Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Jessa Duggar: I Know Why Jana Is Still Single!

On last night’s episode of Counting On, the Duggars attempted to answer a question that’s very familiar to fans.

The mystery of why Jana Duggar is still single is a subject of near-constant discussion on social media, and yet it’s rarely discussed by the Duggars themselves.

At one point in the episode, a tree had to be moved from one of the Duggars’ many properties to one of the Duggars’ many other properties.

While the guys are hemming and hawing over how best to accomplish this feat, Jana takes control of the situation.

She hops in an excavator and moves the damn tree like it’s ain’t no thing.

Jana’s take-charge attitude and impressive ability to operate heavy machinery prompts Jessa to heap praise upon her sister.

“Jana is a ‘Jana of all trades,"” Jessa says.

“She can do anything. She can wire an outlet. She can run the big machinery. She can do it all.”

Jana accepts the compliment with her signature modesty.

“I enjoy doing a lot of different things, so I guess I could be a ‘Jack of all trades’ or a ‘Jana of all trades,’ Jana says.

“But there’s things I’m not good at. Sports is one of them.”

Jessa presses forward, speculating that Jessa’s talents might be too much for some potential suitors to handle.

“That may be why some of the guys are scared away,” Jessa says.

“They just feel like ‘This girl can do anything. What can I do? What can I do compared to that?"”

Jessa adds:

“Just kidding. Don’t let that deter you. She says it’s okay if a guy’s not as smart as her. Just come, and she might give you a chance.”

This isn’t the first time it’s been suggested that Jana is simply too good for the men she encounters living in Tontitown.

Is it possible that the men in her area are simply too insecure to date a woman who’s more skilled and knowledgeable in traditionally “manly” areas than they are?

If so, maybe it’s time for Jana to seek out greener pastures.

We’re sure Jim Bob would be opposed to the idea at first, but he could probably be talked into it.

For one thing, Jana moving to a big city in search of love would make for a great spin-off.

On top of that, it would distract from the rumors that she’s dating Laura DeMasie.

Explain it to JB like that, and we’re guessing he would suddenly think it’s a wonderful idea.
