Sunday, May 27, 2018

Kylie Jenner: Dumping Travis Scott for Being Too Controlling?

Look, this may be hard for you to believe, but it sounds like Kylie Jenner might have a little personal drama going on in her life.

No, no, we know what you’re thinking.

Kylie, dealing with some drama?! No way!

Rich and famous 20-year-old reality stars who have just had a baby with a guy they’d been dating for a few weeks when they got pregnant are usually so chill, right?

But, against all odds, Kylie is going through some stuff.

We’ve heard plenty of rumors about Kylie lately — some about her relationship with Travis Scott, some about the paternity of precious little Stormi, then a few more about Travis.

So it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that this latest rumor is another one about Kylie’s relationship.

Unfortunately, it’s not great news.

Even though there’s been some speculation lately that Kylie and Travis may be engaged, a source tells Radar Online that that’s “definitely” not the case.

In fact, she’s been “feeling totally smothered” by him these days.

“She is glad that she has a baby with him,” the insider says, “but he has been way overbearing and trying to control her entire life.”

“Travis wants to tell Kylie what she can wear and where she can go and she is way too independent for all of that.”

To be clear, the source states that Travis “doesn’t give her any freedom.”

It doesn’t sound great — controlling relationships never are.

But it does fit along with another report we’ve heard recently, one about how Travis wanted Kylie to give up her career to be a stay-at-home mom.

Remember, that source claimed that he’s “worried” that she’s “going to morph back into her socialite and partying ways and not put Stormi first.”

Apparently she’d told him that she was gearing up to “get back into her work and her branding,” but he wants her “to scale back her work and social life and be a stay-at-home mom for the time being.”

It sounds like they both want completely different things, right?

That’s why you should probably get to know someone a little before having a baby with them.

And the “working mom” thing isn’t the only issue — a source close to Travis claims that “things have moved incredibly fast and it’s becoming too intense” for him.

“He’s very much his own man and feels like he’s not getting to have his say in anything anymore.”

Welcome to the family, buddy.

“Travis loves Kylie,” the insider adds, “but he isn’t used to being in the spotlight in this way.”

“The harsh reality of what being a Kardashian boyfriend really means is slowly starting to dawn on him and he’s struggling with it.”

… Again, welcome to the family. That’s just sort of how this whole thing works.

As for Kylie, “She honestly doesn’t know if she wants to stay with him for the long haul.”

Well, it might be time to figure that out, kids.
