Wednesday, June 1, 2016

John-David Duggar: Courtship Confirmed By Jinger Duggar!

Back in April, rumors that John-David Duggar is courting an unidentified young lady began to circulate online.

John-David was evasive when asked about his love life on Counting On, but now it seems there’s more to the story than we initially realized.

Apparently, it’s customary for courting Duggars to confide in their parents and exactly one sibling.

We don’t understand the tradition, but then, there’s a lot that we don’t understand about the Duggar way of life.

Anyway, when Jana Duggar finds herself a potential hand-holding partner, she apparently reports back to her twin John-David.

As you can see in this deleted scene from Jill & Jessa: Counting On, however, JD does not return the favor:

Yes, it seems that Jinger Duggar is John-David’s confidant, and if he wanted someone to keep his secret romance under lock-and-key, he may have made the wrong choice

“I guess people say that I know the most about John’s relationship status,” Jinger says when asked about the low-key courtship.

“My answer to that, the info I know, is ask John. It’s true. My lips are sealed.”

Sure, she didn’t technically spill the tea, but she definitely verified that there’s a secret to keep, which is almost as bad.

As for John-David, it seems he just doesn’t get what all the fuss is about.

“I don’t know why they’re so hung up on me finding a woman,” he says at one point.

Joseph quickly gets to the bottom of that mystery, saying, “It’s because he’s 26.”

Yeah, we’re pretty sure Joe hit the nail on the head with that one.

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online for more courtship-related intrigue.