Showing posts with label Spray. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spray. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Sailor-Kissing Nurse Statue Vandalized with #MeToo Spray Paint After Sailor"s Death

The death of the sailor in that famous V-J Day photo — where he kissed an unsuspecting nurse — is being marked by the #MeToo movement with an act of vandalism on a statue.
The statue recreating George Mendosa and Greta Zimmer Friedman‘s iconic moment from 1945 was tagged ...
Sailor-Kissing Nurse Statue Vandalized with #MeToo Spray Paint After Sailor"s Death

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Akon Gets His Champagne Spray On in Monte Carlo Ahead of Moncaco Grand Prix (VIDEO)

Akon must’ve been really excited for the Monaco Grand Prix to start this weekend … or maybe he just likes spraying champagne in Monte Carlo for the hell of it. Whatever the case … Akon was definitely getting his Cristal shower on Saturday night…


Akon Gets His Champagne Spray On in Monte Carlo Ahead of Moncaco Grand Prix (VIDEO)

Akon must’ve been really excited for the Monaco Grand Prix to start this weekend … or maybe he just likes spraying champagne in Monte Carlo for the hell of it. Whatever the case … Akon was definitely getting his Cristal shower on Saturday night…


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Shia LaBeouf"s "He Will Not Divide Us" Camera Gets Spray Painted (VIDEO)

Someone’s protesting Shia LaBeouf’s protest by spray painting the camera trained on his “He will not divide us” demonstration. A vandal approached the live stream camera early Tuesday morning at around 4:20 and unloaded a canister of red spray…


Friday, January 20, 2017

Pepper Spray Fired at Anti-Trump Rally in D.C. (LIVE STREAM)

Police and anti-Donald Trump protesters are clashing in a rally that began outside the Trump International Hotel in Washington D.C. The protest started at the hotel, and then marched through D.C. to the National Press Club several blocks away.…


Saturday, October 29, 2016

Bill Murray -- 7th Inning Spray ... "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" (VIDEO)

Bill Murray did an awesome version of  ”Take Me Out to the Ball Game” during the 7th inning stretch at game 3 of the World Series. Murray got the Wrigley Field crowd in Daffy Duck mode as he sang his rousing rendition. It didn’t help his team…


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Chrissy Teigen: Check Out the Butt Imprint from My Spray Tan!

Chrissy Teigen is the consummate over-sharer, but unlike our distant friends on Facebook, we kinda love her for it.

Yesterday, the model posted a pic of the aftermath of a recent spray tan, and the results aren’t pretty.

In her quest to achieve a sun-kissed complexion, Teigen wound up with some orangey-stained sheets outlining her figure.

And you can totally see her butt.

Chrissy Teigen spray tan


(Doing best Beavis & Butthead impression.)

“Spray tan diaries,” she captioned the pic.

Man, it looks like that stuff gets in every crevice.

The new mom also shared TMI spray tan woes of a different kind on Twitter. 

“Just spray tanned around my breast pump outline. the logistical challenges of a healthy beach glow while boobing are incredible,” she tweeted.

Yeah, I totally hate that.

Teigen and husband John Legend welcomed their first child, Luna Simone, last month.

Here’s the first pic she shared of her daughter:

About a week after Luna was born, the new parents stepped out for a bite to eat and caught shade on Twitter from the mommy mob.

“The spotlight pull be strong,” wrote one user. “One week. Who wants to leave a one week old baby to go to a bar?”  

But Teigen doesn’t stand for such crap.

She retweeted many of their angry tweets and wrote, “I went to dinner. People are pissed. Good morning!”

Get ’em, Chrissy. And keep us updated on your tan.