Sunday, April 1, 2018

Kim Kardashian Gets Dragged (Hard!) for This Easter Photo

Kim Kardashian celebrated the holiest of days on the Catholic calendar by sharing a picture that provoked a pretty similar reaction across the Internet.

And that reaction was this:


Yes, the reality star really did share the above photo of her impressive cleavage on the day Jesus Christgot resurrected and came back to life many years ago.

And, yes, she did include a bunny ears emoji as a caption along with it.

But promoting her sensual figure on this special holiday is actually NOT the reason Kim is under intense online scrutiny right now.

Instead, Kardashian is facing a great deal of backlash today for the following Twitter photo and message:

kim kross

“Happy Easter,” Kim wrote as a simple caption to this snapshot, which features a golden cross shimmering in the sky with the sun behind it.

However, religious symbol is lined with a repeating design that looks to be diamonds, leading some pious followers to think Kardashian has missed the spirit of the Easter holiday.

Jesus, after all, was not exactly into wealth and the flaunting of one’s riches.

“Nothing says Easter better than a diamond studded cross,” wrote one annoyed Internet user in response to this picture, while another asked:

“is this a joke?”

The mother of three, who was just praised a few days ago for her March of Our Lives attendance, is now once again considered the self-centered enemy by a handful of critics.

Here’s a selection of other Twitter comments in reply to her fancy diamond image:

kk easter replies

Another person said she thought this was a “meme” on Kim’s part.

But we’re pretty sure she meant it as a serious way to send Easter wishes to her followers.

“Ok but anyone else think this might be a yeezus album cover hint??” asked another user, which really would be pretty lame on Kim’s part.

One really should not use this very holy day as a PR opportunity.

Then again, some might say, one should not appropriate Asian culture in the way Kim has often been accused of doing.

What do you think of this alleged Kim Kardashian scandal?

Is it really a scandal? Did Kim cross a line with this picture of a cross?

Or should some folks just calm down and not overanalyze everything this woman says and does?

Sound off below with your thoughts and…

… Happy Easter!
