Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Barbara Evans: David Eason is Controlling Jenelle!

You would think that by now, Jenelle Evans would be used to her mother having custody of her 6-year-old son Jace. 

After all, it’s been that way for the kid’s entire life, and frankly, Jenelle seems to have her hands full with just 1-year-old Kaiser at home.

Nevertheless, Jenelle remains epically pissed off by the fact that her eldest son spends the bulk of his week living with her mother.

A recent episode of Teen Mom 2 featured a memorable scene in which Barbara knocks her daughter down a peg after learning Jenelle would be ditching her son to go on a spring break bender.

Of course, neither Jenelle nor Barbara is the type to let go of a grudge, so it looks like the wounds from their latest screaming match are still fresh.

Or maybe they’ve made up and kicked off a whole new feud.

Whatever the case, the Evans ladies go nuclear on one another in this preview for the Teen Mom 2 season finale:

“Then give him back to me,” Jenelle replies when Barbara complains that Jace hasn’t been returned to her house on time.

“I want to know: Why am I not allowed to have my son back? Why can I not have custody? Please tell me. I want to know a reason right now!”

“I’ll tell you one reason right now!” Barbara fires back.

“This guy is controlling you, and he thinks that he’s gonna take control of Jace? Nuh uh! This is between me and you and Jace, not between David. Get rid of all the crazy boyfriends Jenelle!”

“This guy,” of course, is Jenelle’s new boyfriend David.

The surprising thing is that despite Eason’s many arrests, he actually seems like one of Jenelle’s more stable boyfriends.

When Jenelle asks again why Barbara refuses to grant her custody of Jace, Babs replies:

“Because you’re brainwashing him again…That’s what you guys are putting in his f**king brain.”

This is probably the clip that recently prompted to Jenelle to complain that MTV is editing the show to make her and her family look crazy.

If that’s really the case, then that’s one hell of en editing job.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to get caught in time for what looks like a pretty explosive season finale.