Showing posts with label Federline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Federline. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2018

Britney Spears Ordered to Pay Six Figures to Kevin Federline

Earlier this year, Kevin Federline demanded that Britney Spears give him more child support. He claims that as their two sons grow older, $ 20,000 per month is no longer enough.

Now, Britney has been ordered to pay out $ 110,000 to her ex.

And she could be on the hook to pay out much, much more.

Of the ordered payout$ 110,000, $ 100,000 will go to cover Federline’s legal expenses, including services and fees.

$ 10,000 will be given to Benchmark Resolution Group, court documents reveal.

All things considered, since Federline requested that she pay the costs that he was already anticipating — including $ 250,000 in attorney’s fees and $ 100,000 for forensic accounting, this could have been worse.

But this order isn’t a resolution to their ongoing disagreement about child support payments.

“We tried to see if we could voluntarily come to an agreement on what the increased number of child support would be,” Federline’s legal team tells E! 

“And,” the attorney laments. “In the process for doing that, [Britney’s team] came back with several conditions that were not acceptable.”

“As a result,” Federline’s attorney says. “Kevin had to file a formal request that the court determine what the appropriate amount for child support is.”

That’s generally how disputes about child support payments are settled.

“If the court decides that this should be a reasonable needs order,” Federline’s attorney shares. “Then we’re going to use expert testimony to establish what the reasonable needs are of the minor children.”

It should be very interesting to see an itemized list that will explain why two middle school aged boys with no special health issues are so expensive that they cost more than $ 20,000 per month.

“This was an initial contributive payment,” the attorney says of this $ 110,000 payment that the court ordered.

“If Britney and the conservators continue to fight tooth and nail about turning over any financial information,” Federline’s attorney threatens. “This will not be the last fee order they’re ordered to pay me on Kevin’s behalf.”

“It’s puzzling why they’re putting so much energy into fighting the disclosure of her finances,” Team Federline says. “But I’m not deterred.”

It sounds like Federline’s team is going ot look into what Britney spends on her sons, directly and indirectly, and argue that Kevin Federline should get that much.

Federline’s team is confident that they will get what they’re looking for.

“We will get there eventually,” Federline’s attorney says. “It’s just a question of how much they want to cost themselves creating speed bumps on the road to the ultimate destination.”

He sounds very sure of himself. But that’s kind of his job.

“The next few hearings,” he continues. “They will be reporting to a private settlement judge.”

Federline’s attorney concludes: “The private judge will help resolve any discovery issues to see whether or not he can get the parties to agree on some interim findings that would avoid all-out, hand-to-hand litigation combat.”

Obviously, no matter what arguments are made in court, no one should look at Sean Preston or Jayden as somehow demanding more cash. This is a dispute between their parents.

Similarly, it is Federline’s attorney’s sworn duty to try to squeeze every cent out of Britney that he can. He’s just doing his job.

Though many believe that he’s hoping for extra cash to support his multiple other children, Federline’s argument does make some sense.

We’re not sure how the boys getting older somehow costs more than $ 20,000 a month, especially since Federline does not have them all of the time.

But it is true that both Kevin Federline and Britney Spears are in different financial situations than they were about a decade ago, when the child support arrangements were made.

An updated child support arrangement could cost Britney major cash.


Monday, August 6, 2018

Britney Spears Says She Shouldn"t Have to Sit Down for Kevin Federline Deposition

Britney Spears’ legal team wants a judge to tell Kevin Federline he’s wasting his time asking to depose the singer … calling it unnecessary and possibly harmful to their kids. Attorneys for Britney’s conservatorship just filed new legal…


Britney Spears Says She Shouldn"t Have to Sit Down for Kevin Federline Deposition

Britney Spears’ legal team wants a judge to tell Kevin Federline he’s wasting his time asking to depose the singer … calling it unnecessary and possibly harmful to their kids. Attorneys for Britney’s conservatorship just filed new legal…


Britney Spears Explores Berlin with Sons During Kevin Federline Child Support Battle

Britney Spears doesn’t subscribe to the “More Money, More Problems” theory … or so it seems ‘cause she’s having a helluva time with her 2 sons in the midst of a child support battle with Kevin Federline. The singer and her 2 sons — Sean and…


Friday, August 3, 2018

Britney Spears and Kevin Federline Square Off in Court Over Child Support

Britney Spears’ legal team is about to square off with Kevin Federline’s in an L.A. court, and the central issue is going to be whether Kevin needs additional child support for the 2 kids he had with Britney or whether it’s because he’s trying to…


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Kevin Federline Wants $60,000 Per Month in Child Support from Britney Spears (LOL!)

It’s 2018 and Kevin Federline is still in the news.

We just felt a need to state that incredible fact prior to delving into the reason why Kevin Federline is in the news at this current moment.

In this case, Britney Spears strongly wishes her Z-Lister of an ex-husband were NOT making headlines, considering Federline’s attorney had gone on record with a seemingly outragerous demand.

He thinks the singer ought to pay his client more in child support.

Like, A LOT more in child support.

“We gave them ample time and opportunity to settle Kevin’s child support modification increase, and they came back with conditions that are not reasonable,” Federline’s divorce attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan, explains to Us Weekly.

He goes on to say that K. Fed tried to handle this legal matter in private, but is now going public to force Britney’s hand.

“It’s their position that they don’t have to turn over Britney’s financial information, including tax returns, which is required under the California family code.

“It’s not California celebrity code edition, she has to comply.”

(Hey, look, the President of the United States has never turned over his tax returns and…sorry, nevermind. Let’s not go there.)

“This is the choice they have made, and they will now have to deal with it,” Kaplan adds. “We are still open to try and settling this without judicial intervention.”

Federline first asked for a child support increase in February.

Not surprisingly, Spears was not happy to learn about it.

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, though, Federline earns “approximately $ 3,000 per month” as a DJ, which is reportedly less than one percent Spears’ annual income.

So… he wants his ex-wife to fork over more cash because she works harder and is more successful than he is?

That’s quite the argument to make.

Federline and Spears were married from 2004 to 2007.

They share sons Sean Preston, 12, and Jayden James, 11.

(Kevin also has a 15-year-old named Kori and a 13-year-old named Kaleb with ex-fiancée Shar Jackson. Oh, and a six-year-old named Jordan and a three-year-old namedPeyton with wife Victoria Prince.

Yes, Kevin Federline has SIX kids.)

With a straight face, he claims in these new documents that he is “simply less of a ‘name’ and less in demand than he was in 2008,” when the child support was determined.

We suppose this is technically true.

Federline is definitely less famous now than he was right after he split from Britney.

But, ummm… was he ever in demand?

“A court hearing will be set, and the parties will engage in financial discovery, which will enable guideline support payment that Kevin should receive,” Kaplan continued to Us Weekly.

“This won’t be difficult for us, Kevin is asking for the reasonable needs of the children to be met, which is at least three times the amount Kevin is currently getting.

“This is based on her earnings which have been publicly reported. We are also asking for attorney’s fees because it didn’t have to come to this.”

Here’s the kicker, by the way:

Federline currently gets $ 20,000 per month in child support.

So he’s saying that $ 20,000 per month in child support is not a “reasonable” amount of money with which he can meet the needs of he and Britney’s two sons.

He needs $ 60,000 per month instead, apparently, which prompts the obvious question:



Sunday, March 25, 2018

Kevin Federline Celebrates 40th Birthday at Vegas Strip Club

Kevin Federline took a break from his child support fight with Britney Spears to ring in his 40’s … at a Vegas strip club. K-Fed celebrated the big 4-0 at Crazy Horse 3 Gentlemen’s Club.  He and wife Victoria Prince had their own V.I.P. area…


Monday, March 19, 2018

Jamie Spears: Kevin Federline is a Broke Loser Who Wants Britney"s Fortune!

Last month, it was revealed that Britney’s ex Kevin Federline has asked for more child support. He is the father of both of her amazing sons.

While Britney treasures her children and would do anything for them, a lot of people are wondering how her current, substantial child support payments are falling short.

Which led to Britney’s father meeting with Kevin’s attorney and demanding to know why Kevin needs more cash.

Reportedly, Britney Spears is pissed that K-Fed is grubbing after more cash.

Really, anyone who’s ever had to pay a bill in their life has some questions about a guy who says that $ 20,000 a month isn’t enough to pay for two kids who only live with him sometimes.

Now, it turns out that someone else is mad about it — her dad.

Jamie (not to be confused with Jamie Lynn Spears, Britney’s sister) is Britney’s father, and he apparently sat down with Kevin’s attorney.

TMZ has details on how that meeting went down, and it does not sound like anybody left the room satisfied.

According to TMZ‘s report, the meeting was set up last week, when Jamie received a letter from K-Fed’s attorney, asking for a sit-down, face-to-face meeting to discuss Kevin’s request for more child support.

Jamie had apparently already been suspicious of why Kevin might “need” more child support money each month. So it’s probably safe to say that he was wary.

It seems that Kevin’s attorney told Jamie at this meeting that, since Jayden and Sean Preston are now 11 and 12 respectively, attending to their needs and wants during his time with them had grown more expensive.

(More than $ 10,000 per month each, apparently)

As you might imagine, Jamie then reportedly asked what exactly the boys needed but Kevin currently couldn’t afford to give them.

Kevin’s attorney apparently couldn’t answer, but told Jamie that Kevin wanted to be able to take care of the boys “at Britney’s level.”

(First of all, nobody is on Britney’s level, so jot that down)

Jamie replied that Britney hasn’t found that her tween sons are suddenly more expensive to look after, and that she’s taking care of them just as she always has.

So … Jamie wasn’t seeing what had really changed.

TMZ‘s sources say that this is when Kevin’s lawyer started singing Britney’s praises and listing her recent successes.

Britney’s Vegas residency has come to an end, and she made bank.

Jamie replied that he didn’t see how Britney’s success suddenly made her sons more expensive to support.

In fact, he didn’t see how that could have any bearing on child support payments. The couple divorced nearly 11 years ago.

Jamie, still suspicious of Kevin’s use of the funds, then pointed out that Britney is not responsible for supporting Kevin Federline’s other children or other families — because Sean Preston and Jayden have four half-siblings.

Besides, Britney paid K-Fed $ 1.3 million when they divorced and paid him spousal support for years. Normally spousal support is intended to help people whose careers were harmed or abandoned for marriage.

It’s difficult to argue that Kevin Federline’s fame or career was in any way worsened by his marriage to one of the most famous pop stars on the planet.

It’s clear from this report that Jamie seems to believe that K-Fed is funneling some of the child support money to unintended purposes, perhaps to himself or to his other children and other families.

And so Jamie apparently believes that any further money would also be misused.

It is possible, however, that Kevin wants to treat his sons, and that he feels increasingly inadequate in the face of their mother, one of the most talented and successful women that the world has ever seen or ever will see.

If it comes down to a court battle rather than a “quiet” settlement, it’s likely that Kevin will be asked to account for how that money is spent on his sons.

In turn, Kevin’s attorney will likely argue that Britney wasn’t actively touring in 2007, and that her newfound success means that the child support agreement should be revisited.

But … if Kevin can’t adequately explain how $ 20,000 a month for two pre-teens isn’t enough, he may find it challenging to be awarded what he wants.


Britney Spears, Kevin Federline is Making Child Support Money Grab

Britney Spears’ dad, Jamie, is super upset at Kevin Federline, who called him pleading for more child support when, in fact, all he wants is to jump on her gravy train. Sources connected to Britney tell TMZ, last Friday K-Fed called Jamie and…


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Britney Spears: PISSED at Kevin Federline For Demanding More Child Support!

Our younger readers may not be familiar with the velour track suit come to life that is Kevin Federline, so let us fill you in the saga of the ultimate baby daddy:

Federline married Britney Spears back in 2004, and she’s been paying for that mistake ever since.

While the marriage lasted only a couple years, Federline fathered two children with Spears, which means he’s pretty much hitched his wagon to her star for life.

(Or at least until little Sean and Jayden turn eighteen.)

And these days, K-Fed – as he was known in the dark days of the early ’00s – seems hell-bent on getting the most out of this arrangement.

It seems Federline wants more child support money from Spears, and sources say he’s willing to take her to court if he has to.

And according to US Weekly, Brit is downright fuming over her ex’s audacity:

“She’s angry Kevin is asking for more money because she pays for everything,” says an insider, who describes Britney and Kevin’s relationship as “strained.” 

“Those boys are her world. She is an amazing mother.”

Child support beefs amongst rich people are always a little hilarious since it’s not like anyone is struggling to pay for groceries here.

It’s more like Kevin takes the kids to Disneyland he just pays for admission, while Brit rents out the entire park and has it closed to the public so there are no lines for the rides.

There are numerous reasons why it’s tempting to side with Brit, not the least of which is that if it weren’t for her financial support, Kevin would probably be popping and locking on a street corner somewhere.

But it’s important to remember that their situation is more complex than that of most celebrity exes.

As you may recall, Brit has had her share of problems over the years.

The consequences of Spears’ 2007 meltdown are still a daily reality for the singer, who is still, in some ways, under the thumb of her father and financial advisor, Jamie Spears.

There were several times in the past decade when it would have been easy to fight for sole custody of the kids, but K-Fed mostly did right by his ex:

“Kevin has always allowed for very liberal visitation,” says the insider. “He has been supportive of her recovery.”

It may have been quite some time ago, but it’s something Brit should probably keep in mind if she plans to square off with Kevin in court.


Monday, February 26, 2018

Kevin Federline: Britney Spears Should Gimme More Child Support

Britney Spears has brought countless gifts in the world. While most of those are in the form of her music, she also gave birth to her sons, Sean Preston Federline and Jayden James Federline.

And while their mother is one of the most famous and talented people on the planet, at the moment, it’s their father who’s making waves.

According to this report, Kevin Federline is attempting to get more child support money out of Britney.

Britney Spears is an absolute legend who walks among us.

While we can all take a moment each day to be thankful that, of all of the years of human history, we were lucky enough to live in the same time period as Britney Spears, the vast majority were not actually married to her.

But Kevin Federline was, from 2004 until 2007.

Though their union was clearly not meant to last, they’ll forever be linked by their precious sons — Sean Preston and Jayden James.

And, of course, by the accompanying child support payments.

As one can imagine, it’s Britney who pays Kevin and not the other way around.

Apparently, she currently sends baby daddy Kevin $ 20,000 per month for child-support.

For normal people, that’s a huge amount of money. Even if Sean Preston and Jayden spent every single day with their father, and they do not, it’s unlikely that the two of them would be costing $ 666 dollars every single day.

(Of course, for celebrities, there are concerns like security and often private schools and transportation, so we can see how the added expenses add up … even to nearly a quarter of a million dollars per year)

However, that payout was determined a decade ago, when the couple split. At the time, Britney was dealing with personal mental health issues and wasn’t really performing full-time.

Compare that and how her finances must have looked to now, when she just finished her Vegas residency and is about to go on tour.

And now a report from The Blast claims that Kevin Federline is requesting more money in the form of child support.

Apparently, an attorney acting on Kevin’s behalf filed papers to that effect.

Though there’s no actual mention of how much money he’s looking for, he wants, well, more.

In part, people may assume that this is a money-grab.

At the same time, child support is determined in part, not just by how much time the children spend with each parent, but also based upon a percentage of the parent’s income.

Considering that Britney reportedly made something in the neighborhood of $ 15 million per year during her Vegas residency (and nearly twice what she pays Kevin Federline annually at each individual show), some would say that Kevin Federline is due for an upgrade.

Apparently, he’s not looking for a nasty public battle or even a drawn out one.

And it’s possible that, if his requests are reasonable, he’ll get what he’s asking for.

Britney Spears famously adores her sons.

Years ago, she knew that she didn’t want to repeat the mistakes that her own parents made, and resolved to be the best possible mother to her boys.

(She took match classes herself so that she could help her sons with their homework — most parents would have just hired a tutor for the boys)

Britney is a woman with one of the most powerful social media platforms on the planet.

Do you know what she uses it for? Often, to praise her sons. Recently, she’s been showcasing their Dragon Ball Z art and praising their technique.

(They’re genuinely skilled young artists who are really getting the hang of things like perspective)

It wouldn’t be surprising if Kevin Federline gets what he’s asking for, largely because it could mean that her sons can live in more opulence when they’re spending time with their father.

But we’ll see how all of this pans out. There could be a lot going on that isn’t public knowledge.

