Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Josh Duggar: Finally Forgiven By Anna Duggar"s Family?

While the news that Josh Duggar molested five young girls (four of whom were his sisters) may have been what decimated his family’s reputation and led to the cancelation of their popular reality series, it was the second round of scandals that threatened Josh’s marriage.

Insiders close to the family say Anna knew about the molestation incidents before she married Josh, but when she learned that he had created an online account to help him cheat on her, she briefly considered leaving him.

Divorce is all but forbidden under the Duggars belief system but Anna’s family hated Josh with such a passion that her parents and siblings had reportedly given her the go-ahead to do whatever she thought was best.

At one point, Anna’s sister publicly encouraged her to leave Josh.

Her brother took to social media to blast Josh for his transgressions.

Of course, that was all several months ago, when Josh was just beginning to receive treatment for his addictions to sex and pornography.

These days, it seems the Kellers are convinced that the disgraced 28-year-old has learned his lesson.

Anna’s grandmother passed away over the weekend, and not only was Josh in attendance at the funeral, sources say he posed with her family for a number of photos.

Predictably, a number of Duggar fans have been vocal about their disgust with the Kellers for so readily welcoming Josh back into their family.

“So, I guess the Kellers are forgiving Josh and are giving him another chance,” wrote one fan on the family’s official Facebook page.

“I hope they don’t regret that decision like many did after forgiving him for the molestation scandal and then being disappointed by the cheating scandal.”

Anna has stated that she’s forgiven Josh fully and has no plans of leaving him.

Her family’s willingness to forget his most recent transgressions has bolstered rumors that Anna is pregnant with her fifth child