Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Married at First Sight Recap: Sex with Donuts!

Fans of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette are undoubtedly familiar with The Fantasy Suite.

On Married at First Sight yesterday, however, viewers were treated to a slight twist on this infamous intercourse-themed location:

The fantasy sweet!

Allow us to explain….

Ever since we met them, Tristan and Mia have been battling some pretty huge obstacles, most notably the latter’s run-in with the law for stalking and the online dating profile she forgot to mention to her husband.

When we caught up with them here, the couple was coming off an intense week filled with fighting and communication issues involving their potential move to Houston.

How to take the edge off? How to change the subject?

By revealing their fantasies to one another, of course!

Along this seductive line, Mia told Tristan that she wanted him to “dress up like a donut and feed me donuts.”

Hey, no judgement here! Who doesn’t love donuts? And sex? Why not combine the two, right?

So Tristan donned some donut boxers and donut suspenders and walked into a room and told Mia he had “some sweets” for her.

“Why are you so crazy?” Mia laughed in response, making it evident these two were back on track.

ELSEWHERE, Amber Martorana remained very insecure in her relationship with Dave Flaherty.

She just thought she wasn’t his type, as he constantly made comments that make her feel uncomfortable. Not exactly the idea arrangement for a marriage.

On this week’s installment, Amber complained that her hair was falling out because she was bleaching it so much, which prompted Dave to suggest she return to her natural brunette color.

This was not what she wanted to hear.

“I do feel like Dave wants someone different from me, more lowkey,” Amber told the camera, adding:

“It’s not that I think I’m unattractive, it’s just that feeling of being judged.”

In response to the tension that existed between them, Dave tried to make his wife feel special by taking her on a surprise date night, complete with a horse carriage and private rooftop dinner.

However, Amber fixated on a remark he made saying she smelled good… and it was almost overpowering.

“Dave is always pointing out my flaws,” Amber said. “I can’t help feeling that I’m not good enough.”


Seems to us like someone needs to dress up like a donut and feed his wife some sweets soon, lest this relationship end in divorce.

Danielle Bergman and Bobby Dodd, though, faced no such problems.

They’re in love with each other, they just haven’t said it to one another yet.

The newlyweds spent a lot of time in the first few weeks of marriage getting to know each other on a deeper level, although Danielle often held back more than her husband.

“I’m learning Danielle doesn’t express herself as deeply as I do and that just leaves me with a lot of questions,” Bobby said.

Those feelings are there, however. It’s very apparent, especially because Danielle even said so herself.

“Bobby has far surpassed everybody that I have ever dated,” she said. “In 50 years, I want to look at Bobby and still be in love.

Sheesh, you two! Get a room already, will ya?!?

What’s that? You already have one at home?

Okay, fine. Then fill it with donuts and get to naked work!
