Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tarek El Moussa: So Jealous of Christina"s New Boyfriend(s)!

Flip or Flop star Tarek El Moussa puts on a good front with his public statements, but he is reportedly super jealous of estranged wife.

Or the dude or dudes dating Christina, to be more accurate.

While we’re past the point of Tarek joking about raping her – or stories to that effect – there’s still bad blood between the HGTV stars.

The house-flipping tandem loves to state publicly that both really happy raising kids and working together, even if they’re not married.

Or, in the case of Tarek specifically, that he had been battling some very serious medical ailments years ago that he’s never disclosed.

Until now, for unknown reasons.

One can speculate, cynically but not implausibly, that every move they make is designed to distract fans from a less delightful reality.

Such as all those recent indications of Christina El Moussa dating a new man, and Tarek throwing jealous $ h!t-fits over it, for example.

Christina and Nate Thompson of the Anaheim Ducks (pictured above) have been an alleged item ever since she went to one of his games.

That was last week.

Granted, attending an NHL game in your own town/county does not mean you’re dating a player, and Christina’s rep denies that they are.

However, insiders insist that they are, and that Tarek – who was pissed at Christina dating Gary Anderson before – is move livid now.

“Tarek was mad about Gary because he knew the guy and he felt betrayed,” says a source of Christina’s dalliances with the contractor.

“If it turns out to be true,” however, “Tarek is even angrier about Nate” for the reverse reason, “because he has no connection to him.”

Then there’s this hilarious inside scoop:

“This hockey guy is much closer in age to Christina, so it would be something else Tarek would really have to make a major adjustment with.”

Tarek, for the record, is 35 years old.

Christina is 33; Nate is … wait for it:

He’s 32 years old! Cougar bait!!!!

Obviously, we have a hard time believing that plays into Tarek’s alleged reaction to the news, but we can see him as a jealous type.

This is, after all, the guy who stormed out of his house packing heat following a blowout fight that preceded the demise of their marriage.

The El Moussas both sought to downplay that incident, but clearly there are tensions between the couple on the verge of boiling over.

Parents of two small children, the El Moussas have pledged to put them first, but this kind of thing threatens their ability to live up to that.

Christina confirmed that her relationship with Gary Anderson – who witnessed the aforementioned Tarek meltdown – was over last month.

“Having a relationship is the farthest thing from my mind right now,” she said, after the split that followed the even-more public split. 

“It’s not even on my radar,” she added. 

If she’s telling the truth, that would make sense about focusing on work and family, and Tarek wouldn’t have anything to worry about.

Right? Or would he get jealous of the mere notion that Christina El Moussa’s revenge body might be held against someone else at any point?

Unclear. But she is looking good …
