Showing posts with label Divide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divide. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2018

LeBron James Says Trump Is Using Sports to Divide America

LeBron James says Donald Trump is using sports create a racial divide in America … and he won’t sit back quietly anymore.  “What I’ve noticed over the last few months that he’s kinda used sport to kinda divide us, and that’s something that I…


Thursday, October 5, 2017

Sarah Silverman Says "NRA Would Love Nothing More Than to Divide Us"

Sarah Silverman is railing against the NRA and laying blame at its feet for unnecessarily dividing our country when it comes to gun control. We got Sarah at LAX Wednesday and asked if she thinks America will finally do something about gun…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Real Housewives of Orange County Recap: The Great Divide

The Real Housewives of Orange County returned to Bravo last night, where Vicki Gunvalson proved she can still hold court like no other.

She’s bonkers, and the central theme of The Real Housewives of Orange County Season 12 Episode 1 was how over it her co-stars are.

When the episode got underway, we witnessed a shot of a beautiful beach, but it was quickly ruined by the sound of some of the craziest arguments from Season 11. 

It was a striking visual that proved the feuds on this show were enough to ruin any tranquility. Even after all this time, The Real Housewives of Orange County can still pack a punch in the drama department. 

We quickly found out that the feuds from the previous season weighed heavily on the minds of all the housewives concerned. 

First up was Shannon who claimed Vicki’s comments about her husband abusing her paved the way for her to gain a lot of weight. 

In her quest to lose weight, she has changed her diet, as well as her children. She never really opened up about her husband, aside from saying that they were “distant.” 

Can Shannon really blame Vicki for that? We’re sure there will be more details on it as the season continues, but we think she and Vicki will make things right with one another. 

We switched gears to Vicki, who we found in a particularly happy state. The reason? Her business is booming, her relationship with her new boyfriend is going well and she’s a grandma. 

It posed an excellent juxtaposition for the way her life is compared to Shannon’s, but I still don’t feel like we can pin all the blame for Shannon’s drama on Vicki. 

One thing that irks Vicki about all of the drama is that Tamra is still making a go of her bodybuilding career. The two former friends have not spoken in months, but it’s obvious there is no love lost between them. 

She caught up with Kelly and essentially said all of the other housewives are jealous of her success, and we may just have puked a little. 

She event went as far as saying: 

“They’re not the popular girls, we’re the popular girls.”

Kelly seemed like she wanted to be more reserved this time around. If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County online, you will remember her cooking up drama out of nothing last season. 

It made for riveting television, but something tells us she had her head in her hands while watching the season back. 

We then found out just how much Vicki’s drama had affected Tamra. In case you missed it, Vicki was throwing around rumors that Tamra’s husband was gay. 

Tamra felt like the ordeal with Vicki brought her closer to faith and former housewife, Lydia, who returned to she show after a hiatus. 

At Bible study, Tamra started taking shots at Vicki and Kelly, but they were not even there to defend themselves. It speaks a lot about Tamra’s character. 

Lydia then offered to play mediator during a lunch date between her and Vicki. Tamra declined the meeting, but that did not stop Lydia from meeting up with her. 

Vicki felt like there was no way she and Tamra could salvage their friendship, but Lydia had some words of her own. 

“I think you guys hurt each other so much because you love each other,” she says. 

Um, no. They hurt each other because they wanted to secure their place on the show, and a salary increase. 

Okay, so that’s Episode 1 in the can, and things are actually shaping up to be interesting for the stars. 

We absolutely need to have them all meeting up and going at it. That would make my day.

What do you think of all the drama?

Sound off below!


Friday, March 10, 2017

Shia LaBeouf"s "He Will Not Divide Us" Flag Gets Trump Makeover (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Shia LaBeouf keeps getting trolled by Trump fans … even when he tries keeping the protest covert. Shia — whose “He Will Not Divide Us” stream in Albuquerque, NM was taken down after shots were fired a block away from the protest –…


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Shia LaBeouf"s "He Will Not Divide Us" Camera Gets Spray Painted (VIDEO)

Someone’s protesting Shia LaBeouf’s protest by spray painting the camera trained on his “He will not divide us” demonstration. A vandal approached the live stream camera early Tuesday morning at around 4:20 and unloaded a canister of red spray…


Friday, February 10, 2017

Shia LaBeouf"s "He Will Not Divide Us" Protest Shut Down Due to Violence

Shia LaBeouf vowed Donald Trump would not divide us, but the museum where he held the protest did — the 24/7 webcam has been shut down. The Museum of the Moving Image in NYC says it turned off the cam mounted on one of its walls because it had…


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Shia LaBeouf Arrest Won"t Affect "He Will Not Divide Us" Exhibit, For Now

Shia LaBeouf’s arrest and heated exchanges with protesters aren’t scaring off the museum hosting his web cam … but it has a warning for the actor. A rep for The Museum of the Moving Image says they consider the protest site more of an art exhibit…


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Johnny Depp, Amber Heard Divide All the Goodies in Divorce

Johnny Depp gave Amber Heard more than $ 7 million in their divorce settlement … she’s also gets doggies Pistol and Boo, Arrow the horse and a Mustang (Ford, that is). Don’t feel too sorry for Johnny.  He keeps all of his properties, scattered…


Johnny Depp, Amber Heard Divide All the Goodies in Divorce

Johnny Depp gave Amber Heard more than $ 7 million in their divorce settlement … she’s also gets doggies Pistol and Boo, Arrow the horse and a Mustang (Ford, that is). Don’t feel too sorry for Johnny.  He keeps all of his properties, scattered…


Thursday, July 14, 2016

ESPYs: NBA Stars Speak on Racial Divide to Open Ceremony

The ESPY Awards is one of the more ridiculous, contrived awards ceremonies that exist in Hollywood.

But Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, Dwyane Wade and LeBron James took to the stage on Wednesday night and put a serious spin on the ceremony.

They opened the event by coming out in black suits and addressing the issues of racial tension that have been plaguing America for years now.

To many, these issues culminated in the last two weeks with the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile at the hands of police officers… followed by the killing of five cops in Dallas by a deranged sniper.

"The four of us we cannot ignore the realities of the current state of America," Anthony said as the first of his friends to speak.

"The events of the past week have put a spotlight on the injustice, distrust and anger that plague so many of us. The system is broken.

"But the problems are not new, the violence is not new and the racial divide definitely is not new. But the urgency for change is at an all time high."

Then it was time for Wade to chime in:

"Not seeing the value of black and brown bodies has to stop but also the retaliation has to stop. The needless gun violence in places like Chicago, Dallas, not to mention Orlando it has to stop, enough. Enough is enough.

Now as athletes it"s on us to challenge each other to do even more than we already do in our cow communities. The conversation cannot stop as our schedules get busy again. It wont always be convenient, it won"t.

"It won"t always be comfortable but it is necessary."

And then Paul:

"[My nephew] is one of the hundreds of thousands of great officers serving this country. But Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Laquan McDonald, Alton Sterling, Philando Castile.. this is also our reality.

"Generations ago, legends like Jesse Owens, Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali, John Carlos and Tommy smith. Abdul-Karim al-Jabbar, Jim Brown Billie Jean King, Arthur Ashe and countless others…

"They set a model for what athletes should stand for. So we choose to stand in their footsteps."

And, lastly, James:

"It"s time to look in the mirror and ask ourselves what are we doing to create change… I know tonight we are honoring Muhammad Al,i the "G.O.A.T." but to do his legacy any justice let"s use this moment as a call to action for all professional athlete to educate ourselves, explore these issues, speak up, use our influence and renounce all violence.

"And most importantly go back to our communities, invest our time, our resources, help rebuild them help strengthen them help change them.

"We all have to do better."

Pretty impressive, no?

Watch the opening speeches below:

Espys nba stars speak on black lives matter to open ceremony