Showing posts with label Tech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tech. Show all posts

Friday, November 23, 2018

Thursday, August 2, 2018

YG Donates $150k to Girl Code LA to Empower Young Women Pursuing Tech

YG’s putting his money where his mouth is — he wants young girls of diverse backgrounds to have opportunities in the tech world, and he’s writing a $ 150k check to make it happen. The Compton rapper delivered the check to Girl Code LA on Wednesday…


Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Virginia Tech Lax Team Raps N-Word, Is Very Sorry About It

Oops, folks…

… they"re bad!

Earlier this week, members of the Virginia Tech women"s lacrosse team didn"t just record themselves singing along to Lil Dicky"s "Freaky Friday."

They recorded themselves singing along to this explicit track AND released the footage on social media.

And because the women are all white, and because the lyrics include a certain N-Word, backlash against the athletes was swift and ferocious.

(For whatever it"s worth, yes: "Freaky Friday" is the song in whose video Kendall Jenner stars and during which she"s very excited about her vagina.)

After the video below made its way around YouTube and Head Coach John Sung made note of the comments, he said the following to The Roanoke Times:

"This is a teachable moment. It’s not something that we’re proud of. The team is very apologetic and sorry. There’s nobody of any color that should say it. Period.

"There’s nobody that should say it."

Sung insisted there “was no malice involved" and we tend to believe him.

"They just thought that they were singing along to a song," he added.

"They had just won. They’re singing songs. The first couple songs were Disney songs…They were celebrating and they were dancing and they were excited."

Some folks out there were satisfied with this apology.

Others, however, don"t think any apology was even necessary.

Take radio host Clay Travis, for example, and his response to this so-called scandal on Twitter:

"Hey @Deadspin," he wrote, mentioning the name of a website that ran this story and asking:

"Was the Virginia Tech women’s team chanting racial slurs or were they singing along to one of the most popular rap songs in America? This is pathetic, and fake news."

It"s actually an interesting debate:

Should any mea culpa have been required when these young women were just singing along to the words of a track?

Should white people avoid saying this epithet at ALL times, including this one?

Ponder your answer as you watch the footage in question:

Virginia tech lacrosse team raps the n word is very sorry about

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Virginia Tech Women"s Lacrosse Team Sings N-Word During Lil Dicky Sing-along

Virginia Tech’s women’s lacrosse team not only loudly, and proudly, sang the n-word on the team bus — but they POSTED video of themselves singing the lyric from Lil Dicky’s “Freaky Friday.” The women — who were all white — were in a celebratory…


Monday, December 4, 2017

Georgia Tech Football Player KO"s Teammate AGAIN ... Round 2, Baby!!

The Georgia Tech football player who knocked his teammate out cold earlier this year … fought and KO’d HIM AGAIN later that SAME DAY … and we have the video. TMZ Sports obtained video that we’re told was taken only hours after the original…


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Georgia Tech Football Player KO"s Teammate In Training Center Fistfight

A Georgia Tech football player straight up KNOCKED OUT his teammate during a fight in the GT athletic facility … and TMZ Sports has the video.  The players are GT starting defensive backs Step Durham and Lance Austin — who got into a heated…


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Tech N9ne Divorce Finalized

Rapper Tech N9ne and Lecoya LeJeune can pour out all the Caribou Lou they want … their 22-year marriage is officially over. The couple’s divorce was finalized earlier this month … according to court records. The divorce…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Texas Tech University on Lockdown After Active Shooter Said to be at Large (UPDATE)

6:54 PM PT — A campus police officer has reportedly been shot and killed, according to a local NBC affiliate. A SWAT team is currently looking for the shooter, who is described as 6 feet tall, 140 lbs with red hair and blue eyes wearing a white T…


Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Rapper Tech N9ne Sues Record Company for Ripping Off His "Strange Music" Label

Hip-hop artist Tech N9ne is adamant — there is no I in “Strange” … no matter what a rival record company wants you to think. According to a new lawsuit …. the “Caribou Lou” rapper’s independent record label, Strange Music — founded…


Rapper Tech N9ne Sues Record Company for Ripping Off His "Strange Music" Label

Hip-hop artist Tech N9ne is adamant — there is no I in “Strange” … no matter what a rival record company wants you to think. According to a new lawsuit …. the “Caribou Lou” rapper’s independent record label, Strange Music — founded…


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tech N9ne -- Pulls Trigger on Divorce



0916_tech9_gettyRapper Tech N9ne is bailing out on his marriage, but there’s no way his wife can say she didn’t see this coming — ’cause they’ve been split up for a DECADE now!

The “Caribou Lou” rapper filed to divorce Lecoya LeJeune. They got married way back in 1995, and have one daughter. On paper a 20 year marriage in show business sounds really impressive — but in the divorce docs, Tech N9ne says they separated in 2005.

It’s unclear why it’s taken soooo long to reach the big D. 

Tech, who’s now 43, ain’t exactly ready to be a full-time single dad. He’s asking for shared legal custody of 16-year-old Reign, but wants Lecoya to take physical custody of their daughter. Tech does want visitation for himself.

He’ll drink to that.