Friday, September 22, 2017

Katie Holmes: DEMANDING That Tom Cruise See Suri?

Though he ranks among the most secretive stars in Hollywood, Tom Cruise has been unable to hide certain unsavory aspects of his private life from public view.

And we’re sure it won’t come as much of a surprise that many of the skeletons in Cruise’s closet are related – directly or otherwise – to his involvement with the Church of Scientology.

Cruise’s divorce from Katie Holmes is said to be a result of his devotion to a religion that’s widely considered to be a dangerous cult.

Scientology has strict rules about interactions with non-believers – deemed Suppressive Persons, or SPs – in the parlance of the faithful.

As a result, Cruise reportedly has little to no contact with Holmes, and sources close to the actor say he hasn’t seen daughter Suri in nearly four years.

Obviously, it’s upsetting to hear that any father hasn’t seen his 11-year-old daughter since she was just 7.

But it’s even more troubling when the father regularly demands 8-figure salaries and has the means to visit his youngest child at anytime.

Insiders say Suri has begun to come to terms with her father’s absence in her life.

But it seems Katie is less accepting of Tom’s decision to cut ties with their daughter.

Sources tell In Touch that Katie is currently doing everything in her power to reunite Tom and Suri, but thus far, her efforts have fallen flat.

“She truly wants Tom to be a part of Suri’s life,” says one insider.

It seems the reason for Katie’s desire to witness the reconciliation is quite simple:

“Tom is Suri’s father,” the source says, “and she wants them to have a relationship.”

Unfortunately, Katie’s pleas to Tom have apparently fallen on deaf ears.

“Nobody knows why he hasn’t spoken to her about Suri. It’s frustrating,” says the source.

There’s been no confirmation that Tom has cut ties with Suri in accordance with the wishes of Scientologist leaders, but those familiar with the situation say they can’t imagine any other reason that the actor would be so callous.

Fortunately, for young Suri, there’s a silver lining to the very dark cloud of her father’s absence.

Katie is dating Jamie Foxx these days, and sources say he’s eagerly filled the role of father figure to Suri.
