Friday, December 4, 2015

Sarah Palin: FIRED From Fox News For Supporting the Duggars?!

Earlier this week, Sarah Palin spoke publicly for the first time about being fired from Fox News:

“Some things happened that I haven’t talked about publicly, things like getting canned from a job I really liked, sort of out of the blue, because I called somebody out,” Palin said in an interview.

“Next morning I got word, ‘Oh, we no longer need you anymore.’ Yeah, it was a shock, but more power to Fox News. I have a great relationship with them. It was just kind of a little bit of a shocker of knowing that the haters are going to love this one.”

Well, you know what they say, haters gonna…love?

Anyway, as Sarah Palin quotes go, that one’s surprisingly coherent, and while she’s clearly not trying to burn any bridges, it seems as though Sarah is throwing some subtle shade at her former employer.

Many have noted that in her last appearance as a Fox News commentator, Palin blasted the media for its coverage of the Josh Duggar sex scandal:

In the clip above, Palin argues that the media should have ignored the scandal, as she claims Josh’s criminal records were released illegally:

“The release of these confidential records is, it’s tragic, it’s illegal, it’s unethical,” Palin says. “Why isn’t the dialogue going right now towards ‘Hey, let’s get that law enforcement official he or her who released this file’?

“It was confidential.’ You know it was [released] for political reasons.”

Palin was demonstrably wrong on that point, and an investigation into the matter has determined that Josh’s criminal records were released legally, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act.

But apparently that’s not what got her fired.

No, Palin has reportedly been telling friends that she was canned for biting the hand that fed her.

You may remember that several members of the Duggar family (including two of Josh’s molestation victims, Jill and Jessa Duggar) were  interviewed by Megyn Kelly not long after news of the Josh’s predatory past went public.

Palin’s comments about the media exploiting the situation came on the heels of Fox’s heavily-hyped exclusive sit-down, and it sounded to many as though the former Alaska governor was dissing her own network.

Palin has never revealed whether that was her intention, but based on her most recent remarks, it seems she believes she was unfairly fired for siding with the Duggars.

Oh, well. Look on the bright side, Sarah: Now you’ll have more to time to spend at home, peering at Russia through the scope of a high-powered rifle.

Someone’s gotta be vigilant, dontcha know!