Showing posts with label Controlling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Controlling. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Columbus Short: Kim Kardashian is Controlling Kanye With WITCHCRAFT!

After Kanye West’s bizarre Oval Office visit in which he doubled down on his support for Donald Trump, his former fans are scratching their heads.

But a former Scandal actor believes that he can explain Kanye’s strange behavior.

Columbus Short accuses Kim Kardashian of using witchcraft to torment and control her husband.

Disgraced former Scandal actor Columbus Short took to social media, sharing an image in which Kim smiles for the camera while Kanye stares into the distant.

“I post this picture for one reason and one reason only,” Columbus writes.

He then writes that his purpose is “to expose witchcraft.”

Yes, you read that correctly. No, this is not an early Halloween prank.

“This,” Columbus claims. “Is what it looks like.”

Kanye and Kim Kardashian,

We guess that about half the students in any early morning math class anyone’s ever taken are also under the thrall of witches, then.

“Its [sic] a unaddressed issue but real and present right now,” Columbus continues.

He goes on to claim that: “Both men and women all over the WORLD are unknowingly being tormented by witchcraft.”

“And this,” he says. “Is what it looks like.”

“You can call me crazy,” he very correctly states. “But I suggest you guys do your research.”

Obviously, no amount of actual research is going to validate his claims.

There are plenty of people whose personal spiritual practices can be described as witchcraft.

They come from a number of faiths or may not subscribe to any religion.

But they are very much not mind-controlling anyone, least of all Kanye West.

Some might say that a little mind-control would do Kanye some good right about now.

Easily the best thing about Columbus’ witchcraft theory is the replies.

Sure, some of them are people agreeing with him and warning that they fear for his life since he’s “exposing” this “truth.”

One person tweeted: “You Already Know What’s going on in The Devil Illuminati Industry,” which is one hell of a sentence.

Others are arguing with him … saying that it’s not witchcraft mind-control, but MK Ultra mind-control.

Social media is amazing.

This is a little like when Flat Earth “Theorists” start espousing their views, only to get arguments from Hollow Earth theorists.

To the rest of us, one theory seems about the same as the other.

But that’s because two concepts, each equally divorced from reality, seem equally absurd.

To those who really believe them, however, it makes all of the difference in the world.

It seems that Columbus really, truly believes that Kim has hexxed Kanye.

On a more serious note, Columbus referring to “torment” by “witchcraft” brings to mind his arrest warrant from just last month.

The warrant was issued in September after he failed to appear in court for a divorce proceeding.

His divorce from Tuere Tanee Short began all the way back in 2014, around the time of his arrest for domestic violence.

She filed for divorce after he threatened to kill her and himself, and she was granted a temporary restraining order at the time.

He has also been accused of other acts of violence, including violence against another woman’s child and threatening to kill Jamie Foxx for some reason.

It is unclear if he believes that his life setbacks are the results of sabotage by witchcraft. They are clearly his own fault.

Kanye’s behavior has been worrisome to a lot of his fans, and people seem desperate for an explanation.

Some think that Kim is just not good for him.

Others choose to blame mental illness, as if there aren’t millions of people with mental illness who manage to not be terrible.

Now, an accused domestic abuser thinks that Kanye is under a witch’s mind-control.

When, we wonder, are people going to stop making excuses that turn Kanye into the victim.

Maybe Kanye West is just … bad. And maybe he has been bad all along, and people can no longer find easy excuses to ignore it.


Saturday, October 13, 2018

Tom Cruise: Still Controlling Katie Holmes Six Years After Divorce?

Hollywood history is filled with whirlwind romances that were followed by abrupt, mysterious breakups.

But you’d be hard-pressed to find a situation more bizarre or enigmatic than the divorce of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.

After winning the hearts of millions during their honeymoon period, Holmes and Cruise called it quits after just six years of marriage.

And despite the fact that they seem to have had virtually no contact with one another in the years since their 2012 divorce, the contentious nature of their split continues to make both actors tabloid staples.

Sources close to the situation say Cruise has not seen daughter Suri in four years.

This, despite the fact that he’s been in the same city as the 12-year-old on numerous occasions.

But while he seems to have little interest in being a father to his daughter, Cruise continues to closely monitor the actions of both Suri and her long-suffering mother.

According to a new report from Life & Style, Holmes believes the Church of Scientology has been spying on her for years in order to ensure that she doesn’t engage in any activities that might undermine the organization and its reputation.

“Tom does still have control over Katie,” a source tells the tabloid, adding that Holmes still needs to consider whether Cruise would approve before making any major decisions.

“She paid a price to escape him.”

The insider adds that Katie has no doubt she’s being continuously monitored by CoS operatives:

“Katie wondered if she was even being spied on by church employees in her own home,” the source claims.

While the allegations that Holmes is under surveillance remain unconfirmed, there’s no question that she’s been constrained by the terms of a very strict nondisclosure agreement.

“She could lose custody of Suri [Cruise]. It’s quite sick, really,” says former Scientologist and anti-cult activist Leah Remini.

“She’s been muzzled about saying much about Tom or Scientology as part of the agreement she signed after she filed for divorce,” the anonymous insider says of Holmes’ situation.

“And those agreements don’t have an end date. It doesn’t look like there will ever be a time that his specter isn’t looming over her and Suri.” 

Fortunately, Katie isn’t entirely alone in her struggle against Tom and the powerful organization for whom he serves as a global spokesman:

The informant says Cruise’s second wife Nicole Kidman has reached out to Holmes and offered support:

“Katie and Nicole have spoken about raising their daughters to be independent and giving them a solid education, which is the opposite of Scientology teachings,” the insider claims.

“Just living their lives is their way of moving on from the Church of Scientology.”

Sadly, it seems that like their mothers, Cruise’s children will never be fully free of the CoS and its pernicious influence.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Tiger Woods" Girlfriend Erica Herman: Is She Angry and Controlling?!

Last October, Tiger Woods’ new girlfriend was revealed. The golfing legend and Erica Herman then went public in November.

The two of them are still together and have been spotted being affectionate in public recently.

But a report says that things aren’t as happy behind closed doors.

According to RadarOnlineTiger and Erica’s relationship is not as healthy as it appears on the outside.

“Erica controls Tiger,” an insider reveals, shedding light on a troubling relationship dynamic.

On the surface, Tiger is the wealthier and more famous member of the couple, while she is the general manager of a restaurant that he owns.

But it sounds like, within their relationship, there’s a bit of a role reversal.

‘And,” the source shares, Erica “gets rid of people around him because she is threatened and jealous.”

Oh dear. That’s not what you want to hear. (Though there may be a less scary explanation for that — we’ll talk about that below)

The insider describes their relationship as “toxic.”

And they are not referring to the excellent Britney Spears song.

“She has a temper,” the source claims.

This, they say, results in a lot of heated disagreements.

The insider reports: “They fight and argue.”

You might be thinking that, if this is true, Tiger must really be over the moon if he stays with her.

Not so, says the source.

In fact, the source claims that Tiger “seems unhappy with her.”

And yet his reported reason for staying with her is crushingly sad.

The insider offers some insight into Tiger’s mindest, saying that the legendary golfer “doesn’t want to be alone.”

Aside from what we’ll gently refer to as “relationship problems” that Tiger has experienced in the past, he has had some other troubles.

Last year, Tiger Woods got a DUI, though he would later go on to claim that he was not drunk.

That may be, but the toxicology report did come back showing five different drugs in his system.

Take whatever medicines you need, folks, but please do not drive while impaired. Meds won’t do you any good if you die on the road.

Tiger also failed to qualify for the 2018 US Open. That is not really what you’d expect from the most famous golfer of the past few decades.

As usual, we’re inclined to take reports from unidentified sources with a grain of salt.

It is so incredibly easy for someone — say, a bitter former employee or even a friend — to prove that they were closely associated with a celebrity and then just claim whatever they like.

And we should point out that the line about getting rid of people in Woods’ orbit sounds a lot like something that a disgruntled former employee might say.

So we’ll keep this in mind and be on the lookout for signs of relationship trouble … but we’ll also remember that maybe Erica just fired a waitress who was too flirty with Woods.

After all, the man she’s dating has a bit of a reputation.


Sunday, May 27, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Dumping Travis Scott for Being Too Controlling?

Look, this may be hard for you to believe, but it sounds like Kylie Jenner might have a little personal drama going on in her life.

No, no, we know what you’re thinking.

Kylie, dealing with some drama?! No way!

Rich and famous 20-year-old reality stars who have just had a baby with a guy they’d been dating for a few weeks when they got pregnant are usually so chill, right?

But, against all odds, Kylie is going through some stuff.

We’ve heard plenty of rumors about Kylie lately — some about her relationship with Travis Scott, some about the paternity of precious little Stormi, then a few more about Travis.

So it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that this latest rumor is another one about Kylie’s relationship.

Unfortunately, it’s not great news.

Even though there’s been some speculation lately that Kylie and Travis may be engaged, a source tells Radar Online that that’s “definitely” not the case.

In fact, she’s been “feeling totally smothered” by him these days.

“She is glad that she has a baby with him,” the insider says, “but he has been way overbearing and trying to control her entire life.”

“Travis wants to tell Kylie what she can wear and where she can go and she is way too independent for all of that.”

To be clear, the source states that Travis “doesn’t give her any freedom.”

It doesn’t sound great — controlling relationships never are.

But it does fit along with another report we’ve heard recently, one about how Travis wanted Kylie to give up her career to be a stay-at-home mom.

Remember, that source claimed that he’s “worried” that she’s “going to morph back into her socialite and partying ways and not put Stormi first.”

Apparently she’d told him that she was gearing up to “get back into her work and her branding,” but he wants her “to scale back her work and social life and be a stay-at-home mom for the time being.”

It sounds like they both want completely different things, right?

That’s why you should probably get to know someone a little before having a baby with them.

And the “working mom” thing isn’t the only issue — a source close to Travis claims that “things have moved incredibly fast and it’s becoming too intense” for him.

“He’s very much his own man and feels like he’s not getting to have his say in anything anymore.”

Welcome to the family, buddy.

“Travis loves Kylie,” the insider adds, “but he isn’t used to being in the spotlight in this way.”

“The harsh reality of what being a Kardashian boyfriend really means is slowly starting to dawn on him and he’s struggling with it.”

… Again, welcome to the family. That’s just sort of how this whole thing works.

As for Kylie, “She honestly doesn’t know if she wants to stay with him for the long haul.”

Well, it might be time to figure that out, kids.


Friday, August 25, 2017

Joy-Anna Duggar: Already Pregnant By "Controlling" Austin Forsyth?!

It’s been less than three months since Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth got married, but when Duggar women are involved, the pregnancy speculation begins pretty much immediately after the vows are exchanged.

In fact, in some cases, the rumor mill starts churning even before the couple says “I do.”

Reports of Joy-Anna and Austin breaking courtship rules were persistent in their first months together.

So perhaps it’s not surprising that some fans on social media began falsely reporting that Joy-Anna got pregnant before marriage, forcing her family to “fast-track” her wedding.

If that was the case, then the family has done an incredible job of keeping Joy-Anna’s pregnancy under wraps.

What seems more likely is that Joy-Anna and Austin leaked a false wedding date and got married ahead of schedule in order to throw fans off their trail.

Whatever the case, the newlyweds returned from their honeymoon last month to find they’ve taken centerstage in the minds of many Duggar fans.

Not only are Joy-Anna and Austin prominently featured in the promotional materials for the new season of Counting On, they’re the new favorite topic of conversation for Duggar obsessives on social media.

Naturally, much of the gossip centers around the possibility that Joy-Anna is expecting.

Some fans believe the fact that TLC is shining such a bright spotlight on the couple in the new Counting On promos is proof that they’re expecting.

“Maybe she is pregnant!” wrote one fan in the comments for a recent Facebook post by the network.

“Then there definitely [will] be more episodes!”

It’s bizarre that we associate babies with reality TV storylines and increased ratings, but this is the world the Duggars have built for themselves.

Of course, not all of the talk surrounding Joy-Anna and Austin’s relationship has to do with pregnancy.

Duggar daughters aren’t allowed to have their own social media pages until they get engaged, but Joy-Anna hasn’t been able to fully take advantage of that new freedom even after tying the knot.

She and Austin have a joint Instagram account, and many fans believe it’s his way of keeping a closer eye on his new wife.

“Let her have her own Instagram,” one fan recently commented on a picture of the couple.

“If there’s no trust then you shouldn’t be married! Also why does she have to wear skirts?? She has said she doesn’t like them but you do. Don’t be controlling.”

Yes, now that Jinger Duggar is wearing pants, it seems fans are expecting all Duggar women to have more freedom.

Sadly, that seems unlikely, as the religious movement the family adheres to remains deeply rooted in patriarchal rule.

So for the foreseeable future, we’re guessing Joy-Anna will continue to wear floor-length skirts at all times.

Watch Counting On online for more from TV’s most controversial family.


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Ferrari Thinks Blac Chyna"s Lawyer is Controlling Her, Calls Warning Letter "Weak"

Blac Chyna’s side piece thought he really had a connection with her, but is learning the hard way — lawyers run the show. Ferrari tells TMZ … he doesn’t believe it was Chyna’s idea to fire off a “weak” warning letter to him, threatening to sue…


Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Jennifer Lopez: Totally Controlling Alex Rodriguez?!

By now, you’ve probably heard the news that Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are dating.

In a way these two are such a perfect match it’s hard to believe they took so long to get together.

Their mashup couple name even seemed to announce itself, fully-formed on the day that the news of their relationship went public:

J-Rod. Perfection.

After several years with an unknown backup dancer, (sorry, Casper Smart) Lopez was back to dating a dude close to her own level of fame.

Of course, the relationship is also more than a little surprising, as A-Rod’s fame comes with a healthy dose of infamy.

The guy is widely despised by baseball fans as a result of doping allegations, massive paydays that were rarely justified by his on-field performance, and reports of generally douchey behavior.

From a PR standpoint, he has far more to gain from this relationship than J-Lo does.

So it’s not surprising that sources close to the couple say there’s a serious power imbalance, and Jen has the upper hand.

According to Radar Online, Lopez has issued Rodriguez a lengthy list of demands that he must meet in order for their relationship to continue.

“It reads like some kind of style bible,” one insider reveals.

“He’s totally under her thumb.”

It sounds far-fetched, but if there’s anyone in Hollywood we can imagine issuing a “style bible” to new boyfriends, it’s J-Lo.

Despite the demands of the relationship, sources say Alex is happy to be offered the chance to serve as Jen’s arm candy.

“He’s very lucky she’s giving him the time of day, given his bad reputation,” one tipster claims.

Prior to this relationship, Lopez briefly dated Drake, and the fling apparently taught her some important lessons about the challenges of dating high-profile, successful men.

“Jen’s not making the mistakes she made with Drake and Alex is banned from being seen with any other woman under the age of 40,” says the source.

But A-Rod’s code of conduct doesn’t end with the company he keeps:

“She’s also given him an approved wardrobe list and a list of instructions on where to stand next to her on red carpets,” one insider claims.

“It’s even got the expected number of hours they’re to spend together in a week.”

Damn, Jen.

What’s next, routine urine tests?

Just kidding, A-Rod!


Friday, February 10, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Completely Controlling Kanye West?

For a while there, it looked as though Kim Kardashian and Kanye West were headed for divorce.

Breakup rumors have plagued these two pretty much from the time they first got together, but this time it really looked like they were on the road to Splitsville.

In fact, there was a time when Kim and Kanye were living in separate homes, and divorce seemed all but a foregone conclusion.

Now, however, the couple is back together, and while it sounds like they’re not exactly better than ever, sources say they’re making adjustments in hopes of rescuing their badly battered relationship.

It seems one of those adjustments has been the mutual decision that Kim should basically take the reins for the foreseeable future.

According to Radar Online, in the weeks after Kanye was hospitalized for an emotional breakdown 

“Kanye is like Kim’s puppet right now and he does whatever she says,” an insider tells the site.

“She not only makes his schedule for him, but she tells him when and where he can go. She is kind of acting like his manager and his mother.”

It may sound a bit extreme (and it is), but apparently Kim is concerned that ‘Ye’s behavior will do permanent damage to her reputation and thus, her career.

“Kim is just terrified that Kanye will do more damage to her brand,” says the source.

It’s a major dynamic shift, as Kanye used to hold all the cards to the extent that he picked out Kim’s clothes. Seriously.

“It is opposite of what it used to be like, but Kim likes having the power in their relationship now,” says the insider.

Unfortunately, it sounds like she may be going a little mad with power:

“Kanye is not really allowed to do anything without asking her for permission,” the source claims.

“But she is content with this because, at the moment, Kanye is not making a fool out of either one of them!”

Hey, we prefer a world where Kanye isn’t constantly making a jackass out of himself, too!

And people say Kim doesn’t do anything useful for humanity.

Somebody pin a medal on this girl!


Friday, January 27, 2017

Jenelle Evans" Mom Slams David Eason: He"s Too Controlling!

Jenelle Evans is a train wreck. That is an undeniable fact.

But in Jenelle"s ridiculous life, throughout her entire history as a drug-using, sometimes violent criminal, there"s been one constant bit of realness right by her side.

And that is, of course, Jenelle"s mother, Barbara Evans.

Barb has always been straight with Jenelle, from calling her out on her love of marijuana and her terrible taste in men to stepping up and taking custody of her kid when she was unable and unwilling to care for him.

And in all the many years that Barb has been a public figure, this has never changed.

In this new sneak peek from next week"s episode of Teen Mom 2, Jenelle has a conversation with an MTV producer about what exactly has been going on with Jenelle.

Interestingly enough, Barbara insists that Jenelle is pregnant — remember this would have been filmed when she was still strongly denying the presence of anything in her womb.

Barbara also expressed some concerns about Jenelle"s boyfriend, David Eason, which is fair, because David is a pretty concerning guy.

She thinks that David is too controlling, and that he tries to keep Barbara out of her daughter"s life.

See Barbara tell it like it is in all of her amazing glory in the clip below:

Jenelle evans mom barbara thinks david eason is too controlling

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Barbara Evans: David Eason is Controlling Jenelle!

You would think that by now, Jenelle Evans would be used to her mother having custody of her 6-year-old son Jace. 

After all, it’s been that way for the kid’s entire life, and frankly, Jenelle seems to have her hands full with just 1-year-old Kaiser at home.

Nevertheless, Jenelle remains epically pissed off by the fact that her eldest son spends the bulk of his week living with her mother.

A recent episode of Teen Mom 2 featured a memorable scene in which Barbara knocks her daughter down a peg after learning Jenelle would be ditching her son to go on a spring break bender.

Of course, neither Jenelle nor Barbara is the type to let go of a grudge, so it looks like the wounds from their latest screaming match are still fresh.

Or maybe they’ve made up and kicked off a whole new feud.

Whatever the case, the Evans ladies go nuclear on one another in this preview for the Teen Mom 2 season finale:

“Then give him back to me,” Jenelle replies when Barbara complains that Jace hasn’t been returned to her house on time.

“I want to know: Why am I not allowed to have my son back? Why can I not have custody? Please tell me. I want to know a reason right now!”

“I’ll tell you one reason right now!” Barbara fires back.

“This guy is controlling you, and he thinks that he’s gonna take control of Jace? Nuh uh! This is between me and you and Jace, not between David. Get rid of all the crazy boyfriends Jenelle!”

“This guy,” of course, is Jenelle’s new boyfriend David.

The surprising thing is that despite Eason’s many arrests, he actually seems like one of Jenelle’s more stable boyfriends.

When Jenelle asks again why Barbara refuses to grant her custody of Jace, Babs replies:

“Because you’re brainwashing him again…That’s what you guys are putting in his f**king brain.”

This is probably the clip that recently prompted to Jenelle to complain that MTV is editing the show to make her and her family look crazy.

If that’s really the case, then that’s one hell of en editing job.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to get caught in time for what looks like a pretty explosive season finale.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Blac Chyna: Trying to Get Pregnant? Controlling Rob Kardashian"s Life?

It’s been just over a week since we first learned that Blac Chyna and Rob Kardashian are hooking up, and it looks like these two have gone from friends with benefits to old married couple in record time.

In fact, according to a new report from Radar Online, Blac is already laying down some strict rules for Rob, even going so far as to control his communications with his famous family.

“She is dictating which family members he can talk to and which ones he cannot right now,” a source close to the situation tells Radar. “She has so much power over him right now.”

Given Rob’s recent troubles, it’s not surprising that he’s open to the idea of someone else taking the reins for a while.

Unfortunately, it may be a case of the blind leading the blind, as Blac’s arrest in Austin last week seems to indicate that she’s having more than a little trouble taking charge of her own life. 

“After Blac Chyna’s arrest everyone is feeling like she is going to be the death of him,” the insider says, adding that Rob’s family had hoped that Blac would help him get sober.

The relationship is turning into a worst nightmare situation for the Kard clan, and the source says Kim and company are doing everything they can to keep things from getting worse:

“It’s really scary to Rob’s sisters and Kris because a lot of them think that her true intent is to get pregnant by him,” says the insider. “Then she would be set for life.”

Rumors about Blac getting pregnant by Rob, have been circulating since their relationship started, and his family is reportedly agonizing over the fact that they can’t warn Rob against it because Blac has essentially made him cut ties.

Coincidence? We certainly hope so.