Monday, March 19, 2018

Jamie Spears: Kevin Federline is a Broke Loser Who Wants Britney"s Fortune!

Last month, it was revealed that Britney’s ex Kevin Federline has asked for more child support. He is the father of both of her amazing sons.

While Britney treasures her children and would do anything for them, a lot of people are wondering how her current, substantial child support payments are falling short.

Which led to Britney’s father meeting with Kevin’s attorney and demanding to know why Kevin needs more cash.

Reportedly, Britney Spears is pissed that K-Fed is grubbing after more cash.

Really, anyone who’s ever had to pay a bill in their life has some questions about a guy who says that $ 20,000 a month isn’t enough to pay for two kids who only live with him sometimes.

Now, it turns out that someone else is mad about it — her dad.

Jamie (not to be confused with Jamie Lynn Spears, Britney’s sister) is Britney’s father, and he apparently sat down with Kevin’s attorney.

TMZ has details on how that meeting went down, and it does not sound like anybody left the room satisfied.

According to TMZ‘s report, the meeting was set up last week, when Jamie received a letter from K-Fed’s attorney, asking for a sit-down, face-to-face meeting to discuss Kevin’s request for more child support.

Jamie had apparently already been suspicious of why Kevin might “need” more child support money each month. So it’s probably safe to say that he was wary.

It seems that Kevin’s attorney told Jamie at this meeting that, since Jayden and Sean Preston are now 11 and 12 respectively, attending to their needs and wants during his time with them had grown more expensive.

(More than $ 10,000 per month each, apparently)

As you might imagine, Jamie then reportedly asked what exactly the boys needed but Kevin currently couldn’t afford to give them.

Kevin’s attorney apparently couldn’t answer, but told Jamie that Kevin wanted to be able to take care of the boys “at Britney’s level.”

(First of all, nobody is on Britney’s level, so jot that down)

Jamie replied that Britney hasn’t found that her tween sons are suddenly more expensive to look after, and that she’s taking care of them just as she always has.

So … Jamie wasn’t seeing what had really changed.

TMZ‘s sources say that this is when Kevin’s lawyer started singing Britney’s praises and listing her recent successes.

Britney’s Vegas residency has come to an end, and she made bank.

Jamie replied that he didn’t see how Britney’s success suddenly made her sons more expensive to support.

In fact, he didn’t see how that could have any bearing on child support payments. The couple divorced nearly 11 years ago.

Jamie, still suspicious of Kevin’s use of the funds, then pointed out that Britney is not responsible for supporting Kevin Federline’s other children or other families — because Sean Preston and Jayden have four half-siblings.

Besides, Britney paid K-Fed $ 1.3 million when they divorced and paid him spousal support for years. Normally spousal support is intended to help people whose careers were harmed or abandoned for marriage.

It’s difficult to argue that Kevin Federline’s fame or career was in any way worsened by his marriage to one of the most famous pop stars on the planet.

It’s clear from this report that Jamie seems to believe that K-Fed is funneling some of the child support money to unintended purposes, perhaps to himself or to his other children and other families.

And so Jamie apparently believes that any further money would also be misused.

It is possible, however, that Kevin wants to treat his sons, and that he feels increasingly inadequate in the face of their mother, one of the most talented and successful women that the world has ever seen or ever will see.

If it comes down to a court battle rather than a “quiet” settlement, it’s likely that Kevin will be asked to account for how that money is spent on his sons.

In turn, Kevin’s attorney will likely argue that Britney wasn’t actively touring in 2007, and that her newfound success means that the child support agreement should be revisited.

But … if Kevin can’t adequately explain how $ 20,000 a month for two pre-teens isn’t enough, he may find it challenging to be awarded what he wants.
