Showing posts with label Sibling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sibling. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Jana Duggar vs. Jessa Duggar: Epic Sibling Rivalry Exposed?!

The strangest facets of life in the Duggar family have been well documented over the years:

They take fundamentalist Christianity to an extreme that would make Mike Pence squirm; they’re not allowed to hug members of the opposite sex until they’re married to one; and they believe uteruses should be pushed to their physical limits in the fashion of NFL lineman.

But there’s one weird aspect of life as a Duggar that’s consistently overshadowed by all those admittedly much more bizarre practices.

You may have never noticed this, but the Duggars are always smiling.

We don’t mean most of the time — we mean that with the exception of a seriously somber occasion like a death of the revelation that one of their own supports Black Lives Matter, the Duggars basically take their facial expression cues from Heath Ledger’s Joker.

It’s impossible to imagine anyone being that chipper all the time, especially when they’re forced to share a roof with 20 other people.

(The only possible way such a living arrangement would be bearable is with 43 bathrooms. We’re not sure how the math works out, but it does.)

But despite it all, the Duggars are always grinning and Jim Bob and Michelle’s kids never have a bad word to say about one another.

There’s no way they really get along that well, of course, and as such, fans are always looking for signs of internal strife

The most common theory over the years has been that Jessa and Jana Duggar don’t get along.

And now, In Touch Weekly has uncovered some new evidence that seems to support the theory that these two sisters aren’t as close as they would have us believe.

It all begins with the now-infamous Jewelry Box Story.

It seems that when Jana and Jessa were kids, Jessa would go out of her way to annoy the hell out of Jessa.

The situation got so bad that Jessa would often come to her mother in tears, complaining about the way she had been mistreated by her younger sister.

Michelle was probably busy breastfeeding an even younger kid, so shrugged the situation off and told Jana to make like Jesus by turning the other cheek.

As such, Jana decided to gift Jessa with her most prized possession, “a pink jewelry box filled with treats,” even though “didn’t want to” and “definitely didn’t feel like doing it.”

The story was first recounted in the Duggars’ memoir as a loving family parable.

But Jana offered her version of events at an ATI conference, the tale took on a considerably different tone.

“How I can I work this out, I don’t want to go through my entire life having this bad relationship, it’s not like you can avoid your siblings,” she told the audience as she welled up with tears.

“There are people that may hurt us, there are people that may have done things to us, and that…it is our responsibility to forgive.” Jana sobbed.

(There are those who believe she was also talking about forgiving Josh Duggar in that speech, but whatever the case, it’s a reminder that the Duggars’ childhood wasn’t as idyllic as they’d have us believe.)

Sadly, it seems relations between Jana and Jessa haven’t improved much over the years.

Fans believe Jessa is guilty of shaming Jana for being the unmarried “Cinderella Duggar” and unfairly pawns her household duties off on her long-suffering older sis.

Of course, the best revenge is living well, so Jana may want to give more thought to the possibility of marrying Tim Tebow.

Watch Counting On online to look for more clues that Jana and Jessa secretly despise one another.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Lakers" Jesse Buss On Sibling Drama ... "We"re Still Family" (VIDEO)

It’s the question everyone wants to know — with the nasty family power struggle going on with Lakers … what’s Thanksgiving gonna be like at the Buss house???? That’s exactly what we asked the youngest member of the Buss siblings, Jesse Buss –…


Friday, August 12, 2016

Toddler Kills Newborn Sibling; Former Reality Star Charged with Manslaughter

This is a truly horrible story.

Kathleen Steele, a 62-year old who appeared on a reality show titled “I’m Pregnant and 55 Years Old,” has been charged with aggravated manslaughter.

Kathleen Steele mug shot

And the details of the case are simply incomprehensible.

According to Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, Steele’s six-year-old son beat his newborn sister to death while the kids and their three -year old brother were left alone.

The victim was 13 days old.

The incident took place on Monday afternoon after Steele left the three children inside her minivan while she visited a cellphone store in St. Petersburg.

“It was one of the worst things I’ve ever seen,” Gualtieri said during a press conference yesterday, per The Tampa Bay Times.

baby case

Officials have confirmed that Steele’s two youngest children were born through artificial insemination, using her husband’s frozen sperm.

The husband died of cancer in 2011 at age 66.

As a result, Steele has been raising the kids on her own.

The newspaper went on to write that the Florida native had taken the baby to a doctor Monday morning because she was not eating properly.

The pediatrician found nothing wrong with the little girl and later said there were no signs of bruising or trauma at the time of the visit.

A few hours later, Steele went into the cellphone store.

Investigators say the six-year old boy was trying to calm the crying baby, as the toddler actually used a doll to show police how he went about doing this.

In front of the authorities, he repeatedly slammed the newborn’s head into the minivan’s ceiling and showed how he bludgeoned her to death.

Steele then returned to the van… her son tried to tell her something was wrong with the newborn… she she ignored him and even made another stop before returning home.

She did not notice the baby’s injuries until then.

“The baby was beaten and traumatized,” the sheriff said. “There was gross swelling in her face. Her skull was cracked in numerous places.”

Authorities went on to say that Steele didn’t even call 911. Instead, she contacted a neighbor, who is a nurse.

This nurse performed CPR until paramedics arrived.

The six-year-old boy will not face criminal charges, although hopefully he will receive some psychiatric treatment.

“The mistake is with the adult Kathleen Steele, not a six-year-old boy,” Gualtieri said.

Steele was already being investigated by child protection investigators due to a minor brain bleed that the baby suffered following a fire.

She was scheduled to be evaluated by investigators on August 1, but she canceled and then rescheduled.

Her sons have been placed in foster care, according to the Florida paper, and she is being held on $ 100,000 bond.

Toddler Kills Newborn Sibling; Former Reality Star Charged with Manslaughter

This is a truly horrible story.

Kathleen Steele, a 62-year old who appeared on a reality show titled “I’m Pregnant and 55 Years Old,” has been charged with aggravated manslaughter.

Kathleen Steele mug shot

And the details of the case are simply incomprehensible.

According to Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, Steele’s six-year-old son beat his newborn sister to death while the kids and their three -year old brother were left alone.

The victim was 13 days old.

The incident took place on Monday afternoon after Steele left the three children inside her minivan while she visited a cellphone store in St. Petersburg.

“It was one of the worst things I’ve ever seen,” Gualtieri said during a press conference yesterday, per The Tampa Bay Times.

baby case

Officials have confirmed that Steele’s two youngest children were born through artificial insemination, using her husband’s frozen sperm.

The husband died of cancer in 2011 at age 66.

As a result, Steele has been raising the kids on her own.

The newspaper went on to write that the Florida native had taken the baby to a doctor Monday morning because she was not eating properly.

The pediatrician found nothing wrong with the little girl and later said there were no signs of bruising or trauma at the time of the visit.

A few hours later, Steele went into the cellphone store.

Investigators say the six-year old boy was trying to calm the crying baby, as the toddler actually used a doll to show police how he went about doing this.

In front of the authorities, he repeatedly slammed the newborn’s head into the minivan’s ceiling and showed how he bludgeoned her to death.

Steele then returned to the van… her son tried to tell her something was wrong with the newborn… she she ignored him and even made another stop before returning home.

She did not notice the baby’s injuries until then.

“The baby was beaten and traumatized,” the sheriff said. “There was gross swelling in her face. Her skull was cracked in numerous places.”

Authorities went on to say that Steele didn’t even call 911. Instead, she contacted a neighbor, who is a nurse.

This nurse performed CPR until paramedics arrived.

The six-year-old boy will not face criminal charges, although hopefully he will receive some psychiatric treatment.

“The mistake is with the adult Kathleen Steele, not a six-year-old boy,” Gualtieri said.

Steele was already being investigated by child protection investigators due to a minor brain bleed that the baby suffered following a fire.

She was scheduled to be evaluated by investigators on August 1, but she canceled and then rescheduled.

Her sons have been placed in foster care, according to the Florida paper, and she is being held on $ 100,000 bond.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Jessa Duggar Reveals Favorite Sibling, Shocks Fans

Shortly after we learned that Jinger Duggar is engaged to Jeremy Vuolo, the new couple was flooded with congratulatory tweets, texts and Instagram comments from all corners of the Internet.

Naturally, many of those congrats came from members of Jinger’s sizable family, with all of her siblings who are allowed to have social media accounts giving her heartfelt shout-outs.

For the most part, the messages (which, of course, Jinger can’t see, as she’s not yet permitted to use Instagram, Twitter or Facebook) have consisted of the usual gushing about what a great couple JinJer make, and what great parents they’ll be to their 47 children.

But one comment in particular has raised questions amongst fans for an interesting reason.

Jessa Duggar posted the awkwardly screenshotted pic above, along with a caption reading:

“Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!! My best friend (aka little sister) is engaged!!!! Congrats, Jinger and Jeremy!!!!!!!!”

As Duggar obsessives know, Jessa is most commonly associated with her sister Jill.

Not only did the two of them get married and start families around the same time, but their bond is such that the family’s spinoff reality show is named after the two of them!

Yes, the other Duggar siblings (well, the ones who weren’t involved in multiple sex scandals) are also on the show, but it’s titled Jill & Jessa: Counting On for a reason.

Those two were always widely believed to be best friends who just so happened to be sisters.

So it comes as a bit of a surprise to see Jessa referring to her lil sis Jinger as her bestie.

Could be that she’s cheating and she’s just one of those people who calls everyone her best friend.

Either way, we’re guessing Jill feels a little cheated today.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Kylie Jenner vs. Kim Kardashian: Sibling Rivalry Heating Up?!

Days after the birth of His Holiness, Saint West, several media outlets reported that Kylie Jenner still hadn’t met her new nephew, as she was too busy partying in Miami.

It’s true that Kylizzle was in South Florida for Art Basel when Kim gave birth, but now, several insiders are reporting that the 18-year-old’s prior commitment wasn’t her only reason for giving Kim the cold shoulder:

Yes, according to Radar Online Kylie and Kim are in the midst of an intense feud.

The cause of the sibling rivalry? You guessed it – Kylie’s lips

“Kylie has always idolized Kim growing up, but that’s turned into a seething jealousy between the two since Kylie got her lips done,” a source tells the website.

“Kim’s been very unsupportive of Kylie’s surgery and Kylie thinks that’s so two-faced.”

If that’s true, then we’re totally Team Kylie on this one.

A Kardashian giving anyone a hard time about plastic surgery is like…Actually, we can’t think of anything more hypocritical.

Of course, there may be a deeper non-lip-related reason for the rivalry, as recent numbers indicate that Kylie is the most popular member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, and Kim is reportedly not happy about being dethroned.

“Kylie’s sat back and watched her entire family bow to Kim for years now and she’s loved every minute of ousting Kim off the top headline spot this year,” says the source.

“She really couldn’t care less that Kim’s been in hell with her pregnancy, all she cares about is being the most famous sister of them all.”

Well, not caring about Kim’s difficult pregnancy is a little insensitive, but you can’t blame Kylie for being obsessed with fame.

After all, she learned from the best.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Kylie Jenner Disses Sisters, Reveals Her Favorite Sibling

When Kylie Jenner turned 18 back in August, it seemed like the eager Instagram queen shared her celebration plans with the whole world.

But as you can see in the clip below, some folks – like Kylie"s immediate family – were kept out of the loop.

Yes, it seems Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian found out about Kylie"s birthday party the same way the rest of us did – through the tabloids.

Naturally, they felt a bit slighted, and the sisters confront Kylie in this clip from the upcoming episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Kylie claims she didn"t tell her older siblings about the party because she hadn"t ironed out the details yet, but let"s be honest – what teenager wants their thirty-something siblings attempting to twerk in front of their friends?

Anyway, the argument leads to an interesting moment in which Kylizzle is asked to name her favorite sister.

Surprisingly, she responds without missing a beat, even though she"s well aware that she"s on speaker-phone.

Check out the clip below for one of the most awkward KUWTK moments in recent memory.

We"re guessing Kylie"s answer won"t exactly shock you, but the way she doesn"t even have to think about makes this clip a keeper.

Kylie jenner disses sisters reveals her favorite sibling