Showing posts with label Kramer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kramer. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Ex-NFL QB Erik Kramer Charged With Battery In Domestic Violence Case

Ex-Chicago Bears quarterback Erik Kramer has been charged with misdemeanor battery stemming from his alleged domestic violence incident back in June … TMZ Sports has learned. As we previously reported … the former NFL player was arrested after…


Monday, June 25, 2018

Jana Kramer Pregnant with Baby #2 After Multiple Miscarriages

Jana Kramer is pregnant with her second child.

This is an incredibly exciting development for any woman, of course, but it takes on special meaning for the country singer and former One Tree Hill actress.

It’s safe to say she and husband Mike Caussin have overcome A LOT to get here.

“It’s been a tough journey. We have lost our last two pregnancies, so it’s been really rough,” Kramer said today on her podcast, adding in more personal detail and referencing her partner:

“We’ve both had a really hard time with this one, because the one we lost in October… we went to our 10-week ultrasound and just … gone.

“We had like already heard the heartbeat and I was sick, so that was just really hard.

“And then we did IVF and it worked and I ended up having chemical loss, but just like going through IVF again … it was just really hard.”

We can only imagine.

The star opened up about this latest miscarriage back in December.

Said Kramer at the time:

“For the women out there who have miscarried in the past and need support and a place to grieve their little one lost or to those in the thick of it like me who are currently grieving and in pain, let us all be there for each other.

“You don’t need to feel alone and maybe that’s me talking to myself but if you need a place to share, I’m here for you.”

Prior to letting fans know about this personal tragedy, Kramer also talked back in 2016 about Caussin cheating on her.

The couple separated for awhile as a result of this infidelity, to which Caussin has confessed.

But here they are now, on the verge of bringing a new life into the world.

“We’re past the scary point, but it’s all scary, that’s the thing,” continued the artist on her podcast, likely meaning she is into her second semester.

“We’re so excited, but at the same point, it’s all just in God’s hands. It’s just such a scary process because it’s a true miracle…

“I mean, it seems so easy, when you look at some people, but other times it’s like, it’s a miracle.”

Kramer and Caussin are also parents to a two-year old daughter named Jolie.

It’s clear the couple had been trying to give her a sibling for a long time, but Kramer says this amazing news was actually unexpected.

Totally unexpected:

“When we found out we were pregnant, it was a total shock.

“This is exactly what happened with our last pregnancy. We did IVF, it worked, and then we had a chemical loss and then the next time I ovulated, I got pregnant with Jolie …

“I don’t know if my body just needs that extra progesterone … I have no clue.”

(For the record, according to AmericanPregnancy.Org, a chemical loss takes place when “a pregnancy is lost shortly after implantation.”)

Kramer says she’s had five total miscarriages.

As for her marriage, which went through a very rough patch?

The first [pregnancy] was tough,” Krama tells People Magazine, ending on a positive note:

“He was going through his thing that I didn’t even know about, but this time around he’s just truly been the greatest support system I could’ve ever asked for.

“It feels so much more unified and I love that.”


Saturday, June 16, 2018

Ex-NFL QB Erik Kramer, Wife Files for Divorce After Domestic Violence Arrest

Former Chicago Bears starting quarterback Erik Kramer’s legal problems are piling up … his wife just filed for divorce on the heels of his arrest for allegedly assaulting her. TMZ Sports has learned Cortney Baird filed for divorce from Kramer…


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Joel Kramer Accused of Sexual Misconduct by Two More Women; Jamie Lee Curtis Speaks Out

Over the weekend, actress Eliza Dushku bravely revealed that she had been molested while filming True Lies at age 12. It’s one of the saddest #MeToo stories, and one that she almost didn’t share with the public.

What caused her to break her silence was learning that the man she named, Joel Kramer, still works in the industry. That he apparently still works with young girls.

Jamie Lee Curtis, who starred in True Lies, is speaking out in response to Dushku’s statement. And, meanwhile, two more accusations have been leveled at Joel Kramer.

Eliza Dushku is known for her roles on shows like Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Dollhouse and in films like Bring It On. And Tru Calling.

Whether you’re as big a fan as I am or not, reading her account of being gradually groomed and then assaulted as a preteen by the film’s stunt coordinator was heartbreaking.

Hearing that she was “accidentally” injured on set after an adult friend of hers confronted Joel Kramer, who was also responsible for her safety, is a grim reminder that the stakes of reporting sexual assault can be very, very high.

Joel Kramer, the man she accuses of these sickening acts, is still working in the industry. Several years back, he worked regularly on Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. And he even worked on the pilot episode of Star Trek Discovery.

It was only when Eliza Dushku realized that he was still responsible for people’s safety — for children’s safety — that she decided to speak out.

At the time of the alleged sexual assault, Eliza Dushku did tell people, including the woman who acted as her legal guardian on the set. That woman says that she reported it to someone “in authority,” but to no avail.

Penning a lengthy essay in The Huffington Post, Jamie Lee Curtis shares that Eliza Dushku told her about this, only many years after the events.

“[Dushku] had shared that story with me privately a few years ago. I was shocked and saddened then and still am today.”

She talks about the particular creepiness that comes when an alleged sexual predator is also in charge of people’s physical safety.

“What compounds the difficulty here is that the stunt coordinator in question was literally in charge of our lives, our safety. Stunts always require an enormous amount of trust and on that movie in particular we all were often suspended by wires and harnesses, very high in the air.”

Eliza Dushku mentions in her own post that her adult friend confronting Joel Kramer was soon followed by Eliza being hospitalized with broken ribs. She does not consider that a coincidence.

Jamie Lee Curtis acknowledges the power given to stunt coordinators.

“In my case, I was suspended under a helicopter by a wire, holding onto the hand of the man who is now being accused of abuse.”

If you’ll recall, Eliza says that he gained her trust and that of her parents, taking her to a hotel with a totally plausible-sounding explanation.

But she says that he put on a movie, emerged naked from the bathroom, and climbed on top of her where she lay on the bed. She was 12, he was 36.

For his part, Joel Kramer has denied the accusations, speaking to Deadline and claiming:

“These are outlandish, manipulated lies. I never sexually molested her. I’m sick to my stomach. It’s not true. I think she’s making this up in her imagination.”

His statement continues:

“This is all lies. Lies, lies, lies. This is just crazy. I treated her like a daughter. We all looked out for her.”

We’re not sure how long those denials are going to hold up, because Eliza Dushku was the first to speak out … but not the only one.

Deadline reports that two more women accuse Joel Kramer of sexual assault.

A stuntwoman who worked for Kramer apparently invited her younger sister and her sister’s friend, both 10th graders in 1997, to the set where she was working. This is when Kramer allegedly lured the girls out to go swimming. 

Laura Albert says that Kramer then “pulled his dick out and said, ‘You cannot handle this."” And then allegedly swam towards the girls.

Albert continues, alleging: “My sister ended up leaving and she left her friend there with Joel. Joel had sex with the 16-year-old girl. She was 16. He was 39. His room number was 424.”

Joel claims that he didn’t know the girl’s age, that he was haunted by the knowledge … while pointing out that she was legally old enough to consent in that state.

Another stuntwoman has come forward but remained anonymous, accusing Joel Kramer of having assaulted her in the late ’70s or early ’80s.

She says that a group of stunt performers were getting together for drinks, and she ended up riding in Joel’s vehicle, where the alleged assault took place.

“Instead of driving me to the other place, he drove us up into the hills on the south side of Ventura Boulevard into a quiet residential area. He pulled his vehicle over, unzipped his pants, pulled out his penis.”

She clarifies that she was not looking to date him. They were only supposed to drive to meet up with their friends. She describes the alleged assault:

“He grabbed me by the back of my head and forced my face down onto his penis and came in my mouth. He then released my head and cleaned himself up.”

If her memory of the incident seems fuzzy, we should note that trauma can make certain details painfully clear in your memory, but make other memories seem vague. (Some argue that impaired memory of trauma is a survival instinct)

“I must have [cleaned up] as well. I really don’t remember if he gave me tissues. I cannot remember if words were exchanged of any type, but he did drive me to the other place, where the group had gone.”

Reporting sexual assault is bad now, but it was worse in the ’70s and ’80s.

“I did not tell anyone, because I was frightened, scared and ashamed. I also knew that if I were to report this to the stunt group, the police or SAG, I would have no chance in a career as a stunt woman.”

Joel Kramer calls this accusation a “fabrication.”

Kramer has been in the business for decades. We can’t help but wonder how many more women will come forward with horror stories.


Sunday, December 10, 2017

Jana Kramer Shares Heart-Shattering Miscarriage News

Jana Kramer has opened up about something both very personal and very painful:

She has suffered a miscarriage.

The former One Tree Hill star and country artist shared a photo on Instagram Saturday of herself holding an ultrasound photo.

She then explained the basis for the image and detailed all she had recently gone through.

Out of respect for Kramer, we’ll just go ahead and share her message in its entirety, word-for-heartbreaking-word…

1-3 Today I am 1-3. I debated posting this for the exact reason why it’s a silent struggle.

I don’t want I’m sorry or sympathy. I just don’t want to feel alone. And I know I’m not. This unfortunately isn’t my first loss.

When I first found out I was pregnant I wanted to shout it from the rooftop but I know for reasons like this we have to wait. So because we don’t tell many, we have to suffer silently…and suffering silently was my thing in the past, but it’s not now.

For the women out there who have miscarried in the past and need support and a place to grieve their little one lost or to those in the thick of it like me who are currently grieving and in pain, let us all be there for each other.

You don’t need to feel alone and maybe that’s me talking to myself but if you need a place to share, I’m here for you…and all of us are (and guys too.

kramer pic

This is the picture Kramer posted along with her passionate caption.

It continues as follows:

We sometimes silence your voice because you feel bad to express how it’s made u feel so let this be a safe place for you too).

And because I don’t have all the words to say because I’m knee deep in crying and trying to listen to God, my girlfriend @alittlebitfancy says them for me.

But in her Words and her story on her loss. It’s powerful and strong and those who have suffered a loss I truly feel u can heal reading her blog. I know for me it helped.

Head over to her page. Her link is in the bio and also in my bio. I love you guys. #yourenotalone

Click HERE to read the blog entry Kramer is referring to toward the end of her post.

Kramer welcomed daughter named Jolie with then-husband Mike Caussin in 2016.

As previously noted, the couple separated shortly afterward due to Caussin’s infidelity.

He then entered rehab.

Kramer said in September that she was forced to address the cheating and the separation after word leaked online, but that she and Caussin have remained dedicated to making their marriage work.

“There are days where I’m like, ‘I’m done, I cannot do this anymore,"” she said this fall on Olivia Caridi’s podcast, elaborating:

“And that was like a week ago. And then I’m like, ‘No. Keep fighting.’ I look at my baby girl and I’m like, ‘I’m going to keep fighting.’

“Because I see him trying too. So that’s why we never released a statement because I don’t want to ever be like, ‘Oh, we’re great and in love.’

“We’re working on it. We’re in the trenches. My thing is like, maybe down the road, we’ll be like, ‘This is what we’ve accomplished or not.’ I don’t know.

“The only reason that I stayed is because I’ve seen how hard he’s worked to become the better version of himself and to be a better man and be very present.”


Monday, March 27, 2017

Jana Kramer Responds to Parent-Shaming, Animal-Loving Haters on Instagram

Considering her first husband tried to kill her and her second husband cheated on her, Jana Kramer can probably shrug off a few social media critics better than most people.

But still.

The country music singer and former Dancing with the Stars contestant has our sympathy after she shared what she thought were a couple of very innocent photos on Instagram over the weekend.

In the first, Kramer is sitting on the sand at Discovery Cove in Orlando with 13-month old daughter daughter Jolie Rae.

As a paid Diamond Resorts ambassador, it’s basically part of the star’s job to attend a resort such as this and gloat about it online.

“Introducing Jolie to our new little friend @discoverycove,” Kramer captioned the photo, which was snapped at an establishment owned and operated by SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment. 

She added:

“Thanks to @diamondresorts for treating us to this experience!”

This is where the shots started to be fired in her direction, however.

FIRST, Kramer was condemned for removing her wetsuit and exposing her bikini. How dare she, right?!?

“I was hot. Anything else u want to criticize?!” the 33-year old wrote back to a follower who chose to reference Kramer’s outfit in a negative context for some reason.

Sadly, yes, there was a lot more that folks wanted to criticize.

In the same picture, Kramer and little Jolie are checking a nearby armadillo on the beach.

One Instagram user felt a need to warn Kramer that the animal “could cause leprosy,” which sent a few of her other followers into a panic. 

(It’s worth taking note here of the following: As of 2015, 95 percent of human beings are immune to the disease, although there are around 150 to 200 new cases a year in the United States.)

Kramer also came under fire for the second photo featured above.

In response to the singer daring to interact with a dolphin, fans called upon her to watch the 2013 documentary Blackfish, which centers on the consequences of keeping orcas in captivity.

While SeaWorld initially called Blackfish “inaccurate and misleading,” it later announced plans to end killer-whale shows at its San Diego theme park in November 2015.

One Instagram follower argued that dolphins “are meant to be wild in the sea and swim for miles a day,” while another fan explained how they were “stolen from their mothers as babies” and “forced” to behave in a docile manner.

Kramer posted the photo… then deleted it… and then posted it again.

She explain why as follows:

Okay you know what….I’m posting this picture again. I received a lot of criticism by posting this which ultimately made me take it down because no I don’t want to upset any of you.

But here’s the truth…I had an incredible day at @discoverycove and no I haven’t seen the movies yalls referenced but what I DID SEE was how amazing they treated these dolphins and I learned so much about each one, met the trainers, and I asked very specific questions as to how they were being taken care of.

Do I feel sad that they should be in the wild, sure, but they are being loved there and they are getting fed and quite frankly I’m not going to NOT post something because I’m at the zoo or wherever I go. I don’t preach politics or try to shove my beliefs on any of you.

I’m simply trying to be the best mom I can be and all I wanted was to take my daughter to a place where we could have fun and she could see this beautiful well taken care of creature up close and personal by some amazing and super kind trainers.

I will be back at @discoverycove…I will also take Jolie to Zoos, I will give her food that’s not orangic at times, I will feed her meat, whole milk, and I will have a few glasses of wine to myself at the end of the night.

If any of you have a problem with how I live my day to day then I’m sorry. I’m simply doing the best I can. I will not be able to please everyone of you. I do know my true fans will be there and from one mom to another we all know we are doing the best we can.

On a side note, seeing Jolie smile when she touched the dolphin by far made my day. Peace and love.

Sheesh, huh?

Can’t a woman go to a resort with her child in peace?

Or do you think Kramer deserved the online wrath she faced as a result of this trip and these photos?

The singer/actress gave birth to her daughter last year, and sounded pretty stoked about motherhood in a chat with People Magazine.

“I’ve never felt more beautiful than I do now because I’m Jolie’s mom,” she said awhile back. “She is the love of my life.”


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Jana Kramer Dedicates Emotional Dancing With The Stars Performance to Daughter Jolie

It hasn’t been easy ride for Jana Kramer.

The One Tree Hill star and country singer endured an abuse marriage in 2005.

Then in 2015, she thought she had married her soul mate, former NFL star Mike Caussin.

When it was revealed that Caussin had cheated on her, Kramer made the decision to leave him.

Now, Kramer is competing for the mirror ball trophy on this season of Dancing With The Stars, and she’s focused not only on winning, but on herself and her daughter, Jolie.

Last night, the theme was Most Memorable Year, and Kramer decide to select 2016, since Jolie was born on January 31st, 2016.

“This week, it’s most memorable year, and mine is 2016, because I had my baby girl,” Kramer said on last night’s episode.

“I feel like I’m the strongest I’ve been my entire life. She’s given me the strength I didn’t know I would have.”

Kramer touched on her first marriage to Michael Gambino, who went to jail for attempted murder.

“And I’ve been in bad situations where I’ve let people take that from me.

“Ten years ago, I was in an abusive relationship. It was the worst time of my life. He went to jail for attempted murder on me,” Kramer explained.

“It’s been a very heavy secret to hold for so many years. The situation ten years ago broke me. It took having Jolie to piece together every single broken part of me.”

Gambino was released in 2010, and two years later he committed suicide.

Kramer and partner Gleb Savchenko danced to Martina McBride’s “In My Daughter’s Eyes.”

Kramer even Facetimed McBride herself to share her song selection.

“I never want my daughter to ever go through the things I went through, or question that she’s not good enough, Kramer said.

“And I want my daughter to know that no man should ever put their hands on her. Because she’s beautiful.”
