Saturday, August 25, 2018

Audrey Roloff"s Dangerous Driving History: REVEALED!

Audrey Roloff may be the most loving mother in Hollywood.

This is an impossible judgment to make, of course, but the point we want to make before delving into one troubling issue in regard to the ex-Little People, Big World star is this:

She clearly cares a whole lot about her daughter.

Just take one look at Audrey’s Instagram account and read a few words from her about Ember Jean and you’ll agree.

Despite this indisputable point, a handful of Internet users are suddenly concerned about Ember’s safety. And this is why:

It turns out that Roloff is a really bad driver!

Just this past week, Audrey was pulled over and cited for “distracted driving” near her home in Oregon.

According to the Washington County Police Department, officers busted Audrey on Wednesday, August 22, around 9:30 a.m. for using her cell phone while behind the wheel.

She was issued a citation,” Detective Robert Rookhuÿzen told Radar Online, adding:

“It’s illegal to operate a motor vehicle while using your mobile electronic device.”

This has become the case in many states around the country.

It makes sense from a safety standpoint, doesn’t it?

Ember was not in the vehicle at the time of this incident, which Audrey spoke openly about on Instagram.

She sounded a little bit defensive while doing so, too, we must admit, writing to fans:

“If you are holding your phone while you’re driving, even if you’re talking on speaker phone, even if you’re dialing somebody’s [number]…

“it doesn’t matter if you’re at a stoplight or if you’re just looking at your Google Maps to see where you’re going, you cannot pick up your phone while driving.”

Audrey then explained that she now knows this from experience.

“I’m telling you this because I have been in the car with lots of people who pick up their phone to type in an address for Google Maps, or change the song on Spotify, or answer a phone call, or dial the phone, even if they’re talking on speaker or Bluetooth,” she added.

“I just thought I’d pop on here and remind you all, because I was reminded today how dangerous it is to pick up your phone even for a split second.”

Meanwhile, in 2014, Audrey was also pulled over for violating the “basic speed rule,” accordingto Marion County Circuit Court documents obtained by Radar.

She pled no contest at the time and the case was dismissed after she was ordered to pay $ 260 in fines.

ALSO, however, Roloff was found guilty in 2010 “failure to obey traffic control device.”

It is not totally clear what transpired in this case, but a judge ordered her the former reality star to undergo a medical assessment and she was forced to pay $ 120 in fines.

Finally, in April of 2010, Roloff was issued a ticket for speeding.

Taken on their own, each of these incidents is not a big deal.

Even taken as a whole, they don’t exactly represent a menace to society.

But Audrey does have at least some history of driving at least a bit recklessly and she is now a mother, so she does need to be extra careful and aware.

That is all we’re saying.

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff announced last month that they will no longer appear on Little People, Big World.

But they do have a book coming out in 2019 and you’ll be hearing plenty from them moving forward.

For whatever it’s worth, Matt Roloff was arrested for drunk driving in 2007, but later found not guilty.

It was his second DUI citation in four years at the time.
