Showing posts with label Affect. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Affect. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Super Bowl 53 Gov"t Shutdown Won"t Affect Security ... Says FBI, Atlanta PD, DHS

Exclusive Details
NFL fans planning on going to the Super Bowl in Atlanta have no reason to fear — the security there’s going to be as strong as ever … government shutdown be damned.
According to law enforcement sources … the FBI had a meeting with city and state...
Super Bowl 53 Gov"t Shutdown Won"t Affect Security ... Says FBI, Atlanta PD, DHS

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

O.J. Simpson: Busted Masturbating in Prison? Will It Affect His Parole?!

O.J. Simpson beat murder charges in part because of attorney Johnnie Cochran’s famous argument, “If the glove don’t fit, you must acquit.”

So it’s somewhat ironic that the same hands that helped the Juice become the first NFL running back to rush for 2,000 yards in a single season might now keep him behind bars.

And it’s all because of Simpson’s legendary ball control.

Several media outlets reported today that Simpson, who may be eligible for parole as early as this week, might have run afoul of prison officials by being caught masturbating in his cell. 

Doing so would’ve put Simpson in violation of Lovelock Correctional Center rules, thus jeopardizing his parole.

Fortunately for O.J., it now looks as though the story was nothing but a pump fake.

TMZ is reporting that the story is erroneous, and Simpson was not caught deflating his balls like a Patriots equipment manager.

We’re not surprised.

After all, as a result of his famous murder trial, Simpson is probably much more careful about where he spills his DNA these days.

Of course, we certainly wouldn’t blame the guy if he had been caught brewing up a batch of homemade Stickum.

A decade behind bars is a less-than ideal situation for a running back.

It means the former Buffalo Bills standout hasn’t been able to find a hole in ten years.

He may have had a cellmate or two willing to “play center” over the years, but modern prisons do a pretty thorough job of limiting sexual contact between prisoners.

What’s important now is that the 70-year-old Heisman Trophy winner saves his seed as his release date approaches.

KUWTK has been slumping in the ratings, and we’re sure Kris Jenner would love nothing more than to have Simpson father another Kardashian.

Sure, O.J. and Kris are both a bit past prime baby-making years, but imagine the headlines!

Besides, Simpson beat murder charges despite DNA evidence, motive, a history of violence, and the lack of a convincing alibi.

If that’s not proof he can do anything, we don’t what is.


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Shia LaBeouf Arrest Won"t Affect "He Will Not Divide Us" Exhibit, For Now

Shia LaBeouf’s arrest and heated exchanges with protesters aren’t scaring off the museum hosting his web cam … but it has a warning for the actor. A rep for The Museum of the Moving Image says they consider the protest site more of an art exhibit…
