Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Kate Middleton: Jealous of Meghan Markle?

With the revelation that, in all likelihoods, Kate Middleton won’t take part in Meghan Markle’s wedding to Prince Harry in any special role, rumors are heating up that the Duchess is harboring some ill feelings towards her brother-in-law’s fiancee.

And Kate is reportedly straight-up jealous of this American actress who’s waltzing across the pond and into the royal family.

Is there more royal drama brewing?

Almost everyone was overjoyed when they heard that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle got engaged.

(Not, perhaps, the millions of women who grew up dreaming of marrying Prince Harry, though perhaps being grownups gave them the sense of perspective to be happy for the couple)

Though Meghan’s Suits costars are sad to see her go, they’re obviously happy for her.

And though the couple’s having to jump through a few more hoops — as Meghan Markle is divorced and also an American — Harry’s family has been overjoyed at the news.

But … is Kate Middleton sharing in her husband’s happiness for the newly engaged couple?

Or is she jealous of the “shiny, new royal,” and remembering how it’s been years since she made waves as a commoner marrying into the royal family?

Celebrity Insider recently wrote about Duchess Kate being resentful of being “pushed out of the spotlight” by Meghan Markle.

See it from her perspective, folks:

Back in September, the world learned that Kate Middleton was pregnant with baby number 3.

(Something that we’d already pieced together for you a few weeks earlier, based upon a number of very telling clues)

That’s welcome news, especially in the endless hellscape of 2017 where every day’s news brings fresh nightmares to haunt us all.

Even then, Meghan Markle — who was, officially, only dating Prince Harry at the time — kept her name in headlines, while people almost seemed to grow bored of the news of Kate’s pregnancy.

And keep in mind that Kate Middleton has particularly difficult pregnancies and morning sickness so bad that she sometimes requires hospitalization, so it’s not like this one’s easy just because it’s her third time at it.

(Yes, the morning sickness that one errant report claimed was cured by Meghan Markle’s home remedy, as if Meghan Markle is some kind of witch who can accomplish what the best doctors in the world cannot)

Celebrity Insider also points out that, though Kate is from a wealthy British family, Meghan Markle seems like such a natural in front of the cameras — for a very good reason:

“Kate was never trained to pose in front of cameras or speak before crowds in a way that can compare to the Suits actress.”

Kate Middleton is due in, what, March or April?

(Again, due dates are fickle things — a March due date can lead to an April baby. Sometimes, the reverse is true)

Well, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding date is in May.

Those are two big British royal family events, practically back-to-back.

Kate will, by this point, be a mother of three dealing with a newborn and two very young children and still recovering from childbirth.

Meghan Markle will be the blushing bride and newest member of the family, breaking barriers as a divorced American woman of color.

It’s clear that there is a lot of potential for resentment.

Ultimately, though, we think that this speculation might be putting words in the Duchess of Cambridge’s mouth.

(Or, at least, thoughts in her head)

There hasn’t been any actual indication that Kate Middleton feels that way.

In fact, Duchess Kate has expressed joy in public statements. Of course she’d be happy for Harry and Meghan!

And we’re talking about royals, not Kardashians — if anything, Kate is probably happy to catch a small break from tabloid gossip.

She might not really know Meghan Markle, but you don’t have to be joined-at-the-hip childhood friends with your brother-in-law’s fiancee to be happy that they’re getting married.

Speculation is fine, folks, but we shouldn’t let our imaginations run wild.
