Showing posts with label Cup's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cup's. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Man Who Scaled Trump Tower with Suction Cups Sends Strange Message

We don’t want to judge anyone too harshly, but… well…

THIS is the sort of person who is apparently voting for Donald Trump.

On Wednesday evening, New York City was nearly brought to a standstill by some guy who used giant suction to try and scale the outside of Trump Tower.

We’re not kidding.

The climb started at approximately 3:30 p.m., with the then-unidentified individual being apprehended by police nearly three hours later.

He had made it about a third of the way up the 58-story building at the time.

For those wondering what it looks like when someone tries to make his way up a skyscraper via giant suction cups, here you go:

Police later said the man’s name was Steve and that he hailed from Virginia.

The 20-year old was taken from the scene on a stretcher and transported to Bellevue Hospital for psychological evaluation.

Charges against him have yet to be released

But… wait! It gets even weirder!

After Manhattan South Police Chief William Morris released Steve’s name (withholding his last name), the official said Steve climbed the building because he wanted to have a “personal meeting” with the Republican presidential nominee.

Steve told authorities he had no intentions of hurting the scandalous real estate mogul.

Morris then confirmed that Steve is the same man in the strange video posted to YouTube by user Leven Thumps. 

Dressed like Elliott from Mr. Robot, sends Trump a message in footage aptly titled “Message to Mr. Trump (Why I Climbed Your Tower).”

“Excuse my manner of appearance … I would rather not be recognizable,” he says in the above video.

“I am an independent researcher seeking a private audience with you to discuss an important matter. I guarantee that it is in your interest to honor this request … believe me, if my purpose was not significant, I would not risk my life pursuing it …

“The reason I climbed your tower was to get your attention … I’ll get my contact information to your campaign so that if you are interested you can respond. …

“As for anyone else who is watching please help this video go viral … and be sure to get out and vote for Mr. Trump in the 2016 election.”

Here’s the most frightening part:

Who wants to bet that Trump actually has Steve out on the stump with him soon?

Trump Organization executive vice president Michael Cohen told the New York Post in a statement:

“This man performed a ridiculous and dangerous stunt. There’s damage to the building and he caused the unnecessary deployment of New York’s finest to protect his safety and the safety of everyone in the building.

“If Mr. Trump were here he’d be thanking law enforcement for the job they’re doing.”

He’d also be possibly threatening the life of Hillary Clinton and bragging about his awesome, passionate, dedicated fans.

What the heck is going on in the world, people?!?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Dunkin Donuts Unveils Holiday Cups, Sticks It to Starbucks

Dunkin Donuts would like to make something very clear:

Unlike certain other famous establishments out there, it does NOT hate Jesus Christ.

The popular chain unveiled its 2015 holiday coffee cups on Wednesday, releasing to the public a styrofoam container with the word “Joy” surrounded by a clear symbol of the season:

Branches of a Christmas tree.

This design stands in stark contrast to the plain red cups favored by Starbucks this year, items that have resulted in protests around the country.

One patron believes that Starbucks really does hate Jesus, while Donald Trump is threatening a Starbucks boycott.

It’s not hard to understand why. Just look at these abominations!

Dunkin Donuts has clearly won this round.

Just consider the following Tweets, all of which were written without jest or irony in response to the chain’s joyful cup selection:

  • Joy. I love that word – it’s profound – and captures true meaning of Christmas. @DunkinDonuts gets it right.

  • Hey @Starbucks, while you y’all are busy being The Grinch, @DunkinDonuts is running circles around you guys.

  • There’s nothing like waking up and worshiping God with your friends in the morning at dunkin donuts.

  • Way to go Dunkin Donuts …the coffee tastes better, doesnt cost and you kept  it festive ! 

  • In response to Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks, Chick-Fil-A now offers fresh coffee in a replica of the actual Holy Grail.

Okay, that last one was written in jest. But effectively so!

Time to sound off, readers.

Does Dunkin Donuts really love Jesus and Christmas more than Starbucks? Is this a legitimate controversy?

Or is it the most ridiculous thing in the history of all of mankind?