Showing posts with label Donuts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donuts. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Married at First Sight Recap: Sex with Donuts!

Fans of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette are undoubtedly familiar with The Fantasy Suite.

On Married at First Sight yesterday, however, viewers were treated to a slight twist on this infamous intercourse-themed location:

The fantasy sweet!

Allow us to explain….

Ever since we met them, Tristan and Mia have been battling some pretty huge obstacles, most notably the latter’s run-in with the law for stalking and the online dating profile she forgot to mention to her husband.

When we caught up with them here, the couple was coming off an intense week filled with fighting and communication issues involving their potential move to Houston.

How to take the edge off? How to change the subject?

By revealing their fantasies to one another, of course!

Along this seductive line, Mia told Tristan that she wanted him to “dress up like a donut and feed me donuts.”

Hey, no judgement here! Who doesn’t love donuts? And sex? Why not combine the two, right?

So Tristan donned some donut boxers and donut suspenders and walked into a room and told Mia he had “some sweets” for her.

“Why are you so crazy?” Mia laughed in response, making it evident these two were back on track.

ELSEWHERE, Amber Martorana remained very insecure in her relationship with Dave Flaherty.

She just thought she wasn’t his type, as he constantly made comments that make her feel uncomfortable. Not exactly the idea arrangement for a marriage.

On this week’s installment, Amber complained that her hair was falling out because she was bleaching it so much, which prompted Dave to suggest she return to her natural brunette color.

This was not what she wanted to hear.

“I do feel like Dave wants someone different from me, more lowkey,” Amber told the camera, adding:

“It’s not that I think I’m unattractive, it’s just that feeling of being judged.”

In response to the tension that existed between them, Dave tried to make his wife feel special by taking her on a surprise date night, complete with a horse carriage and private rooftop dinner.

However, Amber fixated on a remark he made saying she smelled good… and it was almost overpowering.

“Dave is always pointing out my flaws,” Amber said. “I can’t help feeling that I’m not good enough.”


Seems to us like someone needs to dress up like a donut and feed his wife some sweets soon, lest this relationship end in divorce.

Danielle Bergman and Bobby Dodd, though, faced no such problems.

They’re in love with each other, they just haven’t said it to one another yet.

The newlyweds spent a lot of time in the first few weeks of marriage getting to know each other on a deeper level, although Danielle often held back more than her husband.

“I’m learning Danielle doesn’t express herself as deeply as I do and that just leaves me with a lot of questions,” Bobby said.

Those feelings are there, however. It’s very apparent, especially because Danielle even said so herself.

“Bobby has far surpassed everybody that I have ever dated,” she said. “In 50 years, I want to look at Bobby and still be in love.

Sheesh, you two! Get a room already, will ya?!?

What’s that? You already have one at home?

Okay, fine. Then fill it with donuts and get to naked work!


Friday, August 17, 2018

Kris Jenner Tries to Feed Khloe Dozens of Donuts

In a scene that will air this Sunday on Keeping Up with the Kardashians – one that was totally not scripted and definitely not sponsored by Krispy Kreme – Kris Jenner shows up at her daughter"s house with eight dozen donuts.

For what reason?

Why is this "psychopath" up to?

Khloe, who is pretty far along in her pregnancy in the sneak peek, isn"t so sure herself.

“Are you … okay?” she asks her very excited mother.

Jenner explains that she was inspired to stop by because it was in the script and the aforementioned famous donut chain paid her family money for her to do so she thought back to her cravings back when she was pregnant.

“I remember back when my mom was pregnant, she and Bruce almost got a divorce because Bruce would not pull over to get her two dozen doughnuts,” says Kardashian, adding in the video featured here:

“He was like, ‘You don’t need them Kris.’ And they were screaming at each other.

"He finally got her these stupid doughnuts and when I tell you she ate ever f-ckin doughnut, she ate ever f-ckin doughnut.”

But Khloe?

That"s not who she is, the star explains. She actually finds this sort of binge eating, even when expecting, to be "disgusting."

So she passes on the pastries, even as Kris tries to basically shove them down her throat.

“I just want you to feel good about yourself and be able to let your hair down a little bit and say, ‘I’m gonna have a bowl of pasta or I’m gonna eat lasagna tonight,"” says Jenner.

“I’m not doing anything that’s unhealthy,” Kardashian replies.

No, except for pretend to feud with one"s own loved ones for the sake of ratings, that is.

Will Khloe and Kim gang up on Kourtney again this Sunday night, as they"ve been doing for the past two weeks?

Tune in to find out and then go watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online if you need to catch up on all this pretend drama.

Kris jenner tries to feed khloe kardashian dozens of donuts

Friday, March 31, 2017

King Mo Says Rampage Is a Big Fat Joke ... Put Down the Donuts! (VIDEO)

Rampage Jackson is a big fat fatty who smokes and drinks too much and will be remembered as a joke of a fighter … so says King Mo.  Yeah, he ain’t holdin’ back.  King Mo and Rampage are squaring off Friday at Bellator 175 — and Mo says…


Monday, November 14, 2016

Krispy Kreme Sued -- You Got Berry Dishonest Donuts ... And Where"s the Maple?

Krispy Kreme’s maple and berry filled donuts are actually full of crap, according to a new class action lawsuit.  Jason Saidian just filed the suit after getting an order of Glazed Raspberry Filled, Chocolate Iced Raspberry Filled,…


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Chad Johnson -- Pizza, Donuts & a Losing Streak ... In Latest FIFA House Crashing (PHOTO GALLERY)

Chad Johnson’s quest to dominate the video game world in FIFA continued Monday night … except for one thing … he kinda got dominated by a random dude in Queens. Ochocinco happened to be in NY last night — and sent out a challenge to his…


Friday, June 3, 2016

National Donut Day Dilemma: What are America"s Top Donuts?

As Homer Simpson once asked… is there anything donuts cannot do?

We are yet to come up with an answer, that"s for sure, although there is something The Hollywood Gossip can do:

Rank the top 11 donuts in America!

Oh, yes, we went around the nation and sampled every type of this delicious breakfast/dessert item that we could find. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it.

We present our yummy findings below and we ask readers to weigh in with their take:

11. Entenmann’s Powdered Sugar Donuts

Entenmanns powdered sugar donuts

Entenmann’s refers to these as “breakfast” food. We refer to them as “dessert.” Either way, we can all agree they are delicious.

10. Dunkin Donuts

Dunkin donuts

The world might run on Dunkin, but their donuts don’t hold a candle to some of the others on this list.

9. Mother Clucker, Gourdoughs

Mother clucker gourdoughs

The Mother Clucker from Gourdoughs in Austin is…confusing. With fried chicken and a honey glaze, is it dinner? Dessert? Both?

8. Sour Cream Donut, Peter Pan Bakery

Sour cream donut peter pan bakery

The Sour Cream donut from Peter Pan Bakery in NYC is an excellent balance of savory and sweet while being surprisingly light.

7. Donuttery Vegan Blueberry Donuts

Donuttery vegan blueberry donuts

These vegan blueberry donuts from the Donuttery in California sure do look tasty. But can they measure up to…

6. Double Chocolate Old Fashioned, Do Right Donuts

Double chocolate old fashioned do right donuts

The double chocolate old fashioned from Do Right Donuts? It’s certainly worthy of debate.

View Slideshow

National Donut Day Dilemma: What are America"s Top Donuts?

As Homer Simpson once asked… is there anything donuts cannot do?

We are yet to come up with an answer, that"s for sure, although there is something The Hollywood Gossip can do:

Rank the top 11 donuts in America!

Oh, yes, we went around the nation and sampled every type of this delicious breakfast/dessert item that we could find. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it.

We present our yummy findings below and we ask readers to weigh in with their take:

11. Entenmann’s Powdered Sugar Donuts

Entenmanns powdered sugar donuts

Entenmann’s refers to these as “breakfast” food. We refer to them as “dessert.” Either way, we can all agree they are delicious.

10. Dunkin Donuts

Dunkin donuts

The world might run on Dunkin, but their donuts don’t hold a candle to some of the others on this list.

9. Mother Clucker, Gourdoughs

Mother clucker gourdoughs

The Mother Clucker from Gourdoughs in Austin is…confusing. With fried chicken and a honey glaze, is it dinner? Dessert? Both?

8. Sour Cream Donut, Peter Pan Bakery

Sour cream donut peter pan bakery

The Sour Cream donut from Peter Pan Bakery in NYC is an excellent balance of savory and sweet while being surprisingly light.

7. Donuttery Vegan Blueberry Donuts

Donuttery vegan blueberry donuts

These vegan blueberry donuts from the Donuttery in California sure do look tasty. But can they measure up to…

6. Double Chocolate Old Fashioned, Do Right Donuts

Double chocolate old fashioned do right donuts

The double chocolate old fashioned from Do Right Donuts? It’s certainly worthy of debate.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Dunkin Donuts Unveils Holiday Cups, Sticks It to Starbucks

Dunkin Donuts would like to make something very clear:

Unlike certain other famous establishments out there, it does NOT hate Jesus Christ.

The popular chain unveiled its 2015 holiday coffee cups on Wednesday, releasing to the public a styrofoam container with the word “Joy” surrounded by a clear symbol of the season:

Branches of a Christmas tree.

This design stands in stark contrast to the plain red cups favored by Starbucks this year, items that have resulted in protests around the country.

One patron believes that Starbucks really does hate Jesus, while Donald Trump is threatening a Starbucks boycott.

It’s not hard to understand why. Just look at these abominations!

Dunkin Donuts has clearly won this round.

Just consider the following Tweets, all of which were written without jest or irony in response to the chain’s joyful cup selection:

  • Joy. I love that word – it’s profound – and captures true meaning of Christmas. @DunkinDonuts gets it right.

  • Hey @Starbucks, while you y’all are busy being The Grinch, @DunkinDonuts is running circles around you guys.

  • There’s nothing like waking up and worshiping God with your friends in the morning at dunkin donuts.

  • Way to go Dunkin Donuts …the coffee tastes better, doesnt cost and you kept  it festive ! 

  • In response to Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A now offers fresh coffee in a replica of the actual Holy Grail.

Okay, that last one was written in jest. But effectively so!

Time to sound off, readers.

Does Dunkin Donuts really love Jesus and Christmas more than Starbucks? Is this a legitimate controversy?

Or is it the most ridiculous thing in the history of all of mankind?