Showing posts with label 'Demanding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Demanding. Show all posts

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Kareem Hunt Victim Goes Silent After Demanding Charges


require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Kareem Hunt Victim Goes Silent After Demanding Charges

Kareem Hunt Victim Goes Silent After Demanding Charges


require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Kareem Hunt Victim Goes Silent After Demanding Charges

Kareem Hunt Victim Goes Silent After Demanding Charges


require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Kareem Hunt Victim Goes Silent After Demanding Charges

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Bristol Palin: DONE With Teen Mom OG? Demanding Her Own Show?!

It"s only been two months since Bristol Palin joined the cast of Teen Mom: OG, but it seems the daughter of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin is already looking to move on from the show.

We suppose it shouldn"t come as a huge shock that Bristol doesn"t feel much in the way of loyalty toward her employers, given that her mother just up and quit being in charge of a whole ginormous state in the middle of a term.

It seems the apple really didn"t fall far from the tree in this case, and like her famous mom, Bristol believes she"s destined for TV mega-stardom.

Of course, it"s anyone"s guess as to why she thinks that, as thus far audiences have been as indifferent toward Bristol as they are toward Sarah.

The Palins seem to have a distorted view of just how fascinating the rest of the world finds them, and in Bristol"s case, that egomania is resulting in some intense conflicts with her Teen Mom bosses and co-stars …

1. Back In Action

Bristol palin meyer

After spending some time away from the spotlight, Bristol is returning to public life in a huge way — with a starring role on one of TV’s most popular reality shows.

2. Big Shoes to Fill

Farrah abraham hears but does not listen

When the time came to replace Farrah Abraham, TMOG producers reportedly felt pressured to do something big.

3. Times Have Changed

Teen mom og season 8 cast

The original girls (the OGs, if you will) were unknowns when the show started, but now they’re full-blown stars with millions of social media followers. Unless the new additions to the case existed on a similar plane of popularity, they would likely be viewed as disappointments.

4. All-Star Casting

Sarah and bristol palin photo

So it was that Morgan J. Freeman and company focused on two established talents — The Challenge star Cheyenne Floyd, and Bristol Palin, who was once the most famous teen mom in the country.

5. Big Bucks Bristol

Bristol palin on a hike

Production insiders say Bristol is already being paid more than any of her co-stars, and it looks as thought the investment is not paying off for producers.

6. A Little Late

Bristol palin legs

What the top brass at MTV failed to consider is that Bristol’s fame peaked ten years ago, a time when much of the current TMOG audience was in elementary school, and thus, generally indifferent toward matters of national politics.

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Thursday, May 10, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: Demanding Paternity Test from Jen Harley?

Did someone dare Ronnie Ortiz-Magro to get as messy as possible this month?

Because that"s what it"s starting to feel like.

If you keep up with all the latest comings and goings of the Jersey Shore crew, then you know that Ronnie has had quite a few issues with his girlfriend and the mother of his daughter, Jen Harley.

And if you weren"t aware — or even if you just want a nice little recap along with all the latest information — then let"s get right into it.

1. A Love Story

Ronnie ortiz magro and jen harley image

This is Ronnie with Jen Harley, a girl he dated for a few weeks before she got pregnant last year. We didn’t hear too much about their relationship for a long time, but now it feels safe to say that their relationship has probably never been a fairy tale.

2. Cutting It Close

Ronnie ortiz malika haqq

Seriously, Ronnie dated Malika Haqq until last July, and he got Jen pregnant about a month after that. It’s wild out there.

3. Awww?

Jen harley baby bump at 37 weeks

When we heard that they were expecting a child together, no one really thought much of it, besides “look, those crazy Jersey Shore kids are growing up!” But then Jersey Shore started airing again, and all the drama came to light.

4. Bad, Bad Ronnie

Ronnie ortiz magro parties

Even though Jen was defintely pregnant when they filmed the show, Ronnie went back to his old cheating ways. He took some girl to the bathroom, they did some stuff, then he kept drinking and started running his mouth to his roommates about Jen.

5. Trust

Ronnie is sad hammered

“I don’t trust her for shit. I don’t,” he admitted. “So all I can do is act happy and be the best father I can be, and at the end of the day, I’m still f-cking miserable. If Jen was not pregnant, I don’t know if I’d be with her.”

6. Not a Great Move

Ronnie magro girlfriend

It was dumb to talk about all of that on television, but he did, and soon after, his relationship with Jen exploded. But, oddly enough, it wasn’t because of what happened on the show. At least, not directly.

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Saturday, April 7, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson Divorce Details: What is She Demanding?

Let there be no further doubt and no further build-up about it:

Everything is all over for Kendra Wilkinson and Hank Baskett.

Well, maybe not EVERYthing, as the couple seems very dedicated to co-parenting their kids in the long run.

But definitely their marriage.

Following over a month of hype (there’s really no other way to say it), Wilkinson has finally filed the official papers to divorce Baskett, following nearly nine years of marriage.

We had a feeling this decision was coming back in late February after Kendra took the strange steps of clapping back against reports that her relationship was healthy.

She insisted at the time that she and Baskett had plenty of problems.

And she apparently was not lying.

According to TMZ, Kendra lists the date of her separation from Baskett as January 1, 2018.

The submitted papers cites “irreconcilable differences” as the basis for this split and Kendra is seeking joint legal and physical custody of their two kids.

(The stars share an eight-year old son and a three-year old daughter.)

Wilkinson and Baskett got married in June of 2009 at the Playboy Mansion, which is where Kendra lived when she rose to fame on E!’s The Girls Next Door.

Her ex-lover Hugh Hefner was in attendance at the ceremony.

The first few years of this union producer son Hank IV, along with many happy photos and memories.

But it all took a dark turn in 2014 after Baskett received a hand job from a transgender model named Ava London.

He confessed this act to Kendra and the couple worked to repair their romance – often in front of the cameras on Marriage Boot Camp or Kendra on Top – but the sexual transgression proved too much for the pair to overcome in the end.

Kendra has made that clear over the past two weeks or so.

The former centerfold has shared a number of emotional videos and messages on Instagram, culminating in a post on Friday that, quite simply, said it was her “last day” as Baskett’s wife.

But the post did not seem angry or bitter.

Wilkinson simply said she and her estranged husband had tried to overcome their obstacles… they simply failed.

“I will forever love Hank and be open but for now we have chosen to go our own ways,” wrote Wilkinson on her social media account, adding:

“I’m beyond sad and heartbroken because i did believe in forever, that’s why i said yes but unfortunately too much fear has gotten in the way.

“We are both amazing parents and our kids will be happy n never know the difference other than seeing mama smile. Sometimes love looks funny.”

How very true, right?

Baskett is yet to comment on the split, with an insider telling E! News that he isn’t “that type of guy.”

If we do hear from the former NFL wide receiver, it will likely be through his attorney.

We do not yet know if Hank will contest details in the divorce or if the couple had a prenuptial agreement.

We just hope they remain on friendly terms and remain dedicated to raising their kids in a healthy environment.

That’s the most important thing at this point.


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Britney Spears: PISSED at Kevin Federline For Demanding More Child Support!

Our younger readers may not be familiar with the velour track suit come to life that is Kevin Federline, so let us fill you in the saga of the ultimate baby daddy:

Federline married Britney Spears back in 2004, and she’s been paying for that mistake ever since.

While the marriage lasted only a couple years, Federline fathered two children with Spears, which means he’s pretty much hitched his wagon to her star for life.

(Or at least until little Sean and Jayden turn eighteen.)

And these days, K-Fed – as he was known in the dark days of the early ’00s – seems hell-bent on getting the most out of this arrangement.

It seems Federline wants more child support money from Spears, and sources say he’s willing to take her to court if he has to.

And according to US Weekly, Brit is downright fuming over her ex’s audacity:

“She’s angry Kevin is asking for more money because she pays for everything,” says an insider, who describes Britney and Kevin’s relationship as “strained.” 

“Those boys are her world. She is an amazing mother.”

Child support beefs amongst rich people are always a little hilarious since it’s not like anyone is struggling to pay for groceries here.

It’s more like Kevin takes the kids to Disneyland he just pays for admission, while Brit rents out the entire park and has it closed to the public so there are no lines for the rides.

There are numerous reasons why it’s tempting to side with Brit, not the least of which is that if it weren’t for her financial support, Kevin would probably be popping and locking on a street corner somewhere.

But it’s important to remember that their situation is more complex than that of most celebrity exes.

As you may recall, Brit has had her share of problems over the years.

The consequences of Spears’ 2007 meltdown are still a daily reality for the singer, who is still, in some ways, under the thumb of her father and financial advisor, Jamie Spears.

There were several times in the past decade when it would have been easy to fight for sole custody of the kids, but K-Fed mostly did right by his ex:

“Kevin has always allowed for very liberal visitation,” says the insider. “He has been supportive of her recovery.”

It may have been quite some time ago, but it’s something Brit should probably keep in mind if she plans to square off with Kevin in court.


Friday, February 9, 2018

Tyga: Demanding Paternity Test For Stormi Webster?!

On February 1, Kylie Jenner welcomed her first child, a girl named Stormi Webster.

Aside from rumors that Kylie was dumped by Travis Scott, it seems the 20-year-old’s first weeks as a new mom have been relatively drama-free.

Until now, that is.

You may recall that throughout Kylie’s pregnancy, her ex-boyfriend Tyga claimed that he was the father of her child.

The unfounded claim smacked of desperation to remain relevant, and fans breathed a sigh of relief when Tyga finally gave up.

Unfortunately, now that Stormi has entered the world, it seems the rapper has resumed his campaign to reenter the spotlight.

According to Hollywood Life, Tyga is under the impression that Stormi is a dead-ringer for King, his son with Blac Chyna.

And he’s set out to prove that Dream Kardashian’s not the only one to receive some DNA from that ill-fated relationship.

“Tyga has heard through the grapevine that Stormi looks a lot like his little son King when he was a newborn,” an insider tells the outlet.

“Tyga wants to see for himself. He’s trying to get a picture so he can get eyes on Kylie’s little girl and be the judge.”

Yes, apparently Tyga has entered the baby photo black market in hopes of convincing a judge that he has grounds for a legitimate paternity claim.

It seems Tyga’s attempt to re-enter the spotlight is being recognized for what it is – a last-ditch attempt to remain essential to the Kardashian-Jenner clan.

No doubt there are some members of his inner circle egging him on, but it seems an unexpected voice of reason has emerged and is currently trying to convince Tyga to stop being a pest.

A source tells Hollywood Life that the rapper has remained friends with Scott Disick, and Kourtney Kardashian’s ex is doing his best to talk Tyga out of going forward with his court case:

“Scott has been encouraging Tyga to get over it and move on from Kylie,” the insider claims.

“Tyga has been complaining to Scott about his unresolved feelings for Kylie.”

The source adds that Tyga is at least being somewhat upfront with Scott about his motives:

“Tyga feels like he belongs in the Kardashian family and he still wants a DNA test to determine paternity of the new baby, which might be his last chance at actually being in the family. But Scott is not having any of it.”

Yeah, T-Raww we all feel like we should belong to some fabulously wealthy family who will take care of us for the rest of our days.

Unfortunately, it rarely works out that way.

Solid effort, though!


Friday, September 22, 2017

Katie Holmes: DEMANDING That Tom Cruise See Suri?

Though he ranks among the most secretive stars in Hollywood, Tom Cruise has been unable to hide certain unsavory aspects of his private life from public view.

And we’re sure it won’t come as much of a surprise that many of the skeletons in Cruise’s closet are related – directly or otherwise – to his involvement with the Church of Scientology.

Cruise’s divorce from Katie Holmes is said to be a result of his devotion to a religion that’s widely considered to be a dangerous cult.

Scientology has strict rules about interactions with non-believers – deemed Suppressive Persons, or SPs – in the parlance of the faithful.

As a result, Cruise reportedly has little to no contact with Holmes, and sources close to the actor say he hasn’t seen daughter Suri in nearly four years.

Obviously, it’s upsetting to hear that any father hasn’t seen his 11-year-old daughter since she was just 7.

But it’s even more troubling when the father regularly demands 8-figure salaries and has the means to visit his youngest child at anytime.

Insiders say Suri has begun to come to terms with her father’s absence in her life.

But it seems Katie is less accepting of Tom’s decision to cut ties with their daughter.

Sources tell In Touch that Katie is currently doing everything in her power to reunite Tom and Suri, but thus far, her efforts have fallen flat.

“She truly wants Tom to be a part of Suri’s life,” says one insider.

It seems the reason for Katie’s desire to witness the reconciliation is quite simple:

“Tom is Suri’s father,” the source says, “and she wants them to have a relationship.”

Unfortunately, Katie’s pleas to Tom have apparently fallen on deaf ears.

“Nobody knows why he hasn’t spoken to her about Suri. It’s frustrating,” says the source.

There’s been no confirmation that Tom has cut ties with Suri in accordance with the wishes of Scientologist leaders, but those familiar with the situation say they can’t imagine any other reason that the actor would be so callous.

Fortunately, for young Suri, there’s a silver lining to the very dark cloud of her father’s absence.

Katie is dating Jamie Foxx these days, and sources say he’s eagerly filled the role of father figure to Suri.


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Kim Kardashian: Jealous of Kylie Jenner, Demanding KUWTK Pay Raise?!

Once upon a time, if you’d have asked us who the most popular member of the Kardashian family is, we’d look at you like you were dumb.

Because, obviously, Kim built that whole entire empire on her back.

(Literally, ha.)

But these days, that question would be a little tougher to answer.

While Kim is still incredibly famous, her sisters have been coming in hot for years now.

Khloe Kardashian has a solid fan base, as does Kendall Jenner with her modeling career.

Rob … well, people like to see what’s going on in his messy life, and there are plenty of Keeping Up with the Kardashians fans who respect Kourtney for being (mostly) natural at 38 years old.

And then there’s Kylie.

Someway, somehow, the littlest Jenner managed to work herself and her over-inflated lips into our hearts. Or at least into our gossip feeds.

These days, many, if not most, people are more likely to keep up with Kylie than Kim — she’s just fresher, and a little bit trashier.

She’s more fun.

And according to a new report from Radar Online, that cuts Kim like a knife.

A source claims that Kim recently threw a great big fit and “told Kris that she was spending way too much time on Kylie and her show and that she needed to snap out of it and focus on her.”

Sounds charming, right?

You haven’t heard the half of it yet.

“Kim told Kris that she deserved more money for the show after all of her drama, and the fact that her trying to have another baby was going to be a big story line too,” the source continues.

Yeah, Kim did bring a lot of drama last season, but last season the ratings were way, way down — so down that there was serious talk of canceling the show.

Still, she doesn’t care.

“Kim knows the ratings are down, but so what?” the source says.

“She is still the star of the show and if it was going to continue it had to be on her terms. Which meant more money for her and Kanye and her kids.”

According to this report, “None of her sisters got the raise Kim got,” and “Rob definitely did not.”

Even though Kourtney’s onging drama with Scott Disick was a big part of this season, as was Khloe’s various issues?

“Kim’s raise is just another big family fight, where everyone knows that Kris plays favorites with her and the rest of the kids just get pushed to the side.”

“It really causes a lot of hurt feelings,” the source concludes. “But Kim only cares about Kim.”

If Kim really is so jealous and selfish that she’s willing to cause so many issues in her family, then maybe she should also start caring about being a better human being?

Just a thought.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

DC Young Fly Sues Agent for Failing to Get Him Any Work, Still Demanding a Cut

DC Young Fly’s got a deadbeat agent who’s done nothing for his career, but keeps cashing in on his success … at least according to the rapper himself. The “Wild ‘n Out” star claims in a new suit … Archive Entertainment’s Bobby Patterson…
