Showing posts with label Abedini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abedini. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2017

Demi Lovato is a Lesbian Now and is Dating Lauren Abedini, Twitter Concludes

Back in 2015, Demi Lovato hinted strongly that she may be bisexual.

Asked in an interview whether references to having been with a woman (in THAT way!) on the track “Cool for the Summer” were autobiographical, Lovato replied as follows:

“I’m not confirming and I’m definitely not denying. All my songs are based off of personal experiences. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with experimentation at all.”

In other words: Yeah, Lovato has totally made out with a member of her own gender on at least one occasion.

No judgment of any kind here. Just educated speculation.

We bring this response up two years after it was uttered because Internet users are now wondering whether Lovato has a new love interest…

… and whether that love interest has boobs.

The artist was spotted Disneyland over the weekend holding hands with DJ/producer Lauren Abedini, as evidenced by the photo below:

demi hand hold

It was snapped by an onlooker who then shared the image on social media and referred to Abedini as Demi’s “possible” girlfriend via caption.

That was all it took for the rumor to make the viral rounds.

“Demi Lovato is the gay icon we deserve,” wrote another person with a connection to the World Wide Web, while another woman wrote the following online:

“Demi Lovato has a girlfriend….. I’m shook…. But I love it!!!!!”

Reaction to this possibility has many people quite excited, that’s for sure.

demi response

The singer, of course, dated Wilmer Valderrama for six years.

She then moved on to a UFC fighter named Guilherme “Bomba” Vasconcelos.

Both of those individuals are men. They have a penis.

But it’s not unprecedented for a famous female celebrity to dabble in her own sex, even after dating guys in her past.

Take Kristen Stewart, for instance. 

For many years, she was as known for banging Robert Pattinson as she was for starring in The Twilight Saga.

However, she recently compared heterosexuality to grilled cheese and has made the move to women. She’s in a serious relationship with Stella Maxwell.

If Lovato has chosen to go down the same bisexual path, good for her. We’re not about to judge.

We’re just going to wish her all the best and hope the star is happy with whomever she’s sleeping next to tonight.
