Monday, March 19, 2018

Amber Rose Slams #MeToo Movement; Does She Have a Point?

Outspoken feminist icon Amber Rose has spoken up about her frustrations with the #MeToo movement.

But unlike other critics of this trend, she"s not a man with something to hide who fears that he"ll be exposed next.

She"s also not one of those thoroughly unwoke women who have been so shaped by the culture that they"ll defend predators and shame victims just to feel accepted in the "boys club."

No, Amber has built a reputation based on sex positivity and intersectional awareness for years now.

Fans know her for her famous SlutWalk, and now those same fans are signing up in droves for her mysterious Slutbox, which we"ll get to in a minute.

This is a woman who works to reclaim derogatory terms and make them empowering, and make no mistake, she"s not condemning anyone for coming forward with their harrowing experiences.

So what is her issue with the #MeToo movement?

It"s complicated, but she lays it out clearly …

1. Amber Rose starts by explaining exactly why she’s frustrated

Amber rose explains complicated issues

“With the #MeToo movement,” Amber explains. “It’s kind of very frustrating to me, because all of the sudden feminism became such a mainstream thing … now that white — no shade — white, rich actresses starting coming out and saying ‘me too, me too."”

2. #MeToo, she says, didn’t say anything that marginalized groups haven’t been saying for decades

Amber rose speaks

“But what happened to all of us?” Amber continues. “What happened to the strippers and the LGBTQ community and the black girls in college?”

3. Rose touches on a related topic that white Hollywood too often forgets

Amber rose in a cap

“And going past that … black women don’t even make half as much as white women in movies.”

4. She’s right, by the way

Amber rose all smiles

The gender pay gap is real — in Hollywood and in most other industries. But what non-intersectional feminists so often forget to mention is that as white women make less than white men, women of color make even less than white women. It’s heartbreaking.

5. And Amber explains what, sadly, she believes it will take to make that change

The amber rose stare

“I really feel like it’s going to take, unfortunately, a white actress to come out and say ‘Hey, black women need to make as much as we do in movies,’ for there to actually be a change.”

6. Amber is exactly right about that, plain and simple

Octavia spencer and jessica chastain

This isn’t hypothetical. Academy Award winner Octavia Spencer recently revealed that as she and friend Jessica Chastain were talking about the gender pay gap when Octavia mentioned to her that it was even worse for women of color in Hollywood.

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