1963-1986, 1991-2010).

“The recent allegations about Mr. Wynn reflect allegations made in court hearings by Mr. Wynn’s ex-wife, Elaine Wynn.”

That’s part of a statement by Wynn Resorts, which also says:

“It is clear that Mr. Wynn’s ex-wife has sought to use a negative public relations campaign to achieve what she has been unable to do in the courtroom: tarnish the reputation of Mr. Wynn in an attempt to pressure a revised divorce settlement from him.”

The statement also iterates that Wynn Resorts is committed to a safe workplace.

Additionally, Wynn himself says that “the idea that I ever assaulted any woman is preposterous.”

We don’t know what Steve Wynn’s wife Andrea Wynn (formerly Andrea Hissom) thinks of all of this, but we do know what stockholders think.

Shares in Wynn Resorts fell by 5% … and then it was 8% … and then 9%.

The presentation of these accusations as a smear campaign is curious, as one would imagine that it would require enlisting over 150 accomplices and also hoodwinking The Wall Street Journal, a notoriously conservative news outlet that one would imagine would take extra care when accusing one of the nation’s wealthiest Republicans.

It is difficult to gauge what the fallout from this will be for Wynn, professionally. Las Vegas is not Hollywood.

Perhaps only time will tell if he’ll be ousted from any of his many, many business and political interests.


Thursday, February 9, 2017

NY Knicks Say Charles Oakley Is LYING ... Dozens Witnessed "Abusive Behavior"

The NY Knicks say Charles Oakley is LYING THROUGH HIS TEETH — claiming “dozens” of Knicks staff, security and NYPD cops witnessed his “abusive behavior” before he was kicked out of MSG. The Knicks just issued a new statement in the wake of…


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Istanbul Airport Bombing Leaves Dozens Dead, Over 60 Injured

Tragedy has struck Istanbul.

According to The Associated Press, at least 28 people were killed and 60 injured when three explosions, along with gunfire, erupted in the Istanbul Ataturk airport on Tuesday.

Istanbul Airport

A significant number of suicide bombers detonated themselves, various outlets confirm, after an exchange of gunfire with police.

These attacks were confirmed by the State Department, which took to Twitter and wrote:

“Multiple casualties and wounded reported at Istanbul Ataturk International Airport in #Turkey.”

The account added:

“US Consulate working to determine if US citizens are among victims in #Turkey. Updates forthcoming.”


Reports coming in state that there were at minimum three bombers involved in the attack and that they used automatic weapons against authorities before taking their own lives.

“There was a huge explosion, extremely loud,” Ali Tekin, who was waiting at arrivals for a guest when the attack took place, told Reuters.

“The roof came down. Inside the airport it is terrible, you can’t recognize it. The damage is big.”

South African tourists Paul and Susie Roos also went over the horrific experience with The Associated Press.

“We came up from the arrivals to the departures, up the escalator when we heard these shots going off,” Paul explained.

“There was this guy going roaming around, he was dressed in black and he had a hand gun.”

Taxis are ferrying the wounded from the airport, according to reports.

All flights have been canceled for the time being.

Pictures taken outside of the International terminal have depicted emergency crews collecting the dead in body bags and heavily armed soldiers standing guard.

Istanbul Ataturk Airport is one of the busiest international airports in the world, handling 62 million passengers a year.

Our condolences go out to the loved ones of the victims.

Istanbul Airport Bombing Leaves Dozens Dead, Over 60 Injured

Tragedy has struck Istanbul.

According to The Associated Press, at least 28 people were killed and 60 injured when three explosions, along with gunfire, erupted in the Istanbul Ataturk airport on Tuesday.

Istanbul Airport

A significant number of suicide bombers detonated themselves, various outlets confirm, after an exchange of gunfire with police.

These attacks were confirmed by the State Department, which took to Twitter and wrote:

“Multiple casualties and wounded reported at Istanbul Ataturk International Airport in #Turkey.”

The account added:

“US Consulate working to determine if US citizens are among victims in #Turkey. Updates forthcoming.”


Reports coming in state that there were at minimum three bombers involved in the attack and that they used automatic weapons against authorities before taking their own lives.

“There was a huge explosion, extremely loud,” Ali Tekin, who was waiting at arrivals for a guest when the attack took place, told Reuters.

“The roof came down. Inside the airport it is terrible, you can’t recognize it. The damage is big.”

South African tourists Paul and Susie Roos also went over the horrific experience with The Associated Press.

“We came up from the arrivals to the departures, up the escalator when we heard these shots going off,” Paul explained.

“There was this guy going roaming around, he was dressed in black and he had a hand gun.”

Taxis are ferrying the wounded from the airport, according to reports.

All flights have been canceled for the time being.

Pictures taken outside of the International terminal have depicted emergency crews collecting the dead in body bags and heavily armed soldiers standing guard.

Istanbul Ataturk Airport is one of the busiest international airports in the world, handling 62 million passengers a year.

Our condolences go out to the loved ones of the victims.