Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Josiah Duggar Opens Up on Failed Courtship With Marjorie Jackson

Usually, when one of the Duggar children begins a courtship, it means wedding bells are not far off.

But despite the fact that they’ve been taught from a young age that their sole purpose in life is to get married and breed, sometimes even Duggar relationships fail.

When the family announced that Josiah Duggar was dating Marjorie Jackson, it was widely assumed that the young couple would be headed for the altar as soon as possible.

After all, Josiah and Marjorie had grown up together; they’d attended the same church since they were kids; and most importantly, Josiah’ parents very much approved of Marjorie as a potential daughter-in-law.

But for whatever reason, it simply wasn’t meant to be.

Josiah and Marjorie ended their courtship in abrupt fashion just a few months after it began.

At first, it looked as though the former couple made an effort to quietly sweep the relationship under the carpet and move on.

It was only when fans noticed that Josiah had deleted all photos of Marjorie from his Instagram page that fans realized something was up.

In response to spreading rumors about their breakup, Josiah and Marjorie announced the end of their relationship using only the vaguest language to describe their split.

It remained unclear what exactly had driven them apart.

There was talk of Marjorie penning a tell-all memoir, but the book never materialized.

Many speculated that the Josh Duggar sex scandals played a role in Jackson’s decision to break it off with Josiah.

Whatever the case, the 20-year-old Duggar son has kept a low profile in the nearly two years since his breakup with Marjorie.

Josiah rarely posts on social media or gives interviews to any outlets other than TLC.

However, he recently offered some insight into what led to the end of his first romantic relationship.

“Marjorie and I had a good time together. We were just trying to follow God’s lead on everything,” Josiah revealed.

“She didn’t feel that it was the right timing then, so we called it quits for a bit.”

Obviously, his comments are still pretty vague, but the fact that he feels the need to speak publicly about the spilt means he’s aware that the anomaly of a failed Duggar courtship is very much on the minds of fans.

Could this be a sign that Josiah is preparing to announce a new courtship?

We have no idea, but let the wild speculation begin!

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